Akmuq- end of lap 3 incident causing engine damage to IndianWolf. -5 points.
Artmannn- gave cowboys and fraiser engine damage on the pace lap. Also gave fraiser engine damage on lap 34 (lap 35 for the leaders). -9 points
Neljack- gave IndianWolf engine damage on lap 32/33 restart. -5 points
FastFox- hits Knelly into ADR, giving both of them engine damage. Also gave gokartman engine damage when the field slowed for what would have been the lap 35/36 restart. -7 points.
Cowboys- Restarts and the lap before the restarts. Would drop far behind on the final caution lap and then get a massive run to pass cars as they were given the green. From his car, they happened at the end of laps 3, 31, 35, and 38. On 2 occasions he did this despite another car being beind him for the restart, and had attempts at his starts aborted to to delayed restarts on laps 33 and 34. The incident where the field slowed down before an attempted restart on lap 35 (34 from his car) was to let him catch up to the pack before the restart (Which wouldn't have happened since he was hanging back for each restart). -13 points.
*Cowboys penalty subject to change, final confirmation needed. Just though I'd get the rest out ASAP. Tables coming later.