- 2,022
- Denmark
- bombe32
In this world, there exist no good pictures of me, so Ill leave that out 
Name: Patrick R.
Age: 18
From: Randers, Denmark I dont expect you to know where that is
Lives in: Odense, Denmark
School: Tietgen Business College
Major: (I have no idea what this is, I'm not from an English speaking country).
Work / Job: Studying
Favorite Motor Sport / Why?: If I can find a German channel, DTM is the favorite. Otherwise theres always F1, but it has become pretty boring these last years, IMO, not enough action.
Favorite Racing Team & / or Driver: No real favorites, but Im not supporting McLaren in the F1 championship. Favorite racing drivers are of course our Le Mans Danes, Tom Kristensen and Jan Magnussen.
Real driving / racing history: Let me get a license first
Hobbies besides GT5?: Running (or do you call it jogging? Its not that Im too slow though) and doing my homework, not my favorite hobby though, but it has to be done. Drinking is also a fun activity on Fridays
Fact about you: I am the only one of us in the series who can say these letters: Æ (ae), Ø (oe), Å (aa), just to prove I'm Danish
Car history: None so far, just started taking a drivers license (takes about 3 months).
How you play GT5: With a DS3, unfortunately. I have got a G25 wheel, but nowhere to mount it. No picture, sorry.
Website: Tell me if you come across any about me, lol
Name: Patrick R.
Age: 18
From: Randers, Denmark I dont expect you to know where that is
Lives in: Odense, Denmark
School: Tietgen Business College
Major: (I have no idea what this is, I'm not from an English speaking country).
Work / Job: Studying
Favorite Motor Sport / Why?: If I can find a German channel, DTM is the favorite. Otherwise theres always F1, but it has become pretty boring these last years, IMO, not enough action.
Favorite Racing Team & / or Driver: No real favorites, but Im not supporting McLaren in the F1 championship. Favorite racing drivers are of course our Le Mans Danes, Tom Kristensen and Jan Magnussen.
Real driving / racing history: Let me get a license first
Hobbies besides GT5?: Running (or do you call it jogging? Its not that Im too slow though) and doing my homework, not my favorite hobby though, but it has to be done. Drinking is also a fun activity on Fridays
Fact about you: I am the only one of us in the series who can say these letters: Æ (ae), Ø (oe), Å (aa), just to prove I'm Danish
Car history: None so far, just started taking a drivers license (takes about 3 months).
How you play GT5: With a DS3, unfortunately. I have got a G25 wheel, but nowhere to mount it. No picture, sorry.
Website: Tell me if you come across any about me, lol