++++++ GTP Le Mans Prototype Championship - Season 2 - Complete !! ++++++

  • Thread starter bermudakid
In this world, there exist no good pictures of me, so I’ll leave that out ;)

Name: Patrick R.
Age: 18
From: Randers, Denmark – I don’t expect you to know where that is ;)
Lives in: Odense, Denmark
School: Tietgen Business College
Major: (I have no idea what this is, I'm not from an English speaking country).
Work / Job: Studying
Favorite Motor Sport / Why?: If I can find a German channel, DTM is the favorite. Otherwise there’s always F1, but it has become pretty boring these last years, IMO, not enough action.
Favorite Racing Team & / or Driver: No real favorites, but I’m not supporting McLaren in the F1 championship. Favorite racing drivers are of course our Le Mans Danes, Tom Kristensen and Jan Magnussen.
Real driving / racing history: Let me get a license first ;)
Hobbies besides GT5?: Running (or do you call it jogging? It’s not that I’m too slow though) and doing my homework, not my favorite hobby though, but it has to be done. Drinking is also a fun activity on Fridays :D
Fact about you: I am the only one of us in the series who can say these letters: Æ (ae), Ø (oe), Å (aa), just to prove I'm Danish ;)
Car history: None so far, just started taking a driver’s license (takes about 3 months).
How you play GT5: With a DS3, unfortunately. I have got a G25 wheel, but nowhere to mount it. No picture, sorry.
Website: Tell me if you come across any about me, lol ;)
btw tonight i have things i need to do. i will be at the race, i just wont be on till about 1845 GMT. latest ill be on is about 1905 GMT but i most likely will be on for the scheduled start time. so basically im just saying ill be cutting it fine so if im not on too soon you know why lol. but i will be on.
Name: A D Nash
Age: 27 [old man of the group]
From: Crewe [Bentley country] UK
Work / Job: Ex RAF Regt [med discharge due to knee problems], now Motor Trade
Favorite Motor Sport / Why?: Grp A touring cars, more power than grip.
Favorite Racing Team & / or Driver: Colin McRae, and for Team it would be Bentley Racing
Real driving / racing history: Mostly just trackdays.
Hobbies besides GT5?: Golf, Motorsport, Car restoration
Car history: A4, Integra Type R, 220GSi Turbo, Golf GTi, 3 Sierra cosworths one of which i still have, Civic Type R everyday car.
less than 3 hours to race time boys ! ! !

im online doing so practicing now and watching the F1 off my DVR
Is driving line going to be off for this race, by the way?

It gives those who use it an unfair advantage at la Sarthe in the night. Without a driving line, the apexes are a lot harder to see and you have to choose your entry line from memory for a couple of the trickier curves.
Hopefully all the guests or those hoping to fill in will wait for the regulars to join. I have a feeling it will be crowded with some spectators around as well.
Kinda sad I wasn't able to practice today. Lost the TV to my siblings. I'll get it at 2 though.

I feel odd being the youngest (As far as I know) here. Nor old enough to drive... All of you are much older. :grumpy:
Race report

After numerous technical difficulties, I had to start the Peugeot 908 at the back of the grid in 16th, after missing the qualifying race. There was chaos as the rain tempted about a third of the field to throw rain tires on and then it decided not to continue.

I had to scramble during the first two laps to get into some open road and moved up to 4th after making some passes on drivers who I thought had a better pace than I did. I lost ground to Razor (Ayrton also rocketed past) as the field thinned out, and eventually I ended up pitting on lap 7 with tires really going off and laptimes fives seconds down on pace.

When night fell over Circuit de la Sarthe and it stayed dry, the tires remained nice and sticky and tire wear was minimal, I suppose due to cooler nighttime temperatures. I had a great run in 6th place as I chased Jammer's tail lights in the distance through the dark, sometimes gaining half a second, sometimes losing half a second. I seemed to be the only car on track in my own little bubble, with no traffic and no opponents for miles around me. It was pure racing bliss in the dark, just me and the unforgiving road.

I made my last planned pit stop on lap 15 as the sun was finished rising, and thinking I could take a bite out of Jammer's advantage for the last stint, put about 5 litres too little fuel in my car. I held out to the end of lap 17 and had to dive into the pits for a few precious litres of fuel to get me to the end.

I had a big gap built up to 7th place Tissimo and left my splash and go with one lap to go and a lead of about 2 seconds on him. Crunch time. I managed to stay consistant on the last lap, kept some distance between us, and put the car in Parc Fermé in 6th.

I would have loved a Top 5 to end the season, but I moved up 10 places from my grid spot and it was a great race against the track.
La Sarthe results:

1 bombe32
2 Jakegirard
3 Razor70
5 Jamman48
6 Mikethehockeyfan
7 Tissimo
8 Nashy_027
9 Golfer199
10 GTP_Mike46an2
11 ALLinWitJT
12 Daibaspeed
13 BermudaKID
14 MU675 (DNF)
15 Jav (DNF)

Great race, very close finish at the top, especially 2nd and 3rd. And then MC Cauley running out of fuel. No rain but at the pace lap.. well, better luck next time - no rain races this season.
Race report

After numerous technical difficulties, I had to start the Peugeot 908 at the back of the grid in 16th, after missing the qualifying race. There was chaos as the rain tempted about a third of the field to throw rain tires on and then it decided not to continue.

I had to scramble during the first two laps to get into some open road and moved up to 4th after making some passes on drivers who I thought had a better pace than I did. I lost ground to Razor (Ayrton also rocketed past) as the field thinned out, and eventually I ended up pitting on lap 7 with tires really going off and laptimes fives seconds down on pace.

When night fell over Circuit de la Sarthe and it stayed dry, the tires remained nice and sticky and tire wear was minimal, I suppose due to cooler nighttime temperatures. I had a great run in 6th place as I chased Jammer's tail lights in the distance through the dark, sometimes gaining half a second, sometimes losing half a second. I seemed to be the only car on track in my own little bubble, with no traffic and no opponents for miles around me. It was pure racing bliss in the dark, just me and the unforgiving road.

I made my last planned pit stop on lap 15 as the sun was finished rising, and thinking I could take a bite out of Jammer's advantage for the last stint, put about 5 litres too little fuel in my car. I held out to the end of lap 17 and had to dive into the pits for a few precious litres of fuel to get me to the end.

I had a big gap built up to 7th place Tissimo and left my splash and go with one lap to go and a lead of about 2 seconds on him. Crunch time. I managed to stay consistant on the last lap, kept some distance between us, and put the car in Parc Fermé in 6th.

I would have loved a Top 5 to end the season, but I moved up 10 places from my grid spot and it was a great race against the track.

Yeh the reason I was going so slow was cause I was saving tyres as I was on a 1 stop strategy after I accidentally put to much fuel in the car at my stop. It cost me loads of time and thought instead of stopping again as I had enough fuel to finish the race, I might as well try and grind the tyres to the end. I was working very hard to keep them fresh. If I put the right amount in and stuck to my 2 stop strategy I reckon I could possible had a podium but hey. Stuff happens. I knew you were doing two stops so I wasn't too worried about you catching up. Just worried about the tyres lol.

My race as a whole was much like yours. I was on my own all race. Lap 0-9 I was in third on my own and lap 10-18 i was fifth on my own. Had a brief fight with AYRTONSCHUMACHER but he immediately left me behind. So it was really just a race of saving tyres and keeping concentration. I guess a nice, calm way to finish off the season. As i said earlier if I hadn't screwed up my strategy I could have had 3rd but nonetheless at least i finished the race with no connection issues and 5th Is still a very decent result. Can't wait for season 3
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I had to leave, sorry guys. I was on rain tyres at the start and stupidly chose not to change to slicks when AYRTONSCHUMACHER came in. So I had to do a whole lap and went off nearly everywhere. That was my whole stategy ruined and the highest I got to was 10th.
Bombe has brought honor to Denmark. He is our LMP Group C champion for Season 2.

Anyway, in motor racing the day after the last race just means all focus shifts to the next season, where as it was only partial before. Would it be possible if two things:
-Thundersport become Team Peugeot Total (We did beat them)
-Weight minimum is changed to 930kg. Heavy car, slower corners, less tyre wear. So the theory states. It also means that the 908 and R10 are not 100kg heavier than opponents.

Oh and by the way, if you make the R10 competitive due to the regulations then sign me up in that. But i'll see first.
Started off with Rain tires and it cost me big time. Then got disconnected during race. Hate having connection issues.
I had to leave, sorry guys. I was on rain tyres at the start and stupidly chose not to change to slicks when AYRTONSCHUMACHER came in. So I had to do a whole lap and went off nearly everywhere. That was my whole stategy ruined and the highest I got to was 10th.

Unlucky. If you were up there we could have challenged for 3rd possibly on the team championship. I got some decent points though which I think puts us above the other GT one team but not the pegeouts.
Unlucky. If you were up there we could have challenged for 3rd possibly on the team championship. I got some decent points though which I think puts us above the other GT one team but not the pegeouts.

Well done for your result. I will learn from my mistake. Hopefully next season will be better as it will be my first full season too. Perhaps using a car which is more suited to my driving style.
So, even though I won the championship, there's no doubt that AS was the fastest of us, especially shown at Daytona where he lapped everyone. Just did the maths, and if he had won at Monza he would have taken the championship by 7 points. However, if he had screwed up one way or the other, I would have won by 3 points, race could have tipped both ways at that point still.

Already looking forward to season 3, and now the search for my new car begins. Will it be the C9 Sauber, 787B, C60 Courage or the C60 Hybride? That's the big question. Great racing guys ;)

About the R10: I think it's too complicated to make it competitive, as a LOT of testing should be made with EVERY other car available and they should ALL be limited a lot. Might as well enter the McLaren F1 and R390 GT1 if the R10 was in, and that ain't right ;)

Two possible scenarios about the R8: Banned or weight ballast. Weight ballast would be a good idea, actually, 50-100 kg should do the trick, but we'll have to see.

I'll open a bottle of champagne now :D
The R8 is 900kg, 930 wouldn't be enough. And 930kg would also mean that the Peugeot 905 is useless, as it's much lighter than all the others, but still slower. It's a very, very good car though, just lacks speed a bit, meaning it's too slow on La Sarthe.
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Yeh I think the season 3 thread should be made ASAP by BK. Once again I will be spending another season in my GT one. Just need a teammate. Willing to go with anyone so anyone using the GT one next season (possibly AllinWitJT?. Don't know if any others are using it) just let me know if you'd like to be teamates and it's a deal lol :D
Congrats to Bombe and Audi . I'm not at home so I don't know how the rest of the points fall atm. I left I was so pissed about what happened in my race.

Next season then.
I'm thinking of having a race day on a weekday and a weekend for s3 and s4