GTP ORB Vintage Sports Car Series | Next Race Thursday @ 9pm

  • Thread starter JLawrence
The best tune is always the driver

If that's the case then there's no hope for

I think I need a general understanding of what making the gears shorter really means. I honestly think I might have been going in the right direction last night but maybe I didn't take it far enough. I just don't know enough about transmission tuning to really make any gains with it.
I will be on for a little bit this evening if you can make it, I'll try to do some quick BMW tutoring ;)
And I will do my best to explain tuning as well.
I will be on for a little bit this evening if you can make it, I'll try to do some quick BMW tutoring ;)
And I will do my best to explain tuning as well.

Jlaw your right about having a good tune, its just my opionion about tuing the driver. its just my style to spend more time getting the right line/apex.
what works amazing for 1 person can be aboslutly wrong for someone else.
I've saved replays of practice races if I'm not getting competitive lap times. Watched the fast guys' apex's and braking speeds/zones. Just basic stuff but there's always something to learn.

Here's a video from the Mitty this year, which showcases many of the vehicles at the races I run, though there aren't near as many generally speaking.

A good majority of this was filmed at a couple races I was attending. Notice Brian Johnson there, I wasn't bull****ting at all about meeting him ;)
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Little late Landon ;)
You've missed the first race, but if that doesn't bother you I can write you in.

Was uploading the Grand Valley video got to 98% after two friggin hours (thankyou ghetto connection) then shorted out. I may or may not decide to re do it.

I didn't see this post a little while ago :0...
Yeah, write me in. I'm willing to race anyways. :)
I added you on PSN and on the driver list. You're good.

BTW, you better get some practice runs in, the lead guys are awful fast, be shooting for low 2:07's on Monza for race two.
I added you on PSN and on the driver list. You're good.

BTW, you better get some practice runs in, the lead guys are awful fast, be shooting for low 2:07's on Monza for race two.

Definately faster than me.

It's the first time I've drove my Z28. And it's been a week since I've been online...(grounded for stupid crap)...So i have to get used to the feel of my wheel again.
Are driving assists allowed? I know they didn't make much difference with my Z28.
Thanks for adding me to the list!
TCS is the only thing I allow, but I feel that it is awful counter productive, and only good for assuring you win in a seasonal. It seems to slow me down more than help me.

Remember, the Z28 is allowed to be prepared a 450pp, and if you need help with it, either I, or one of the guys who is actually running it could give you a hand if you catch us in a lobby.
im looking at joining this but i have no idea if there are more car allowed that are on the list or it that it as looking at talking some cars that dont appear in the approved cars have been talked about once i know ill go through all the cars i have on the list and choose one 👍
also all the PP limits do you max it then limit power and add weight or is there a set of parts to put on?
I wish you guys woulda joined when before the first race.. But, glad to fill the slots regardless.

If there is another pre80s car you would like to run and it's not on the list let me know and we can do a little testing to see if it's competitive. Everything I included I know is or can be competitive at it's given level.

As for preparing a car, you can basically go about it however you like aside from adding aero parts to it. I generally set it to be about 5 or 6 pp over the limit with weight reduction then use ballast to set my weight distribution at the specified limit
sorry never knew this series existed until today :sly: (im in college at the moment will test soon around 5pm BST i should be able to tell you what car i want) i have a few i like already like the Jag E type and a few others on the list ill check back after ive choosen 👍
It's cool dude. We're a casual bunch just in it for the fun and the chance to win a beautiful Fiat 500R :P
Monza always seems to start arguments if everyone isn't clear on the rules before race day. During practice runs I've just been making sure at least two tires are contacting dark grey road surface at all times. Is that the way everyone else see's it?
That is how it is going to be. I can give a little leeway on the first chicane because I know for me that is the hardest to keep on the proper track, but if you consistently are cutting there I will deduct 20 seconds from your finish time and however many positions that causes you. Same goes for every chicane, and for punting/stupid driving.

Also, for you guys into American muscle, check out this picture by Big Ron
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Very good question Mudd.
Very good answer JL.

This track is one of those tracks I never do well at because of this. And I tend to end up in the sand more times then I care to admit to.

Nice photo by the way.
be shooting for low 2:07's on Monza for race two.

Just when I though I was getting somewhere with tuning this thing you tell me I'm 5 seconds off pace. Well I guess it's back to work.
Great to see this ORB Championship rolling along very nicely. Jay, if you need any help, just give me a call. I'll also give you support by showing up at these races, whenever I can, which should be always.

Good job ;)
Would you like for me to write you into the roster, or should I just expect you to occasionally pop in?

There is officially one spot left. Anything else would be listed as a reserve, or maybe a splitting into two groups?
Just when I though I was getting somewhere with tuning this thing you tell me I'm 5 seconds off pace. Well I guess it's back to work.

Jay, don't get too discouraged by the hot-lap practice times. These cars act alot differently when there's traffic around them, plus, if you don't have the strait away speed when your by yourself, you certainly will be faster with someone to draft off of at this track.
Also, I found with the BMW (and with most of these cars) that if you lighten them more than necessary then put the weight back on to even distribution it is a huge help in handling, and a transmission set up will do wonders for you.
Also, I found with the BMW (and with most of these cars) that if you lighten them more than necessary then put the weight back on to even distribution it is a huge help in handling, and a transmission set up will do wonders for you.


This is exactly what I do. If possible, I'll actually shift more weight aft. 48-52. But adding too much weight becomes counterproductive. Location of the weight also affects pp value slightly.
Completely agree, I've only just started using the ballast system for better distribution, but I'm finding huge benefits from it. Funny though, by experimenting with it I've found that most of my cars respond better with slight foward ballast (52/48 ) rather then the reward that Skel prefers. That's probably the difference between using a wheel with gas/brake pedals vs. using a controller.
Jay, don't get too discouraged by the hot-lap practice times. These cars act alot differently when there's traffic around them, plus, if you don't have the strait away speed when your by yourself, you certainly will be faster with someone to draft off of at this track.

I'm not discouraged. I'm actually glad I was making gains with it. When I first started I was running 14s so to get down to 12s and do it consistantly is great to me. I did play around with weight a little but didn't seem to help. I'm just no good at this tuning stuff but I'm researching and learning. I'm all the way lightened up now so how much weight should I add?
I try not to add more then 50 to 75 kg, but it depends on how much PP you wanna free up for horsepower. I always add my ballast and adjust distribution balance BEFORE I set my springs and dampers, it helps to give the car a balanced feel.