GTP vs. Wham - Last Year's Thread

  • Thread starter Daniel
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Almost got taken out. Thanks (you know who you are)
That's a good point actually, surely people who live in nations where English is not the first language have a nice advantage.......

THEre is no advantage unless you're in Taliban occupied Afghanistan.

Few years back I got Whammed! While in the ass end of nowhere, a town with a population in the hundreds and only a small line of shops, in China. That was when I realised there was no escaping.
You'll be surprised. I recall one member having heard the song in a remote village somewhere in Central Asia. :lol:

That was him:

Few years back I got Whammed! While in the ass end of nowhere, a town with a population in the hundreds and only a small line of shops, in China. That was when I realised there was no escaping.

Anywhere there are people there be whamylococcus.
Especially if there are shops. Or washrooms.
1. See thread at GTP, yesterday...but didn't find time to post.
2. Realize I need to do some shopping.
3. Get Whammed anyway.
4. Well, I'm out before I began.

Three years, no problem. Held out well last year, until XM hit me. Made it unofficially two hours this year.

Don't know if it counts, but I'm out because the song sucks.
1. See thread at GTP, yesterday...but didn't find time to post.
2. Realize I need to do some shopping.
3. Get Whammed anyway.
4. Well, I'm out before I began.

Three years, no problem. Held out well last year, until XM hit me. Made it unofficially two hours this year.

Don't know if it counts, but I'm out because the song sucks.

Denied joining the fun by Wham itself...that is all sorts of wrong there. :scared:
Waiting a little bit. Don't want to start too early.
From what it appears to be, it doesn't matter when you actually sign up. If you get whammed. You got whammed!
That's not how it works lol

You must be new here.
Yeah it is. I didn't officially play last year, but I'm still in the WUL. You're screwed now either way. You're one of us now, and no, I know you're the biggest pansy in my friend list.
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