Whamnesia strikes when you are least aware.
It could be just garbage bags you want. Simple thing - pop in to the Dollarama next to the giant Chinese Food Mart, since I was already shopping for fish at the aforesaid China shop.
Maybe even check out if Dollarama has any new MBXs (they usually have the odd model no one else has.)
The Chinese supermarket had lulled me into whamnesia by playing some jolly, tinkly, soothing sort of music, the kind that's sort of there but no one remembers what it was except that it wasn't heavy metal. or jazz, or classical, or blues, or hip-hop . . . it was just chinese. Soothing. like, shop all you want, nothing to worry, the crane is in the bamboo, the fish are jumping happily in the sun, spend your money sort of music.
Then into the swirl of shoppers in Dollarama and as I went off to the toy aisle (garbage bags later) I hear
Christmas music! For the first time this season - and it's still a day away to Rememberence day. Stations, as a tradition, don't play seasonal music till
that's over.
The speaker is set into the ceiing right above the pegs holding the HWs and MBxs.
Whamalerts go off like electric shocks right through my whole body. Part of me wants to flee, the other part is grabbing a peg and won't let go.
It's someone singing Twelve Days of Christmas. In an odd fashion, then a voice over for some product. It's an ad! Damn the station - they don't play Christmas music but allow their use for ads anyway.
Then they start playing some afro-rock. Good. About two minutes to grab some cars and get out of there.
Which I did. Forget the garbage bags.
Looks like the Whamarama has begun.
From now on - I'm shopping Chinese.