GTP vs. Wham - Last Year's Thread

  • Thread starter Daniel
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Just about to be dropped off at home when my friend switched the radio station and it played a Christmas ad. I immediately shouted "K THANKS BYE" and hurried out of the car :lol: Close call.
I don't think it would count because there is no way your brain could perfectly replicate that recording without hearing it at the exact same time.
Probably. But, ya never know. :P
In the five years of GTP vs Wham, has anyone accidentally Whammed themselves when watching a show or something in bed? That'd be the funniest comment ever: "(user) was bedded by George Michael" or something like that.

sorry, had to get that out of my system.
People of the UK who are still in: I've seen another advert with the dreaded song on it which was Wham!ing number umpteen for me. Of course there's no way I'd tell any of you which channel it was on or what was being advertised. :mischievous:
Aww damn you, damn you to hell you sick son of a b:censored:h. (In Jim Ross' voice)
After getting whammed for a 6th time today, it's like I've done something to really rile up my local radio station.
Im not keeping it a secret. I just cant be bothered. Lol

Gt916 whammed me while i was watching NASCAR @ Homestead. But i also Whammed myself in November as it was in my playlist.
Went to Frankie Tomatto's for the annual staff party.


Oh! It's just the best place - no waiting, the most amazing array of Italian food, Christmassy deco all around (we were served by elves) and . . . best of all? No music! Just the sound of diners slurping, chomping, giggling, googling, sipping and smirking and every other word in a thesaurus that is a synonym for gastronomic mayhem.

Not even a coverwham, that dirty, dirty wannabewham.

But meanwhile I'm playing wham-o-lette (or whatever the registered trademark for this game is) on the radio - keeping it tuned to a Christmas music station and actually enjoying immersing myself in the ambiance that a large part of our collective consciousness is wallowing in right now - the spirit of Christmas, the Season of Giving, of good Cheer and Goodwill to Man, of gratefulness, reflection and thanksgiving whatever culture, creed, or (heaven forbid it still exists) caste.

Wham is then the symbol of the anti-Christmas - and yet, in its self-destructive way is also the symbol of Hope - the message of Christmas itself; 'Last Christmas sucked' - but this time it's going to be 'special.'

On that note, I would like to remind many of you that Christmas is a time that depression runs rampant, the feeling of being left out, or a nobody, eating into the very souls of those who stand to stare through the shop-windows longingly or glance at lovers arm in arm or spot a bright Christmas tree in a home full of laughing people.

Be not the lonely one this Christmas. Be the one who is there to give - whether of time, money or self.

Or even just a whamming - with love.
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Almost.... Just narrowly missed getting whammed...

Went to grandparents up in Ohio to see them for the weekend, and I went out to get their mail (they live in some weird condominium complex thing, and their mailbox is along with all the others). As I go out, I hear my sister "JAKE!!!! COME BACK IN HERE, YOUR FAVORITE SONG IS ON!!!". For a brief moment, I paused, looked over my shoulder, and then realized that on the radio station they had playing, was a station solely diverted to christmas music.

It was at that moment I ran for my life, in order to break my leg before I entered again.

I've gone into this challenge with a lackadasical manner. Still have not been Whammied.
I'm surprised that Christmas music isn't being played in the supermarkets yet. But it's happening in the mall where I go most of the time, however there's no Wham.:)
I'm starting to suspect Star Wars might be helping abit this year because I'm hearing and seeing far more star Wars themed stuff then I am Christmas. I suppose after this week though, the shields shall be back up to full power.
It depresses me how easy some people have it in this game. I sign up every year just to see how close I can get before I am yet again out... No matter what I do, it is unavoidable. Then I come here and read about you all going shopping to THE FREAKING MALL for an entire days shopping and not getting caught once, or worse still - not even a close call!

I would settle 1 year for my Whamming to be a classy, planned, and devious moment. My wife playing the song down the phone to me unannounced. Someone placing it into my Spotify playlist against my knowledge. The old 'burst into the room playing it at full volume from a phone and shouting "KALI MA" as you do it'.

Not as it was this year, sat at work in a meeting I didn't want to be at and hearing it coming from next door... And yes I'm pissed about this, because it has happened 3 WEEKS IN A ROW. SAME MEETING. SAME SEAT. SAME FLASH OF RED IN MY EYES.

I am off work next Tuesday so it won't be happening a 4th time. But you all carry on playing roulette with the radio (serves you right when you get caught). Or going shopping in public without headphones (you too - Amazon exists for this reason!). Or telling people in direct contact with you that you are avoiding the song (what is wrong with you?).

I think the worst thing though, is that despite all of the people not bothering with Wham! defences, I am in no position to catch any of them off guard myself! :(

Add me on PSN... I promise nothing will happen. Honest. PM me for my Youtube channel.
Whammed 2 days ago.

Vic was flicking through the radio stations in the car. Got whammed for less than a second but whammed nontheless.
I'm surprised that Christmas music isn't being played in the supermarkets yet. But it's happening in the mall where I go most of the time, however there's no Wham.:)
Yeah, Australia is really op in this game. Never heard the song in my life. (#NerfAustralia).

Probably the only thing that stands in Australia's way is @Jordan but I still have doubts he has anything that can get Last Christmas to automatically play on a Wii U Web Browser :P (#NerfWiiU)
RIGHT NOW I was whammed right in the face with a long announcement before the actual song begun.
With a 5 minutes radio feature before the song started (The video shot cost around 60k €. Best selling single in the UK without reaching #1 . blablabla) I "enjoyed" all that because the game is already over for me.
Georges "Evil" Michael gets around 100k € every year (Germany only) for this song alone (you know which one I mean). Don`t let me guess his worldwide income on the forbidden song...

Thanks SWR3 for all the informations. My life is complete now.
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