Been Whammed thrice, already. And once on purpose.
See? This is what happens. Those of you who have been long enough at this Forum know that
niky is one of the most sensible guys around - articulate, intelligent, etc, etc, (wouldn't be a Forum Moderator if he wasn't, right?). But what happens after he gets Whammed? Starts to behave like a junkie. Now he's doing it to himself. Prime example of how even the best of us get sucked into that Wham-induced state. Oh! yeah. Just keep an eye on him - he'll be in here every day know bragging about how deliciously he's Whamming himself.
outside the toilet.
That song is just as bad (maybe worse) than Last Christmas. It's also right up there with McCartney's terrible Wonderful Christmas Time.
Wonderful Christmas Time is definitely up there in Whamland. He should have let it be.
I don't get it. I've been totally careless when it comes to protecting my self from getting Whammed, yet I've not heard it once this month, if GT-R's video didn't count.
GT-R's video counts. You can't dance with the devil and not get burned. Too bad, though, because that was not your fault at all - but it will teach you not to trust anyone when it comes to Whamming. Once you have Wham in the blood . . . urgh. And
GT-R says he hasn't been Whammed this year - but methinks he's still suffering from the effects of being Whammed
last year. Once you go dark - there's no coming back.
I'm off to indulge in the most dangerous sport now - shopping in malls during Christmas time. Keep your fingers crossed, guys. I may never get back. Getting Whammed will turn me into a master baiter - and no one will be safe.