GTPlanet vs. Wham! - Round 3 (Endorsed by George Michael!*)

  • Thread starter Daniel
I feel like GLaDOS, singin' Stayin' Alive...

Which, considering I'm still alive in this race, is appropriate.
I feel like GLaDOS, singin' Stayin' Alive...

Which, considering I'm still alive in this race, is appropriate.
Isn't it Still Alive? :P I remember that because Lisa Miskovsky's song from Mirror's Edge has the same title :3
I'm still here, breathing, just. 2 majorly close calls.

First was a week or so ago. Eating my dinner. With my step mum in control of the TV, she decides to put on the music channel. "And next up, Wham...." Luckily she said "urg, I hate this song" and changed it just before the song came on.

Second was yesterday at work. Waiting in the tea room at lunch for Joana to come out and a couple of employees were playing Christmas music. One says "What about Last Christmas" Other said "I love that song". I think it was played but I didn't stick around to find out.

My biggest test will be Christmas Eve. Going to meet Joana's parents. This will be a toughie.
Survived the office christmas party, although I did hear a cover version several times. Thank god for female singers. 👍

I'm on the easy street to two wham free years from here on out.
Despite already being Whammed! twice, I missed out on a third or even more today. I was supposed to be going Christmas shopping with my mum, my sister and her kids today, but lucky ol' me here has a bad case of the flu, so instead I stayed at home and slept most of the morning. I'm going to have to go on Monday instead though... :scared:
I think Daniel can add me to the list of Whammed members, seeing as I've been legitimately caught out in my dad's car earlier on.

The fact that it was the song which was playing just as he turned on the radio rubs it in a little more. By the time he decided it was a load of crap and changed station, I had already been subjected to it for 10 seconds.
My total wham count so far is 24... it's actually lower than I suspected it would be. It seems the radios aren't playing that 🤬 song as much anymore...
Still Wham free. I will only be going out for a few more days before I can stay home and relax. With only hearing one cover of Last Christmas, I hope I can stay Wham free.
Still Wham free. I will only be going out for a few more days before I can stay home and relax. With only hearing one cover of Last Christmas, I hope I can stay Wham free.
I'm still Wham! free too. I actually haven't been out that much this Christmas, but I might be going out much more often soon, so I might be suspecting to be Whambushed anytime soon :ouch: .
My total wham count so far is 24... it's actually lower than I suspected it would be. It seems the radios aren't playing that 🤬 song as much anymore...
You've been Whammed 24 times?! Wow... :indiff: . And you say that they're not playing Last Christmas as much anymore, which means that this game is going to be less fun in future years :( .
Updated the Whammed User Log 👍. Don't think you're safe when Christmas comes around. You still have another week to survive after it! :mischievous:
Updated the Whammed User Log 👍. Don't think you're safe when Christmas comes around. You still have another week to survive after it! :mischievous:
Pretty sure I will remain Wham! free for the rest of this year :) . Unless I become a victim of a Whambot (GT-R :sly: ).
MG! Some of our best have fallen - Scaff?!! hfs? Whambies?!

Yikes . . .

gfskilla . . . you dirty, rotten scoundrel . . . you think I'm going anywhere near your mail now? Yeah, yeah - GTP gave me a heads-up on it.

Haven't checked my regular mail as yet - enjoying the beginning of my vacation with my family - so basically sleeping, eating, funning . . . no frikking looking at mail - thank you. No, I don't care if I've suddenly won a million dollars.

I must say - this thread saved me a few times. Oh! Thanks, Skython for the last heads-up. You don't deserve that dog, man. (Don't run it over, though)

There are so many safe zones, though - how did you guys go down?

Here's what I did - I had plenty of Wham-free Christmas CDs to play - From Celtic, to Mormon, through Classical to Jazz - none of them have covered Last Christmas. So I had pre-selected a stack and kept it aside.

When I was in my car - I only have either Jazz or my regular rock station Q107 on and neither of them would be caught dead playing Wham.
In fact I just got off a long session of . . . um . . . relaxing . . . while listening to Alice Cooper host on Q107 - and he played a rock version of Santa Claus is coming to Town which scared the 🤬 out of me. Felt good. Nothing like hearing a throughbred rocker snarling viciously about Santa coming to town, to the sounds of angry guitars being thrashed. I'm still terrified. I know I'll get nothing now for Christmas. Not from that Santa, anyway.

The few times I went to a mall - strictly tried to avoid them -I was lucky to go to malls that had a music-free atmosphere.
The grocery store I go to plays music from the damn 50's - Christmas carols and all. George wasn't even born, I think.

The only time I had a real scare was when I went to this giant Chinese Supermarket . . . but that's another story . . . ;)
I've been Whammed so many times I feel like I've been Gang-Whammed!

Oooooh, pretty lady!
I think Daniel's rules said covers don't count in the game.

However I avoided the covers, too; didn't want even protected sex whamming.
Nice analogy :lol:.

T363 - I never said that they did count. I remember posting one of them and someone else posted the second one. Both of them were embedded as well.