GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
It's going to be hard not to get Whammed becomes sometimes people like to play their music over the microphone on PSN (mainly rap and hip-hop though) and some community-run TF2 servers play music over an internet radio station (if I'm correct) and may play Christmas music so I might get Whammed.
And this is why I will only play Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2010 and GT6 with the mics turned off.
My music on HP will drown out any music played from the mics, and GT6 is explanatory
I've thought this for a while - I sincerely believe that some of you guys make up stories about being Whammed! What your motives are, I couldn't say for sure, but I'm inclined towards attention seeking.

I actually caught mine on camera last year at the outlet mall. Oh the humanity.
I've thought this for a while - I sincerely believe that some of you guys make up stories about being Whammed! What your motives are, I couldn't say for sure, but I'm inclined towards attention seeking.
So far all have seemed pretty legit. Not too sure why you think people would Whamicide just for the laughs... Maybe I am just taking this game too seriously.
Just be careful when doing so. Who knows when that... One song will turn up. *evilly starts laughing, tapping my hooves together*

What? Don't look at me. *crawls away*
Don't you dare put a surprise in the Pony Step playlist! Silver! *runs off after you*

One Wham! playlist could be the death of him.

On second thought, let him.
And you're off the Christmas Card list, too.