GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
Welp, I'm off for the night, and surprisingly haven't been whammed yet. Pandora's helping me to survive... so far.
Remember, once you open up Pandora's box, you can't close it. Or that's how I think it goes. Regardless, you'll probably get Whammed at some point.
CLOSE CALL Thought I was whammed while watching a friend play DDR, it ended up being a weird Japanese cover sorta thing, but had nothing to do with Last Christmas, just totally sounded like it.
Wait...there's an album of Christmas music called "Silent Hill"? What the 🤬?
Had a close call today, Thought I was whammed until I found out it was a cover. Whew that was close but good grief, the person that did the vocals sounded too much like the original artist :ill:
Are there any other commercials / adverts to be aware of? I know about the 'NOW Christmas' advert of death, opening with a whamming. I'm going about this by not telling people what I'm doing, through fear of a vicious attack to the senses. The only issue with the plan is that there are a lot of adverts on TV these days and I can't just leave our flat everytime they are on...
CLOSE CALL Thought I was whammed while watching a friend play DDR, it ended up being a weird Japanese cover sorta thing, but had nothing to do with Last Christmas, just totally sounded like it.
Guessing it was Silent Hi-
It wasn't last christmas, it was this track. It really sounds like it though


I hate that song.
Wait...there's an album of Christmas music called "Silent Hill"? What the 🤬?
IDK, it kind of fits for a Christmas song to Konami at least. It's only because they made the game Silent Hill as well as DDR, although I have no idea why they would name a Christmas song after a horror video game...
Anyone remember my "off-tone Michael Jackson" comparison ?, Well I heard MJ, but not off-tone, in fact he was singing "Beat it" quite well... :D

I'm going to have to start pushing my luck, driving home to radio stations playing Xmas music will be the norm after Thanksgiving.
I just had a heart attack moment. I heard Christmas music on the radio and thought that my mom was listening to the radio, but thankfully, it's a CD. A CD that doesn't have Last Christmas on it.
Doesn't matter. Burn it. You can thank me later.
I'm probably going to get whammed tomorrow regardless so it wouldn't really matter if I gathered up all the Christmas CDs and used them for target practice.
Nervous. I've got to get a battery for the truck today. What if the service station is playing Christmas music. Eek.
Nervous. I've got to get a battery for the truck today. What if the service station is playing Christmas music. Eek.
As badly as I want to be victorious in this challenge, I've been doing that alot of late. What with the season, my household, and a good proportion of GTP after me.