GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
I thought it said "One more left", but then I realized I misread it. I'd find it funny if everyone got eliminated and there ended up only being one person left, and/or if everyone got eliminated before the end of the competition. Or if nobody lost. But the latter one would be boring.
Welp, I just Whammed! myself...

Turned on my bedroom radio to set my alarm for tomorrow, and I've had it set to a local Christmas music station (105.7 West MI) just to push my luck, and caught it mid-chorus.

I literally froze in-place, then freaked out, then raged and finally accepted it. :lol:

@Daniel, I'm out. Of all the people to try, I least expected myself.

Oh dear, unintentional Wham-icide.
I thought it said "One more left", but then I realized I misread it. I'd find it funny if everyone got eliminated and there ended up only being one person left, and/or if everyone got eliminated before the end of the competition. Or if nobody lost. But the latter one would be boring.

We went to a steak restaurant for dinner and Christmas music was playing as I walked in. I got nervous, but quickly realized it was all country covers. Then they say us in a corner, where I couldn't hear any music anyway. While at the salad bar I noticed they were back on regular country music. Not even close.
Playing Christmas music as I do some work. Forgot Last Christmas was in the mix...

Luckily, it's a Manic Street Preachers cover. Bullet dodged.
Out of curiosity, who would hold the record for longest span without hearing this infernal thing? Technically, I broke my run at 24 years, but that was only because I came across last year's thread and listened to it then...and swore to burn every copy I dared get my hands on. TB has it at 37 years AFAIK.

Thankfully it was a Taylor Swift cover.

Still, what kind of playlist is that?! It caught me off guard... I damn near brake checked a cop when that song came on.

All I wanted to do was listen for news of the traffic.

Anyway. 2:45 A.M. Well into December 1st. No official WHAM! ing.
Close call at college a minute ago. Radio 1 playing and bam out of nowhere, a cover of last Christmas by Olly Murs. Talk about the knife edge.
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Radio 1 is normally what I listen to in car, but I have turned the radio off completely and listen to Spotify instead!

It seems like people are doing better this year thanks to the rise in cover versions...
Olly Murs just covered Last Christmas in the Radio 1 live lounge.....wasn't bad actually!
Timestamp: 1211 hours 2014-12-02
Subject: urbanite9
Status: Un-Whammed!
Comments: Relatively safe in Sydney, avoiding department stores and radio, close call with Ariana Grande cover of Last Christmas. However, going overseas until January to Singapore then USA, where shopping trips are planned. Oh dear.

Timestamp: Dec. 1, 2014, 21:30 GMT+8
Location: Manila, Philippines
Wham updates: Nearly got whammed on the mall. Malls are not a safe place.
Comments: Is going to NV on the 26th, when the Christmas songs will be in full force. Will defenitely bring noise canceling earplugs on that trip.
Timestamp: 1755 Zulu, 01/12/2014
Status: Unwhammed
Comments: Went into the city centre yesterday. Terrified and did everything to block out any sound. One xmas song came though. Wasn't Last Christmas. Survived another day.
I had a close shave with Olly Murs' cover of it on the radio today. It appears Radio 1 are a lot more into the Christmas spirit than I thought they would be, they played All I Want For Christmas and Fairytale of New York too...

Nowhere is safe! Not even desperately trying to be trendy teen radio stations!
Got bloody Whammed! by a bloody Christmas compilation album. Now Christmas I think.

It played at the very start of the advert as well. No warning whatsoever, just instant, pure, Wham! To the Now compilation people, damn you for putting that infernal song on your collection of horrific Christmas music that everyone already has, damn you for putting it at THE START OF THE ADVERT. I'd also like to give out a special damning to George Michael for creating this dreadful piece of 'music'.

TLDR: Whammed! @Daniel, add me to the W!UL...
They started playing Christmas music at my school now. This just got a million times harder now.

Join the club. :D

Difference being is that I work as a cleaner on morning and evening shifts at a school which has just started getting in to the Christmas swing of things.

Could be worse, but still a good chance of being Whammed. :scared:
Pretty safe till coming Friday here in The Netherlands, first we have an other holiday before
the X-mas madness really begins.....:nervous:
Sitting in a restaurant waiting for food to cook while listening to the radio playing Christmas music... is one of the most tenses thing I've done.