GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
While at work today I heard some Christmas music playing which got me thinking about how I hadn't been Whammed! for at least a week. Walk out onto the shop floor 5 minutes later in time to get hit with the chorus of Last Christmas. :banghead:
Lost from the link in @TB 's signature. Curiosity killed the cat Noob I guess :lol:

Reaction upon seeing someone else WHAMMED!, followed by reaction to how...
Seated here in an 'Old Folk's Home' (the IP should give the game away) and using the older folk's computer. Someone has written 'Heaven' on a sticky and pasted it on the monitor. ?

The radio is playing. albeit softly, and it cannot be the radio. Must be some special recorded music.
The music seems all pre-1960. Ancient carols sung by choirs, ancient Christmas pop music - Bing, Patsy, Hank, Jim . . . you oldies must know the names.

NO . . . freaking . . . George Michael.

Who said that there aren't places that this guy isn't welcome at?

Edit: P.S. Just visiting. they haven't packed me off to this place yet.