GTP's Official FIFA 2006 World Cup Thread (Now with Results!)

  • Thread starter OZZYGT
I want Portugal to make the final just so we can make 'Boo Ronaldo' into a drinking game ;)

French are delaying the second half.... again.

What about the 3rd place play-off on Saturday? :D
The way Portugal played tonight was disgraceful, this is the World Cup, not the Olympic gyamnastics competition...

Allez les bleus!
The delayed game is over. France beat the Diving Cheats. I'm so glad they didn't advance any farther. I hate them for how they played in this World Cup. Especially their behavior in the Dutch game. Ridiculous.

So, France vs. Italy.

I like both teams equally. Though, I like this Zidane story that seems to be brewing up.

Both France and Italy played well, and deserve the final spot for what they've accomplished this World Cup. I can't decide who I would like to see win it more. So, I wont.
Not unless your computer reads the text out to you and your speakers are on. And I'm angry about something. Or an England fan.

What have England got to do with Germany's performances in this World Cup? Did England play Germany at some point and I missed it?

Nobody expected them to get this far because they were rubbish. Somehow they came through their group. Somehow they encountered a tired Swedish side. Somehow they caught Argentina on an off day. Eventually their luck had to expire, and it did.

They are, without a doubt, the worst German side I've ever seen. They've just muddled through this World Cup - just as they did the last - with a string of second rate players. Can you honestly tell me that this German side is NOT worse than the 1966, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1980, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996 and even 1998 teams? Even when England thrashed Germany a few years back, the team didn't play 5-1 bad. There's no way this team played World Cup Semifinal good. They just managed to get there, somehow.

Italy have done exactly as much as they need to to not lose matches. They underperformed against the US and were lucky in that respect, but they've been getting slowly stronger. They should peak just in time for the Final.

The second part is true - neither team was dominant, but one team WAS better than the other. They created at least 2 more goal-scoring chances, for a start. Even at half time in normal time, everyone could see that, while neither team was dominant, Italy had the slightest edge.

Is it luck that Italy capitalised and Germany didn't? Could Germany have taken their foot off the gas, safe in the knowledge that they'd probably win the penalties? Were Italy's two goals lucky, or good finishes? You lost, fairly. Deal with it.

Incidentally, I hope you beat the diving cheats in the 3/4 play-off after France tool them tonight.

Oh and ditch Ballack - he's just as bad as they are, rolling all over the place, clutching random body parts and waving his hands to the ref, asking for players to be carded. Germany don't need that kind of player.

Famine, you can't say much about England, they couldn't even score a penalty kick. Great goalkeeping from Ricardo though, but it is a lot harder to save a penalty than to score one. What they did score was a red card for damaging ones precious crown jewels. And when you say 'Italy have done exactly as much as they need to not lose matches', I assume that would include scoring 99.97 for diving & winning a crucial golden penalty aswell. If your mad, seriously, why bring it here?👍

Vive La France!

Don't confuse me with an England fan.

Why does saying that Italy deserved to go through and Germany didn't somehow make me angry about something, and why does England even come into it?

Why don't you try addressing the points I made, rather than saying "Yeah, but England were rubbish"? So what if they are, why do I care and why is it relevant?
HAH! I'm glad those diving lightweights from Portugal are out of the World Cup! I can't remember the last time I saw a sorry display of theatrics like that. FIFA should come down hard on them - especially big Phil. He's the manager, he should be stamping that kind of crap out. Instead he was almost condoning it with his scowling gestures every time one of his Portuguese 'ladies' fell over. The only thing worse than their blatant diving was their sorry performance in front of the net! They never looked like scoring, thought that little git Ronaldo was probably their best player. :grumpy:

Congratulations to France! I can't wait for the final! 👍
Ok. Now calm down mate. In your very first sentence:

And I'm angry about something. Or an England fan.

Alright, you define 'angry' for me, Famine. Your post certainly DID NOT sound "warm & fuzzy" to say the least.

Italy have done exactly as much as they need to to not lose matches.

Which, as I said, includes a theatrical dive to win a crucial penalty.

See any contradiction???:

And I'm angry about something. Or an England fan.


Don't confuse me with an England fan.

You're "Or (...) an England fan." is not clear. Why don't you clarify this very loose statement. Are you angry at a particular fan? Are you an England fan? In my eyes, you seem to be insinuating that you are a disappointed/angry England fan.

And I do believe I adressed a point of yours. Did you not devote a small paragraph to Italy? Maybe you should go over your own post, and stop being being so agressive.

Now calm down mate


Go back and read the original post. I was asked, by vladimir:

do i hear the angry english fan speak?

To which my response was:

Not unless your computer reads the text out to you and your speakers are on. And I'm angry about something. Or an England fan.

See the negative at the start of that particular paragraph?

No, vladimir can't hear an "angry english fan speak", because his computer isn't speaking, I'm not angry and I'm not an England fan.

It's not so complex, surely?

vladimir's post was a response to my post about the Germany/Italy game where I said that Italy deserved it more than Germany, who are the worst German team I've ever seen. Three people since then have chosen to respond by referring to my nationality, which I can't see has any relevance on who I support or a game between Germany and Italy. Can you?

So, rather than addressing my comments, three people have chosen to paint me as an angry England supporter and thus ignore my comments. If you want to do that, fine, go right ahead. It doesn't make it true and it doesn't make my comments about Germany and Italy untrue - it's what's known as an ad hominem attack, choosing to attack the point-maker rather than address the point.

So, shall we keep discussing Famine, or do we want to get back to discussing football?
Italy to win 2-0, and mass bannings. Because I'm so über-angry. Grrrr!

If anything, I would've thought you'd try to settle the matter in a neutral manner instead of trying have the last word, suit yourself. Play the role of the victim. Nonetheless, you posted in an agressive manner, where there were probably better avenues of approach, which usurprisingly ruffled some feathers. I have NO interest in discussing this further with you. It's like trying to re-invent the wheel. Not worth it & to some extent, impossible. And as I said, why bring anger to these forums, leave it outside.

Back to the world game, the beautiful game...:) I will predict, biased by the fact that it's Zidane's last match before retirement, France 1-0 before penalties, due to Italy's supreme defense.

But I wouldn't mind it being decided on penalties, say after 3-3. Now that would be a nail-biting experience:eek:!. Unlikely, but something to look forward to...

If anything, I would've thought you'd try to settle the matter in a neutral manner instead of trying have the last word, suit yourself.

Please describe the "neutral" manner you desire, and what it is I need to try to settle, exactly.

Play the role of the victim.

What? What are you talking about?

Nonetheless, you posted in an agressive manner

No, you READ an aggressive manner in my posting. I cannot be held responsible for how you read things. After all, you read the exact opposite of what I wrote to vladimir.

I have NO interest in discussing this further with you.

Sure, that's why you posted about it again in this thread - and of course you weren't trying to "have the last word". :rolleyes:

And as I said, why bring anger to these forums, leave it outside.

I can't tell if you're being deliberately dense or not here. I have repeatedly pointed out that I haven't brought any anger anywhere, and why I don't see the relevance to the points I made. I spend a great deal of time in the Opinions forum and can manage to discuss points without having to resort to anger and the ad hominem. Why you keep having to refer to some anger you think I have I just don't know.
I don't think Italy would like to decide the match on penalties, you know what happened the last time they did that. I know Roberto Baggio does. :D
I don't think Italy would like to decide the match on penalties, you know what happened the last time they did that. I know Roberto Baggio does. :D

My ideal result would be penalties, or a massive landslide for France, with tons of goals from Henry and Zidane. Go fantasy team!

Though I still say Italy 2-0. France were barely able to cope with one and a half Portuguese midfielders. The full Italian front line will be too much.
I think Arsenal should just play for France in the next one.

What happened with Pires, anyway? Is he even on the french squad? I would LOVE to see Pirlo and Pires on the pitch at the same time with Dave O'brien announcing. The audience would wig out from all the confusion.
I want Italy to win, but somehow I think the result will be Italy 1 - Famine 2 ... :P (serious prediction, Italy to win 1-0... Buffon for Golden Ball, although probably will go to Zidane)

I also have a naughty bet on France, so I will be happy either way...
Eww. Eurocup 2000.

They were beaten by a Trezuguet goal in extra time, not penalties.

I think Fatass is referring to USA94 when Brazil won after Baggio blasted the ball over the bar during the penalty shootout.