GTP's Official FIFA 2006 World Cup Thread (Now with Results!)

  • Thread starter OZZYGT
So why were you not able to win this one? was it because 120 minutes of pure luck by our defense? All the blocks by Buffon and balls recovered by our defenders were really luck? Our second goal was luck and not skill? So what happened to the rest of the match? why didn't germany score a single goal? The shots that hit the front post on the final minutes of the second halfe by Italy was luck? :rolleyes:

*sigh*...Brazil is another example. They had the players to outperform EVERY oposing team..yet, they were playing just enough to pass to the next round.(with the exception of Japan). so what happens when a team comes with all the desire to win, like France, and the other team doesn't do anything else but act like if they are winning? Is that deserving Brazil to pass to the next round?...nope.


And germany did have lots of chances of scoring, but If we would have had those chances, Italy would have scored. And that's what a winner is all about.

Brazil seem to be lacking a killer midfielder to feed the forwards, I dunno it's just the wierd square midfield formation that Brazil use didn't work too well with Kaka and Ronaldinho as the two attacking mids. Also Ronaldinho plays in a simmilar role to Henry in his club football and the position he was played for brazil doesn't suit him at all imo. Also Brazil's defense is pretty ****e compared to other top sides.

Also here is a picture.

Also England played realy badly, ffs only one of our forwards managed to score once and that was crouch against Trinidad and Tobago.

Also Argentina would have shown italy what for if they hadn't been beaten by germany. SORIN BAYBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYEAH
thats exactly what i'm saying. our defence stood like a wall as well, your attackers did not manage to score for 118 minutes eitherl.

in the end italy was lucky to be the team that managed to get one through (and it was an amazing shot, lehmann did not stand a chance...)

and brazil did deserve to loose (thats what i tried to say) because they did not really put a lot of effort into it.
Luckily the refs were not the protagonists of the game. This causes angry fans blame referees for their team's loss.

It was a real showdown where both teams played rather conservative a cautiously with strong defense. I'm very happy that we could prove, once again, that we are better than Germany (after our 4-1 win on the friedly match).

I think Portugal will be the next finallist. France weren't too agressive on last match, and that's something Portugal is full of.

I loved the goal celebration - clearly mimicking Marco Tardelli's famous celebration after scoring the winner in 1982 against the Germans... he even stopped a player from grabbing him so that he could do the 'Tardelli Run'...
do i hear the angry english fan speak?

Not unless your computer reads the text out to you and your speakers are on. And I'm angry about something. Or an England fan.

What have England got to do with Germany's performances in this World Cup? Did England play Germany at some point and I missed it?

i'm sorry, but this german team was amazing. nobofy would have expected them to get thgis far.

Nobody expected them to get this far because they were rubbish. Somehow they came through their group. Somehow they encountered a tired Swedish side. Somehow they caught Argentina on an off day. Eventually their luck had to expire, and it did.

They are, without a doubt, the worst German side I've ever seen. They've just muddled through this World Cup - just as they did the last - with a string of second rate players. Can you honestly tell me that this German side is NOT worse than the 1966, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1980, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996 and even 1998 teams? Even when England thrashed Germany a few years back, the team didn't play 5-1 bad. There's no way this team played World Cup Semifinal good. They just managed to get there, somehow.

Italy have done exactly as much as they need to to not lose matches. They underperformed against the US and were lucky in that respect, but they've been getting slowly stronger. They should peak just in time for the Final.

italy won by pure luck, and i congratulate them. but it was luck, no team dominated in the game tonight.

The second part is true - neither team was dominant, but one team WAS better than the other. They created at least 2 more goal-scoring chances, for a start. Even at half time in normal time, everyone could see that, while neither team was dominant, Italy had the slightest edge.

Is it luck that Italy capitalised and Germany didn't? Could Germany have taken their foot off the gas, safe in the knowledge that they'd probably win the penalties? Were Italy's two goals lucky, or good finishes? You lost, fairly. Deal with it.

Incidentally, I hope you beat the diving cheats in the 3/4 play-off after France tool them tonight.

Oh and ditch Ballack - he's just as bad as they are, rolling all over the place, clutching random body parts and waving his hands to the ref, asking for players to be carded. Germany don't need that kind of player.
They are, without a doubt, the worst German side I've ever seen. They've just muddled through this World Cup - just as they did the last - with a string of second rate players.

Totally disagree. In previous big tournaments Germany played like Greece in 2004. "Destructive", but efficient. Even I as a german didn´t like that. But as long as the team won, I did not care. Rather play boring football and win than play "samba" and lose in the end. This WC is/was totally different. Germany plays a modern and offensive football. I think you are the only person on this planet who likes "the old german" football more than the current one.

And what makes a player a second rate player? Are they bad just because they play in teams you don´t know? Look at Hargreaves. Before the WC 99 out of 100 english fans thought he totally sucks. Now he is one of fans favorites and gets the highest rating of all english players. Well, he already was good before the WC, but he plays in Germany and the fans didn´t know him. So they hated him.

Please tell me which german player is second rated.

I have to agree that Ballack sucked in most of the WC games. Even many german fans think so. But it´s like with Lampard, Ronaldinho or Kaka. There are many extremely negative posts about "Lumpard" in english forums, but although he did not play very well at the WC, he is still one of best players in the world. Same with ballack. He just had a bad tournament.
And what makes a player a second rate player? Are they bad just because they play in teams you don´t know? Look at Hargreaves. Before the WC 99 out of 100 english fans thought he totally sucks. Now he is one of fans favorites and gets the highest rating of all english players. Well, he already was good before the WC, but he plays in Germany and the fans didn´t know him. So they hated him.
You're right that English fans don't see much of Hargreaves, there is very little Bundesliga shown on British TV, we usually get La Liga or Serie A.

But in the past Hargreaves has not been very good for England. Which is why he got the reputation back in England.
You're right that English fans don't see much of Hargreaves, there is very little Bundesliga shown on British TV, we usually get La Liga or Serie A.

But in the past Hargreaves has not been very good for England. Which is why he got the reputation back in England.

Hargreaves was the best player on the pitch against portugal, full of energy and tackles. The problem I have is that sven kept using him as a tactical substitute when we needed to attack and being mainly a defensive midfielder isn't going to make your attack any better.

Also for Bayern, i'm pretty sure that Demichelis starts over Hargreaves. I'm still suprised that ManU haven't bought him seeing as they need a holding player like him. He'd be cheaper than carrick as well.
Totally disagree. In previous big tournaments Germany played like Greece in 2004. "Destructive", but efficient. Even I as a german didn´t like that. But as long as the team won, I did not care. Rather play boring football and win than play "samba" and lose in the end. This WC is/was totally different. Germany plays a modern and offensive football. I think you are the only person on this planet who likes "the old german" football more than the current one.

They play with a winger maybe, a pair of strikers and a goalkeeper. There's no sense of building up and no real passing game. They just whip it out to one side and hope that magic will happen... No German team in history would have drawn with Wales, but this one did. Nuff said, I think.

And what makes a player a second rate player?

Being not as good as the players around them. Only Ballack and Lehmann rank as "good" in the German side - Ballack frustratingly so, because he has the talent but insists on cheating his way through games instead.

Are they bad just because they play in teams you don´t know?

If there's a team in the WORLD I don't know I want it found and killed. Don't confuse me with an England fan.

Okay, perhaps I'm not so familiar with the odd Serie C team and the current state of Ghana's top league (go Hearts of Oak!).

Look at Hargreaves. Before the WC 99 out of 100 english fans thought he totally sucks. Now he is one of fans favorites and gets the highest rating of all english players. Well, he already was good before the WC, but he plays in Germany and the fans didn´t know him. So they hated him.

I still don't rate Hargreaves. I've seen him playing for Bayern AND England, and the best I've ever seen him play was against Ecuador. It was patently obvious that'd he'd be the only one to score from the spot though.

But I don't rate Neville or Carragher either.

Please tell me which german player is second rated.

All of them bar Ballack and Lehmann (on a good day - he can be appalling when the mood takes him though). I've never been a Klose fan - though he's knocked them in okay so far, so fair play to him, and Podolski seems to play similarly to Craig Bellamy, who is pants. I like Nowotny, but you didn't play him, Kahn is overrated, Huth is dreadful, Frings is erratic and dreadful, Neuville is average, Asamoah is okay I guess, Metzelder is average, Borowski is average, Hitzlsperger was crap at Aston Villa (which is a whole new level of crap) and Bernd Schneider drives DTM for Mercedes.

The whole team is average. Okay, same could probably be said for England but as I said earlier, don't confuse me with an England fan.

I have to agree that Ballack sucked in most of the WC games. Even many german fans think so. But it´s like with Lampard, Ronaldinho or Kaka. There are many extremely negative posts about "Lumpard" in english forums, but although he did not play very well at the WC, he is still one of best players in the world. Same with ballack. He just had a bad tournament.

It's not even that. It's that he cannot seem to utilise his talent because he's stuck into a mindset of awful fouls and stupid cheats. There's not a blade of grass in Dortmund he didn't take a dive over, or go in studs raised. He could be a "great", but he's just a cheat instead - hence my suggestion that he'd fit in nicely with the Portuguese team.

Lampard played well, I thought. He only lacked the killer touch for goal which he usually shows. It's a bit odd, but what can you do.
You're right that English fans don't see much of Hargreaves, there is very little Bundesliga shown on British TV, we usually get La Liga or Serie A.

That is excatly the problem.

A few years ago you were able to watch all international leagues on free TV in Germany. I knew almost every player in Europe. You have to subscribe Pay TV now, which is too expensive for me.

When the WC started a month ago, I didn´t know most of players. In previous tournaments I knew them all and could rate almost every player.
Before Holland played against Serbia & Montenegro the german TV station interviewed some players from Holland. All of them praised Mateja Kežman. I only though: "who the **** is Mateja Kežman?" I subconsciously rated him second or third class because I did not know him at all. I then searched google to find out he uesd to be the top scorer in the Ehrendivision (Holland league) twice.

It is not fair to rate a player you don´t know. And no, even five games (WC) are not enough.

Take Germany´s Per Mertesacker. He is a defender and plays for a rubbish (and weak) club in Germany. Noboby knwos him outside of Germany. In the last season he has won the most duels (what is the english term for two players fighting for a ball?) in percent of all players. Not only that, but he has never committed a foul. He is not only the best, but also the most fair defender in the league. He then played two weak games at the beginning of the WC and immediately all people not from Germany think he sucks.
Before Holland played against Serbia & Montenegro the german TV station interviewed some players from Holland. All of them praised Mateja Kežman. I only though: "who the **** is Mateja Kežman?" I subconsciously rated him second or third class because I did not know him at all. I then searched google to find out he uesd to be the top scorer in the Ehrendivision (Holland league) twice.

And he played for Chelsea for a season. They paid stupid million for him, he scored half a goal and then they sold him, at a profit to Atletico Madrid.
If Italy V Germany went into penalties, Germany would of gone through, 2 goals in the last 2 minuites for Italy :indiff:

I wanted Germany to win since England went out :indiff:

Now my support is on France
I think Portugal will be the next finallist. France weren't too agressive on last match, and that's something Portugal is full of.
Nah... I don't agree.
I think that if France plays like they did against Brazil and if Pauleta doesn't start playing something, France will be the next finalist.
Penalty Goal For France!!

EDIT: Some kind of filter for all capital letter posts? It makes only the first letters capitalized...
50,000 people are booing him right now in a match not involving England in any way. Should give you some kind of message.
Yep, it's great, every time he get's the ball that's all you can hear.
I want Portugal to make the final just so we can make 'Boo Ronaldo' into a drinking game ;)

French are delaying the second half.... again.
They are and we did.

Oh god don't tell me you think that the way we played all through the entire tournament was world cup winning form. We played badly in every game and against decent opposition we looked incredibly poor.

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