GTP's Worst 10 Movies... Ever!

  • Thread starter Famine
Perversely, I usually end up getting through the entirety of movies that I think are terrible. Cradle 2 the Grave, Smokin' Aces, Grizzly Man (a good film but how annoying was that guy?!) and Ong-Bak immediately spring to mind. I usually have to have a break during mediocre flicks.
Ong-Bak!! Blumin hell. I've never herd a bad thing said against it. I personally didn't like it that much, i think mainly because of the critical praise it got. But Tony Jaa is amazing.
I dont get people's problem with Smokin Aces, i mean, its not exactly meant to be taken to seriously, and i really liked it.

I would probly add a film called Dark Ride to my list. I saw it the other day, its some STV "horror" film that is just appauling.
The one movie I gave up watching was Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, probably about 20 minutes in. I suppose you had to have heard the CD's or whatnot, but the previews made it appear to be the end I ended up losing interest and turning it off.
I thought Ong-Bak had a pretty good director, even if the film itself was lacking in some other areas. At least the fighting was impressive.
I thought Ong-Bak was appalling. Tony Jaa is undoubtedly super-talented but he lacks any personality and the movie was just another joyless bloodfest. There was no originality in ideas or plot and it just went through the motions of any other mediocore 'kung-fu', gangster movie. I also hated how they portrayed both 'farangs' and Thais alike as drug-consuming violence junkies. I did see this movie a long time ago though and may be basing my opinions on a slightly skewed memory, but I remember feeling these things at the time.

If Smokin' Aces wasn't supposed to be taken seriously during the first third then fair enough, and I did actually think it began in a very promising way, but the final two thirds of the movie demonstrate that the director took his baby very seriously after all especially with the almost constant sombre ochestral score backing to the way the plot 'twist' is handled with such solemnity. I hated this film with a passion. Only Ray Liotta kept me watching.
I agree ong-bak wernt very good. I just never seen others slaggin it off, i've always been alone. Warrior King, Tony Jaa's 2nd film is amazing.
Well its called Smokin Aces, it cant exactly be taken to seriously. It does shift tone, but personally i like that. Most of my favourite films are multi-genre. Oh and i will stick up for the director, he made the absolutely brilliant Narc.
Was going to save this for the guess a movie thread, but I see Tom Servo has already seen it and it's just too funny, so guess I'll comment here.

Redline. Accidentally found it when looking for an anime of the same name. BEAUTIFUL cars throughout and lots of eye candy, but omg the worst ever writing and acting. And what got me to comment just now was 22 mins into it when they pulled the jet over into the middle of the desert to let the angry ho off. It's so bad it's funny so I think I'm going to keep watching.:lol:
Was going to save this for the guess a movie thread, but I see Tom Servo has already seen it and it's just too funny, so guess I'll comment here.

Redline. Accidentally found it when looking for an anime of the same name. BEAUTIFUL cars throughout and lots of eye candy, but omg the worst ever writing and acting. And what got me to comment just now was 22 mins into it when they pulled the jet over into the middle of the desert to let the angry ho off. It's so bad it's funny so I think I'm going to keep watching.:lol:

It is terrible indeed, I thought I was watching an Asylum movie during parts of it, than realized it's just terrible. Possibly the worst ending in a movie ever.:yuck:
1. Godzilla (1998): I loved it when I was younger, but it's just wrong in every fundamental way possible. It was caught up in the bridge and killed by jets. Really? This is why you don't let Westerners touch IP's that aren't their own.

2. To Die For: I don't remember much about it but Nicole Kidman was in it and she was frozen under a sheet of ice at the end of the movie for some inane reason. Stupid.

3. Dorm Daze 2: College @ Sea: Sucked. If you couldn't get all of the actors to reprise their roles from the first (which I loved) then you just shouldn't have done this, and why is it called "Dorm Daze" anyway? They're on a 🤬 cruise ship for crying out loud.

4. Halloween III: Something about masks and a TV show, I don't even know. And then the directors wonder why everyone was pissed. Go figure.

5. Halloween II (2009): What the hell was Zombie smoking when he wrote this? Why is Michael seeing visions of his mother and blindly killing to, I don't know, reunite himself with his sister? There was no mystery in the originals; Michael wanted her dead. End of story. And what the hell happened to Loomis?

6. Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday (1993): No. Just, no. Creighton Duke: "Son of a bitch (can I say that?), you remember me?" Hell no I don't remember you because up until now you've never existed, moron. Even though I've forgiven Adam Marcus after admitting he was stupid for making this POS, he should still be jailed for making it.

7. Batman & Robin: *Shudders* How Poison Ivy tamed Bane is behind (not 'beyond' but 'behind', think about that) my understanding; he could have broken her, Mr. Freeze, Robin, and Batman without breaking a sweat. Best thing about this movie? When it ended.

8. The Men Who Stare At Goats: I love George Clooney and all, he's a great actor and can be plenty funny when he needs/wants to be, but this movie is just stupid. I watched about 45 minutes of it and then turned away.

9. The Informant: Another movie I had high hopes for, and another movie I turned away from (after watching the whole thing) and wondering what the hell it was I just saw and what happened. What was it even about?

10: Anything with Jack Black in it. My god, stop making movies.


Bonus: Son of the Mask. :lol:
8. The Men Who Stare At Goats: I love George Clooney and all, he's a great actor and can be plenty funny when he needs/wants to be, but this movie is just stupid. I watched about 45 minutes of it and then turned away.

9. The Informant: Another movie I had high hopes for, and another movie I turned away from (after watching the whole thing) and wondering what the hell it was I just saw and what happened. What was it even about?

I had high hopes for both of those movies as well and wound up disappointed. Although The Informant did get a little better towards the end, still not as good as I was expecting though.

I also agree about Jack Black, he always tries to hard which really ruins every one of his roles.
I had high hopes for both of those movies as well and wound up disappointed. Although The Informant did get a little better towards the end, still not as good as I was expecting though.

I also agree about Jack Black, he always tries to hard which really ruins every one of his roles.

I still don't know what it's about. As for Jack, he just needs to retire or something....every movie he's in you just know it's going to be terrible, no matter who the co-star is.


And who named Super Troopers as of one of the worst movies ever? You ought to be slapped. :P
1. "I Am Number Four" - Never seen and have zero desire to see it. The previews make this movie seem completely and utterly boring. I guess this is one of those "Okay, it's a stupid idea, but I need it out of my system" movies.

2. Beverly Hills Chautauqua - The period of time this movie spent at #1 in the box office will go down in history as the darkest days in movie history. The only reason this was at #1 and was because every other movie was WORSE! And those movies go in the next 8 slots. Because if you can't beat BHC, then you SUCK!
Worst film I have ever seen, Monsoon Wedding.
I had to sit through all of it in a church hall local community cinema show, with rock hard wooden pews. It went on forever, it was torture.
Worst film I have ever seen, Monsoon Wedding.
I had to sit through all of it in a church hall local community cinema show, with rock hard wooden pews. It went on forever, it was torture.

God isn't gonna send you to hell if you walk out early on a crap movie being shown in a church.
1. Lord of the Rings
2. Lord of the Rings 2
3. Lord of the Rings 3
4. Skyline
5. Knocked up
6. Batman and Robin
7. Transporter 3
8. Evan Almighty

Can't think of another 2 but I'll post them when I remember.
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1. Lord of the Rings
2. Lord of the Rings 2
3. Lord of the Rings 3

Oh come on, as a huge fan of the books of course I'm majorly annoyed with the movies, but the top three worst ever? I want to hear your reasons. Just curious.

And while I'm posting, The Men Who Stare At Goats was a hilarious and clever movie, I've seen it twice and laughed through it both times, so what makes it (as an earlier poster said) so bad??? I just can't get enough of Ewan MacGregor's Star Wars references!! Can't believe there wasn't some serious infringement of copyright there...
Oh come on, as a huge fan of the books of course I'm majorly annoyed with the movies, but the top three worst ever? I want to hear your reasons. Just curious.

And while I'm posting, The Men Who Stare At Goats was a hilarious and clever movie, I've seen it twice and laughed through it both times, so what makes it (as an earlier poster said) so bad??? I just can't get enough of Ewan MacGregor's Star Wars references!! Can't believe there wasn't some serious infringement of copyright there...

Never read the books admittedly. The movies... Definitely my most hated movies of all the time.

1. Movies overall were slow
2. Movies overall were boring
3. It could have been condensed down to 1 movie and would have been so much more enjoyable.
4. The first movie annoyed me most. I wasted 2.5 odd hours for the movie to end absolutely nowhere.
5. I actually began to fast forward scenes from the 2nd movie to make it end quicker.
6. The last movie annoyed me least. Because it finally ended! (It took like 10 times to end though) And it actually got somewhere.

I know my arguments aren't really justified. I simply hated it. It is just my opinion anyway.

Youtube Lord of the rings clerks 2. That describes LOTR to a tee for me. Can't post it on here due to the swearing.
And while I'm posting, The Men Who Stare At Goats was a hilarious and clever movie, I've seen it twice and laughed through it both times, so what makes it (as an earlier poster said) so bad???

I didn't laugh one time, and it insists upon itself...just like The Informant if I'm to be honest. At least with latter I laughed a few times, with Goats I was just waiting for something to make me laugh and it just never came along. So, I turned away and never went back to it.
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I liked the Men Who Stare At Goats because a LOT of it is actually true. In fact, I believe it actually says "You'd be surprised at how much of what you're about to see is true." That and the ending where they lace the eggs with LCD is pretty funny.
I didn't laugh one time, and it insists upon itself...just like The Informant if I'm to be honest. At least with latter I laughed a few times, with Goats I was just waiting for something to make me laugh and it just never came along. So, I turned away and never went back to it.

I agree with you, I could tell where the funny parts were supposed to be but the funny just didn't happen. Rather sad when a black comedy(Informant) is "funnier" than a normal comedy.

Also, as far as I know the only true part about it is that the government did research paranormal power, that's about the extent of it though. I know there was a documentary on the disc, but the movie was bad enough.