GTP's Worst 10 Movies... Ever!

  • Thread starter Famine
:lol: No, it wasn't that... although I'm sure I heard a French film critic saying "Baise-moi, qui était terrible" about the film...

It's not the one with a soldier and a flannel up his emergency escape hatch, is it? Or the one with Antonio Banderas and someone having sex with a cow?

The French make some awful films - and their definition of "mainstream" is almost unbelievable.
1. American Pie: Band Camp
2. Rollerball (2002 remake)
3. The Fast And The Furious 3: Tokyo Drift
4. Batman and Robin
5. The Matrix: Revolutions
6. The Heartbreak Kid
7. Fred Claus

...That's all I can think of for now.
I've found it hard to compile a list of the worst films i've seen, i make an effort to not waste my time watching bad films in the first place. Still, these are films i've seen that should have been good but sadly were not. IMO.

In no particular order

1) King Kong (2005)
2) The Matrix: Reloaded
3) The Blair Witch Project
4) Kill Bill Vol.2
5) The Blues Brothers
6) Pirates of the Carribbean (any of them)
7) Unforgiven
8) The Fast and the Furious
9) Anchorman
10) Pearl Harbor
I'll give you 2 and 3 as bad. But Pirates 1? That was just good clean fun.

It wasn't as bad as the sequels (i've only seen 2, but don't hold out much for 3) - but it was still an average film at best and therefore massively overhyped in my humble opinion.
It wasn't as bad as the sequels (i've only seen 2, but don't hold out much for 3) - but it was still an average film at best and therefore massively overhyped in my humble opinion.

You are Mark Kermode and I claim my £5.
Lol Famine.
Mark Kermode. You cant trust someone whos name is suspiciously like a toilet. I listen to Kermode when i remember/get the chance. And i have only ever agreed with 1 of his reviews which was Ratatouille, which he didnt like.

I totally forgot about King Kong. Maybe it wouldnt be in my 10 worst films ever, but it'd probably be 11 or 12.
Pirates of the Carribean 1 was definitely good clean fun. It felt just like a ride through the theme park. I haven't ridden the Pirates ride since I was thirteen (gads, that was soooo long ago...), but I had fun spotting the scenes that came from the ride.

Overhyped? I guess it's a matter of opinion... being overhyped isn't a problem with the film itself, just the audience.

2&3 were just a drawn out, torturous, exploitation of the franchise. It takes them nearly six hours to tell their gruesome tale.

The second movie was barely acceptable... up to the point where they make you sit through about half an hour of nothing happening to find out that you'll have to wait till number three to see the ending (I felt like throwing my leftovers at the screen).

The third movie? Utter rubbish, from start to end. The double-crosses, triple-crosses and utterly predictable double-triple crosses inserted in the 3rd installment alone took up nearly two hours of screen time, the rest taken up by "Little Miss Pirate King" and "Jack in La-La Land". What a terrific way to kill a franchise.
First, I barely liked, but I did get it on DVD(it was cheap!). Second one, I might've made it through about half an hour. Third one, nobody I knew were impressed, so I passed.
There was a third? I loved the first two.
Yes, unfortunately There was a third installment of Crocodile Dundee.
It was set in Los Angeles, and had a really cute kid playing Dundee's son...
And it wasn't a third, it was a turd.
I saw a terrible film on a plane back to England once about a guy in London who gets into debt with some dodgy cockney gangland geezers and in order to get the money to pay them back enlists the talents of his girlfriend's artistic brother to forge famous the same famous painting and then sell them to art dealers around London at precisely the same time. It was quite possibly the most appalligly bad film I have ever seen. Wish I could remember the name. Forgers? Fakers? I don't remember.

Ha! 'Fakers' it was. Funny I could have entitled it with something that sounds almost the same!
I've found it hard to compile a list of the worst films i've seen, i make an effort to not waste my time watching bad films in the first place. Still, these are films i've seen that should have been good but sadly were not. IMO.

In no particular order

5) The Blues Brothers


That's one of the best movies ever with some of the best car chase scenes ever. One of the worst movies ever? There's no way unless you just absolutley don't understand the comedy or like the soul music
I like the music, i like the actors - both very funny men. But i just don't think it was a very funny film, which in my book a comedy should be.
1. The Comebacks
2. Napoleon Dynamite
3. Superstar
4. Anchorman
5. You Got Served
6. Epic Movie
7. Nacho Libre
8. Clerks
9. Superbad
10. Beowulf (The story wasn't bad, it's just that become idiotic for changing all the parts of it into a typical Hollywood movie).
I went ahead & replaced that god awful Hilton movie since I technically did see all of it.
I have to agree that the Blues Bros (both) pretty much stank as far as plot.
But like Napolean Dynamite, it wasn't about the plot.
Unlike Napolean Dynamite they did have a plot, even though it was kinda weak.
The Blues Brothers movies were about the music, and every gratutious opportunity to burst into song.
I cant beleive i forgot Anchorman.
I could really just say any film were Will Ferrel is the lead "funny" man. But Anchorman is the least funny film i have ever seen. Overrated humourless piece of feakel matter.
I cant beleive i forgot Anchorman.
I could really just say any film were Will Ferrel is the lead "funny" man. But Anchorman is the least funny film i have ever seen. Overrated humourless piece of feakel matter.

fecal matter.
And straight in at the top of my least favourite movies... Smokin' Aces! A more apt title might have been Steamin' Manure. Anyone else seen this joyless and inane excuse for a film?
Haha, I have to agree Rue. I don't think I even watched 10 mins of it before I stopped it. Found it very boring and thought the acting was pretty poor. Especially from Ben Affleck. :yuck:
I liked the name and so I planned to watch it, but when the time came I saw maybe the first 5 min and then turned it off.
Even if im bored ****less at a film i dont give up on it. I've only ever given up on 2 movies in my life. Bridget Jones 2 and Enigma.