GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Main Thread

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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Again, can anyone be a steward want to do the qualifier st Laguna

Don't worry, no need to repeat a request, the stewards will usually check all the new posts they've missed and respond to anybody who wants to get their qualifier done in due time. If no-one responds after a day or so, then you can request again for somebody to watch your qualifier.

That's why checking on this thread frequently (every day) is key, so you don't miss out on any vital information, although 99% of the stuff you need to know is in already in the OP, just make sure to keep on top of things as well as you can.

Don't think that is already in the OP so that would be something to consider adding 👍
if you would start practicing now, what would be your set up? stock or max turbo?

Stock for sure. If regulations are going to be anything like previous seasons, car performance has only been increased by a little, nothing dramatic like maxing the car out.
If you are looking at gt500's I think masi said last seasons regs were fine. Check out season 2 thread for the specs.
I don't have time to be a host, steward, etc etc.

I will enter race but not got the time to invest outside the races.

Oh! I was so happy when i got the news about the new season of WSGTC in my RSS feed! And I thought to myself. "Why did i leave back in time?".
So I'm proud to say that I will now be trying to get in to season 3 - because i loved racing with some of you old guys who is still here!
I don't have time to be a host, steward, etc etc.

I will enter race but not got the time to invest outside the races.


Just out of interest. Did you edit your post or was it "moderated". I am on the iPhone app and can't tell if you edited
Just out of interest. Did you edit your post or was it "moderated". I am on the iPhone app and can't tell if you edited

It doesn't say it was edited but it has changed I'm guessing it's been moderated. :odd:
Hey Masi, what's the deadline for the conference sign up? I may go to Pal conference because I'm not sure when my college classes will take place. If on the morning then i should be good for Pal if not I'm sticking with NTSC. I'll let you know.
I ninja edited. Removed banter for it wasn't needed. Out of respect for others.
what did it say lol interesting conspiracy ?

TBH if it's been removed I don't think It would be a good idea to repeat it here. I didn't see anything wrong with his comment but thats my opinion, anyway if you really want to know what he said it would be a better idea to PM him lol.
What times has everyone done at Laguna Seca? Need to see what i'm aiming at. Also if you need extra hosts, i can host if you want :)
I just watched a French film Point Blank, quite good to be honest lol

back to topic.

I know masi is trying to make the gt300s be around the 300bhp mark but I'm thinking the same as adermm will this make them too slow as in last season the 500s closing speed on them was quite fast, but I suppose we could test a pre race once we find some good settings

We've just talked about this and its been decided to work and improve from season 2 specs with emphasis on the Lexus IS350.

And yes, preseason races will be planned weekly. I will not host them purposely in the intention of finding competent and capable hosts. I'll message some of these potential people in a few (just woke up).

@ PaggyDaggy - Good to see you back! Nice to see a few Danish flags once again! :cheers:

@ NEPALII - There's no deadline. Although i might close sign-ups altogether if we get a ton of more people signed up. We've gone past 200 at the moment. Still quite manageable, but we'll see about it.
Any further Questions?

Then Read this FAQ!

Everything should be there, otherwise, just post in this thread.



NTSC Dedicated and Capable Race Hosts

PM me if interested.
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Just out of interest. Did you edit your post or was it "moderated". I am on the iPhone app and can't tell if you edited

What was it about?

I couldn't resist to register, as many of the great racers I know are already or will certainly try it also. I filled the google doc and I will start practicing after the end of my semester in 2 weeks. Can't wait, thanks to those who organize this!

Good to see another D1 guy! Welcome to the series 👍
We've just talked about this and its been decided to work and improve from season 2 specs with emphasis on the Lexus IS350.

And yes, preseason races will be planned weekly. I will not host them purposely in the intention of finding competent and capable hosts. I'll message some of these potential people in a few (just woke up).

@ PaggyDaggy - Good to see you back! Nice to see a few Danish flags once again! :cheers:

@ NEPALII - There's no deadline. Although i might close sign-ups altogether if we get a ton of more people signed up. We've gone past 200 at the moment. Still quite manageable, but we'll see about it.

Just a thought. With so much interest, how about a 3rd conference. Maybe at 11pm on the Friday uk time?
Just a thought. With so much interest, how about a 3rd conference. Maybe at 11pm on the Friday uk time?

It would mean more workload for me. I would need another dedicated admin to manage and organize. We'll keep it as is for now.
if we was to do a 3rd the points would have to be majorly adjusted

I don't see why. There would just be 3 separate championships. PAL, NTSC + another. It would just allow an extra 60 people to quallify.
The only thing that would need changing is the end off season decider. It would need to include an extra 4 drivers.
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