TheConvictUnfortunately it's not a matter of agreement from my part. It only depends on when i complete my obligations abroad. I will keep you posted in the best way i can.
TheConvictI should be back by Tuesday night but its probable that issues arise and therefore prolong my stay. So i can't guarantee anything at the moment.
MONSTAR-1Any stewards around ATM. Will need your services in within 39mins.
Maxking39 and I like to do our race tomorrow Saturday at 8pm CET/2pm EST (ie 6pm GMT).
Any steward available to attend the race?
Any steward available?
If not, can we do the race after the deadline for round 1 when a steward will be available?
Our race is an hour before at 2EST, maybe twisted could come to ours
I can watch in about 30 mins
Paginas1On the way.....
cicuaWe are in NTSC-1.