
  • Thread starter Talentless

Which position on firearms is closest to your own?

  • I support complete illegality of civilian ownership

    Votes: 120 15.5%
  • I support strict control.

    Votes: 244 31.5%
  • I support moderate control.

    Votes: 164 21.2%
  • I support loose control.

    Votes: 81 10.5%
  • I oppose control.

    Votes: 139 17.9%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
I trust you guy have heard about Mark Kelly having purchased an AR-15?

I don't know who to believe, but I first heard a report by a conservative radio that Kelly was "caught" purchasing a AR-15 + high capacity magazine(s) and I think some ammo. They also said that he is only now explaining that he bought the AR-15 to learn hands-on how easy it is to purchase "assault weapons". Here is, at least to me, a really horrible backpedaling job with "you know" throw-in about a hundred times.

If he isn't lying, he's really good at looking like he got caught. The CNN article does not question Kelly's story at all. In the video, it's asked like the question is obligatory, but not even noteworthy. :crazy:

Also, if you have purchased firearms in the States before, you know about straw purchases. This blog brings up a interesting point, though I don't think Kelly is actually guilty of it. He says he is turning it into the Police, not purchasing it on the behalf of the Police.

Yeah this has been all over the local news here, since I live in Arizona. He also bought a hand gun (.45) that he is going to be keeping. So yeah...also not sure what exactly he accomplished.
If Mark Kelly just wanted to show how easy it was to get an AR-15, why did he buy one from a firearm dealer, which necessitates a NICS check? Why not buy one from a private party?

I couldn't find the quote. Can you provide evidence?
Yeah this has been all over the local news here, since I live in Arizona. He also bought a hand gun (.45) that he is going to be keeping. So yeah...also not sure what exactly he accomplished.

Unless I see some credible evidence, I think it's likely that he got caught purchasing the very item he's preaching ban on. Either way, I can't believe someone who sounds like that(in the CNN interview), and with such poor judgement used to be an astronaut. :crazy:

Edit: Exactly, z-man. He purchased a AR and high-cap mag to prove the obvious? What's next, person of legal age can buy beer with just picture ID? Mark Kelly's likely an hypocrite & now his pants is on fire, too.
If Mark Kelly just wanted to show how easy it was to get an AR-15, why did he buy one from a firearm dealer, which necessitates a NICS check? Why not buy one from a private party?

I couldn't find the quote. Can you provide evidence?

I believe it was in a video he said that...I could be wrong now that I think about it so I retract my statement. I was pretty sure I remember that. He may have worked around those "exact" words but came off that way. Obviously I don't know how true it is but if someone is going to go that far in that picture I'm sure it was said somewhere.
Not necessarily; likening group A to more insidious groups has always been a tool used by the opposition to get their point across while trying to show just how ridiculous the counterargument is.
Unless I see some credible evidence, I think it's likely that he got caught purchasing the very item he's preaching ban on. Either way, I can't believe someone who sounds like that(in the CNN interview), and with such poor judgement used to be an astronaut. :crazy:

Edit: Exactly, z-man. He purchased a AR and high-cap mag to prove the obvious? What's next, person of legal age can buy beer with just picture ID? Mark Kelly's likely an hypocrite & now his pants is on fire, too.

That was my point by saying

Yeah this has been all over the local news here, since I live in Arizona. He also bought a hand gun (.45) that he is going to be keeping. So yeah...also not sure what exactly he accomplished.

I mean he didn't do anything amazing, and the only reason CNN ate it up is because they are on the sensationalist side of Guns, hence Peirs Morgan's crap.
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:lol: my ass off at Diane Feinstein.

Things got testy today when Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) snapped "I'm not a sixth grader" at Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) after he began quoting the Bill of Rights to her during a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on a proposed assault weapons ban.

Go Ted, nail that 🤬

I'm not a sixth grader. Senator, I've been on this committee for 20 years. I was a mayor for nine years. I walked in, I saw people shot. I've looked at bodies that have been shot with these weapons. I've seen the bullets that implode. In Sandy Hook, youngsters were dismembered

Really Diane ?!?!?!
Imploding bullets ?
Dismembered bodies at Sandy Hook ?

Ok, so your not a sixth grader, but you have the mentality of a 2 year old. The only thing imploding and dismembering is that mass of empty space between your ears. Fact.

Full article

Chuck Schumer caught in a lie about "universal background checks".

Wayne Lapierre - Universal background checks have no effect on the real world.
Just wow. Who's dumber? Idiot who go buy an "assault weapon" while preaching ban against it, or this crazy woman who can't even lie right? At least make up something halfway believable. :crazy:
They (Feinstein, Biden, Kelly, Obama) are all on the same page. With a team like this representing gun ban legislation, we gun owners have nothing to worry about. They are just making themselves look real bad.

As the old saying goes : if you give a man enough rope, eventually he will hang himself. For these people, the noose is getting tighter.
I wish it was so, but I see a trend of changes in this country, and one of them is the public's view on firearms. And you know it's bad when the media is just pouring it on, totally one-sided. When the news start focusing on not the mental illness of these public shooters, or the actual causes, characters, but the popular tool used among them, sheeps just eat the stuff up. Like this Mark Kelly thing. It's cover-up by spinning the story, or damn near ignoring such juicy embarrassing, controversial & scandalous story. Is it not absolutely out of character to go silent on something like that? With George Zimmerman, Toyota Recall, those guys were even caught red handed faking evidence to escalate the sensationalism. :crazy:

I hope I'm wrong, but even with the ignorant leadership like Feinstein & Biden leading the charge, I believe that supporters of Second Amendment, firearm owners have a lot of worry about until the media turn more neutral in reporting.
They (Feinstein, Biden, Kelly, Obama) are all on the same page. With a team like this representing gun ban legislation, we gun owners have nothing to worry about. They are just making themselves look real bad.

As the old saying goes : if you give a man enough rope, eventually he will hang himself. For these people, the noose is getting tighter.
Technically the reason you don't have to worry about it is because you have a gun in your hand and when you boil it down they'll ultimately have to answer to that.
Another tidbit from the Feinstein-Cruz exchange:

The tea party partisan [Cruz] wanted to know from the senior senator if she would "deem it consistent with the Bill of Rights" to apply the same guidelines of banning weapons in the Second Amendment to the banning of books in the First Amendment?

Directing his question at Feinstein, he asked, "Would she consider it constitutional for Congress to specify that the First Amendment shall apply only to the following books and shall not apply to the books that Congress has deemed outside the protection of the Bill of Rights?"

That's a very good question, actually. One that she did not respond to, unsurprisingly.
I wish it was so, but I see a trend of changes in this country, and one of them is the public's view on firearms. And you know it's bad when the media is just pouring it on, totally one-sided. When the news start focusing on not the mental illness of these public shooters, or the actual causes, characters, but the popular tool used among them, sheeps just eat the stuff up. Like this Mark Kelly thing. It's cover-up by spinning the story, or damn near ignoring such juicy embarrassing, controversial & scandalous story. Is it not absolutely out of character to go silent on something like that? With George Zimmerman, Toyota Recall, those guys were even caught red handed faking evidence to escalate the sensationalism. :crazy:

I hope I'm wrong, but even with the ignorant leadership like Feinstein & Biden leading the charge, I believe that supporters of Second Amendment, firearm owners have a lot of worry about until the media turn more neutral in reporting.

I agree. Even though the Dummycrats sound like clowns to me on just about every issue, it doesn't matter how little you understand economics, finance, diplomacy, energy, debt and deficits, the constitution etc. etc. What matters is if you have the ear of more than 50% of the electorate because so long as you win the big chair and the two houses, you can be as dumb as a box of rocks on every issue, but still get everything done you want. How sexy does it sound to someone on food stamps to hear, "Hang the rich, make them pay their fair share...." when you pay nothing, contribute nothing and take everything? When 2, 3, 4% of the population was on food stamps it didn't matter. Now it's what, 15%? ...and they are a huge part of the electorate.

If they win back the Congress in 2014 expect massive, sweeping changes to Federal Gun Control legislation, the least of which will be a ban on anything that even remotely resembles an assault weapon and probably criminalizing possession of one at the same time.
Exactly why they get accused of having Socialist characteristics, right? If the left actually got their way? Completely? Politically, I doubt that country would resemble America much anymore.
That's a very good question, actually. One that she did not respond to, unsurprisingly.
A shocker. :lol:
Just received an email from Mayor Mark Glaze from a group called "Mayors Against Illegal Guns". It was asking for donations of $33 or more to pretty much buy their way into Congress to sign tougher reform bills into law. Totally against this.
Another tidbit from the Feinstein-Cruz exchange:
That's a very good question, actually. One that she did not respond to, unsurprisingly.

Well, she did say the answer was obvious ... "no".
3:59 into the video.

I was asked today by a person / client what guns are being pinpointed out on this proposed ban. Just in case you are unaware ...
Here is a list of the proposed.
Another list as well

How many guns do you own that are on this hit list ? I see three of mine, but of course, what they don't know what I have won't hurt them either. :embarrassed:
Well, she did say the answer was obvious ... "no".
3:59 into the video.

I was asked today by a person / client what guns are being pinpointed out on this proposed ban. Just in case you are unaware ...
Here is a list of the proposed.
Another list as well

How many guns do you own that are on this hit list ? I see three of mine, but of course, what they don't know what I have won't hurt them either. :embarrassed:

The grandfathered ones will also be required to be registered too.
What kills me is this, the dems and even republicans say that the constitution is a living document that runs its course with the times. This is due to most people knowing that the founders probably realized that the world wasn't going to be stagnant in their time period forever. Now this is what kills me, though the dems want gun control their constitutional argument (Piers Morgan ironically says) is that we the people can have all the muskets we want. But if they believe in a constitution that is living and grows with the times, then why is there a double standard to the second amendment? Shouldn't their also be a ban on electronics that open up to the First amendment or online blogs/papers and forums like this.
How far will this proposed prohibition go?

I do have Bushmaster MOE Series from the list. Will they confiscate it from me? Will they prohibit me from selling it?

They won't do anything to disarm the criminals, because these dummies respect the rights of the criminals to run drugs or whatever & to murder, but they will insist on disarming law abiding people like us, leaving us at disadvantage against these armed criminals.

These people really give me negative thoughts about them.
You don't need guns, just call the cops 👍

:lol: :lol:

It's all about abuse of power, we are being abused and they know it. Lets face it, they don't give a crap about this guy or that guy being killed by a whack job with a so called ass halt riffle. we need to take some of their power away as they no longer represent the people. (just my opinion of course, even though it is true :D )
What kills me is this, the dems and even republicans say that the constitution is a living document that runs its course with the times. This is due to most people knowing that the founders probably realized that the world wasn't going to be stagnant in their time period forever. Now this is what kills me, though the dems want gun control their constitutional argument (Piers Morgan ironically says) is that we the people can have all the muskets we want. But if they believe in a constitution that is living and grows with the times, then why is there a double standard to the second amendment? Shouldn't their also be a ban on electronics that open up to the First amendment or online blogs/papers and forums like this.

Actually that argument has already been used to justify the FCC's restrictions on freedom of speech over the airwaves.

You don't need guns, just call the cops 👍

:lol: :lol:

It's all about abuse of power, we are being abused and they know it. Lets face it, they don't give a crap about this guy or that guy being killed by a whack job with a so called ass halt riffle. we need to take some of their power away as they no longer represent the people. (just my opinion of course, even though it is true :D )

Indeed. The police don't prevent crime, they just help clean up the mess twenty minutes afterward.
i live in a town with no police department, closest towns with police are atleast 11 miles away... if you threaten my family or break into my house im not calling 911 :sly:
Actually that argument has already been used to justify the FCC's restrictions on freedom of speech over the airwaves.
Back in the days when they tried banning certain books that is how the FCC tried to defend it, but their ultimate explanation is that they own the airwaves and license out permissions to use them. Do as they say or don't broadcast.

It is why no FCC argument works for print, movies, music, television or games available in any other, yet equally available, medium.

If anything the FCC is a shining example of why you should never allow government to claim regulatory power over something new or something they haven't regulated so far.

To use the FCC as an example, if Feinstein's bill passes then banning more guns, and eventually all guns, is just a matter of adding to her list. Depending on how the enforcement is laid out that list could be altered by the ATF with minimal oversight.

No matter anyone's thoughts on guns, this kind of power grab should scare everyone.
How far will this proposed prohibition go?

I do have Bushmaster MOE Series from the list. Will they confiscate it from me? Will they prohibit me from selling it?

They won't do anything to disarm the criminals, because these dummies respect the rights of the criminals to run drugs or whatever & to murder, but they will insist on disarming law abiding people like us, leaving us at disadvantage against these armed criminals.

These people really give me negative thoughts about them.

I doubt they'll confiscate it. I think what they'll do is give you x amount of days to turn it into a police department, probably will not compensate you for it fairly or at all, or else you'll be a felon if they catch you with it. Maybe they'll set up a system so that your neighbor gets a reward for ratting you out.

Another thing I heard is that it will be illegal to leave any of your guns to your children, effectively ending gun ownership with the current generation of gun owners.

I really doubt the legislation will pass, in any form. There are Democrats who will not vote for it because they don't want to get voted out. Even these types of laws that have been passed in Colorado and New York are going to face Supreme Court challenges soon, and I expect them to be shot down as well. The McDonald v. Chicago ruling set the precedent IMO. If the Second Amendment applies to handguns, it should apply to other guns as well.
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God, I hope you are right. Indeed, by supporting a gun control as drastic as what is being proposed, some of these Democrats better realize that they are making serious political enemies out of the American gun owners.

It's one thing when measures are taken to fix something. It's a whole another deal when it's a pointless political B.S.
What I fear them doing is putting a property tax against guns. They probably figure it will be upheld since Obamacare was upheld due to it being a tax. Then they'll just make it too expensive for anyone to be a gun owner.

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