Halo 4 *The best Halo IMO*

Oh the good old days when we had to use LAN cables stretching all across the house to play multiplayer Halo tournaments.

And what's the deal with all these Michigan people lately? :P
Usually Michigan has THE highest unemployment of any other state. So as Paragon GT said, most Michigan people dont have a job. My company is barely hanging on and right now I am between 50-60 hours a week and thats just so our company will break even this year. :nervous:

Any more info about H4? I wonder if we will have all the armor abilities like Jet packs? I will be very disappointed if we dont have those somehow in H4. :indiff:
There are some video's posted on another Halo forum I'm on. I'll try to dig those up and post them here when I have a little more time.

(Spartan1project.com if ya wanna join.)
Any more info about H4? I wonder if we will have all the armor abilities like Jet packs? I will be very disappointed if we dont have those somehow in H4. :indiff:

I don't think we'll have anything other than Jetpack. Maybe sprint.
This thread died. I joined 343's home to discuss a bit of Halo 4 lately. I really hope they blow us away with this game. It seems there might be a huge reveal on the 29th, or 3rd, so I'm looking forward to those days. Let's hope this game is truly good though.

Apparently they've said they have the Campaign finished and playable front to back, with the Multiplayer pretty much setup. Most likely by July they'll have the full game ready. I'm dying for some news!
Here's a speculation on the new Main Menu music. One thing I've loved about Halo is the Main Menu music, and this definitely doesn't disappoint! Most people point fake, but this is the same music heard in the leaked Alpha Build Menu so it's a possibility.

I am also dying to hear some information about Halo 4. As quiet as it has been about this game lately, I have a feeling it could get bumped to 2013 or even bumped to the next console. Possibly as a launch title. :scared:
I just want the co-op campaign to have all the FUN that Halo 3 had in its campaign. Scarab battles are a must or at least some sort of massive enemies like that. Reach campaign was a huge disappointment and not a single scarab battle.
I am also dying to hear some information about Halo 4. As quiet as it has been about this game lately, I have a feeling it could get bumped to 2013 or even bumped to the next console. Possibly as a launch title. :scared:
I just want the co-op campaign to have all the FUN that Halo 3 had in its campaign. Scarab battles are a must or at least some sort of massive enemies like that. Reach campaign was a huge disappointment and not a single scarab battle.

Why is that scary? I actually hope this will be a launch title for next xbox. can you just imagine what kind of clarity you could achieve with 1080p? And master chief in 3D are you kidding? what else can you really expect them to achieve on the current gens graphics card? im sorry but halo 3 was agood step up graphically from halo2, but everything else has been a dissapointment for me. on to bigger better things for the Halo series hopefully.
I only meant it as scary because I have NO interrest in the next gen console at all. So if Halo 4 gets bumped to the xbox 720 then I would have to actually consider getting the next console. :ouch:

I personally LOVED Halo 3. Especially the 4 player co-op campaign. Easily the best campaign of the entire series. Reach co-op campaign was not fun to me but the Reach multiplayer is very good. In fact according to Bungie.net I have completed 277 campaign missions. Thats not including the last time we tried for over 3 hours to get my friends the vidmaster challenge annual and then we got disconnected. That was unbelievable. 3 hours gone. But other than that I love the Halo 3 co-op campaign. I just hope they have Scarab battles again or some large enemies like that. Reach had nothing even close to Scarabs to battle.

This is only 1 part of this epic Covenant level from Halo 3. 2 Scarabs to battle and even more epic if you play with 4 people!!
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I agree it Halo 3 is the best Halo and the last that i bought and actually played. Reach and ODST were fillers which made me feel like they were just cashing in on the Halo hysteria. the Halo series needs more horsepower now, i cant wait for next xbox. well, if i dont go head first into PC racing first and forget all about it.
Speculation over at 343's forums suggests a March 5th reveal. This is helped by 343i setting an embargo until then for Halo 4 news, as well as them being at a gaming convention right around now.

Halo 3 was an amazing game. I recently replayed that game just to remember my first time through. I hope Halo 4 has the wonder of Halo: CE, the length and story of Halo 2, and the awesomeness of Halo 3 all combined into one. I do also hope Cortana doesn't get destroyed like some are theorizing. She is a wonderful companion for Chief, and the amount of information she could possibly hold to help the Chief is incredible, so it would really be sad to see her go.
I also put this in the first post.

If they are planning on releasing it in August or September of 2012 then a beta must be right around the corner. Beta maybe in April or May?? I wonder what they will be removing to improve the graphics. I also didnt see any armor loadouts in the video. No jetpacks, armor lock or anything like that. So those might not be in H4. Battle rifle is back for those that like the battle rifle.
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Speculation over at 343's forums suggests a March 5th reveal. This is helped by 343i setting an embargo until then for Halo 4 news, as well as them being at a gaming convention right around now.

Halo 3 was an amazing game. I recently replayed that game just to remember my first time through. I hope Halo 4 has the wonder of Halo: CE, the length and story of Halo 2, and the awesomeness of Halo 3 all combined into one. I do also hope Cortana doesn't get destroyed like some are theorizing. She is a wonderful companion for Chief, and the amount of information she could possibly hold to help the Chief is incredible, so it would really be sad to see her go.

I have sadly never felt the wonder of any game the way i felt for Halo CE. best game ever for me. i cant replicate the amazement i felt for it with anything else.
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This is the first thing I have seen that has sparked a true interest in the game for me.
The Teaser stuff that was out earlier was interesting, but didn't put me in that "gotta HAVE that game" mode.

The new stuff doesn't either, but it definately put it on my radar as something to keep my eyes on the look out for.
I think Sprint and Jetpack are default armor abilities. There's also a system where the armor you pick changes the way the game will be for you which I don't know how I feel about. Hopefully we will get a Beta.
Well I will be honest. Its not looking good at all now. Dang I knew they were going to make it more like COD but WOW I didnt expect it to be this much like COD. Why remove firefight? That is a very enjoyable playlist that many people play. Its a horde type mode with vehicles and a great way to have fun with friends against wave after wave of enemies. Spartan Ops just makes me lol. Seriously? Thats just proof they they are trying everything they can to try and get COD players interrested in Halo. This is just a recipe for disaster trying to make Halo like COD. Most COD players that hate halo have no plans to ever play it no matter what they change. I cant believe 343 doesnt realize they are seriously about to destroy the Halo series.

COD players have no interrest in Halo so they wont be coming to Halo because well it says Halo. Halo players that love Halo usually dont care that much for COD. So all Halo 4 is going to do is make more Halo fans give up on the series. Its not going to magically bring COD players to Halo. If thats what they are thinking, they are about to get a serious wake up call. Most people that love Halo love it because its Halo and its different and its not like COD. I wouldnt be surprised to hear that Halo 4 has a kill cam. I have been trying to be optimistic but the more I hear, the less excited I get. I really do not want H4 to be like COD. :grumpy:


Game Informer

Lets start with the Game Informer stuff, the main points of the magazine article can be found here: http://www.halotracker.com/Forums/ShowThread.aspx?ID=141572

New additions

- Sprint is always available, not a seperate ability

- Jetpack, Camo & Hologram return as Armor Abilties

- Forerunner Vision, a new ability

- Join in progress top prevent quitting

Taken out / Not returning

- No Elites in Multiplayer

- No Firefight

- No more respawn delay, tap X to respawn

- No more weapon camping, random weapon drops

High Resolution Images of the Article can be found here: http://www.halotracker.com/Forums/ShowThread.aspx?ID=141663

All the above info has been confirmed by Frank O'Connor (http://halocouncil.com/content.php?55-GameInformer-Halo-4-Information-leaked! - bottom of this post) and David Ellis (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=36731047&postcount=14908)

In the recent Halo Bulletin (http://halo.xbox.com/blogs/Headlines/post/2012/04/05/The-Halo-Bulletin-4512.aspx) - Info can be found regarding H4 Cortana (seen on the front cover story of H4 in GI), & Network Tests being made
No Firefight equals no buy for me. I used to dominate that gameplay pretty well when I got on a role. Brought me & my buddies hours of fun. 👎
More Bad News: No Public Beta on Halo 4. Their reasoning is as follows:

Microsoft via IGN
We plan to test both gameplay and code features rigorously and at a meaningful scale throughout the course of 2012 to ensure a great experience at launch, but we have no plans for a public multiplayer beta for Halo 4...

In summary: expect a COD-like multiplayer experience for the first six months as we find out the new bugs in the game...

If I get this game, it'll be for Spartan Ops and Campaign, that's it. They also need to change the name of Spartan Ops. It reminds me too much of this crap. The first mission sounds very good though, and I think if anything can make the game worth buying, it's the storys of both Spartan Ops and Campaign. I'll give multiplayer a try, hopefully they'll have many playlists closer to the original trilogy, or a Customs Game Browser.

The removal of Firefight isn't that great either. I never really used it all the time in Reach, but in ODST it was great fun! The removal doesn't seem right. Why remove a playlist? They should put the game on two disk. Multiplayer, Firefight, Forge, Theater, and Custom Games, with Spartan Ops and Campaign on the other disk.
They announced a while back that there would be no public beta. Which IMO is the first mistake 343 is making with halo 4. Especially since they are making such a huge and dramatic change with the gameplay, yet not include a public beta. This is the first Halo game that 343 is making and their first decisions is to NOT have a beta. Massive mistake. So far there really isnt anything optimistic about H4 that I am excited about. Which is a shame because I was really looking forward to a true Halo sequal. But its not looking good at all. Especially the direction they are taking of copying COD. I play Halo because it is not COD.
Halo 4 is said to run on a modified Halo: Reach engine.



That was classic! i cant wait to pummel them with the butt of a gun to hear those voices. i bet they would also have made great voices for some grunts.
I sure hope all the humor and english speaking enemies are in H4 like in H3. Thats what made the H3 co-op campaign so much fun. Every time I play the H3 campaign I hear something funny that I havent heard before. Thats what made the Reach campaign so boring and lifeless. No english speaking enemies and no humor.

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