Having NASCAR trouble??

Tip for Grand Valley: Keep Bob cool until about lap 7 then start telling him to overtake. He should easily get to first and win 'cause everyone else will have crappy tires from all the sliding they do.
I followed this tip and won the race by 0.078 seconds :D:D

Thank you!!!

EDIT - The transmission is nowhere near high enough for B-Spec High Speed Ring. The car tops out at 184 on the straight and the other cars just pull away. Just finished 9th and now only got a 25 point lead in the championship. Got to win at Laguna

2nd at Laguna to make it a 5 point lead going into the final race. At Daytona I spent 13 laps hopping between 2nd & 10th then out of nowhere, Bob takes the lead and storms off in front. Then it was just a case of hitting "Increase The Pace" many times to make sure he kept his lead! As it happened, the guy who was 2nd in the championship finished 10th so I won by 100 points!

All that for a goddam Mercury Cougar?! :mad:
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I have got five NASCAR's and I have noticed that with an oil change the Jeff Gordon NASCAR has the most HP (something like 906 HP . That is more then all the others. How come ? And I had two Chevrolet Impala's so it is not with all Impala's. Only the Champion has more HP. BTW I already won A and B Spec. I haven't done the last race in Daytona because I won all other four races lol.
Am I the only one who has a problem with burning the rear tires off these cars?

I don’t get spun-out… I just loose speed at the end because I wont pit and then the competitors’ pass me.

On the road courses, once you are in first, lay off the pace up command. get bob's anger meter to about half way and just tell him to maintain pace. You should not have to pit on any of these races.
This Tune is IMMENSE!

First race INDY 5 Laps : Finished -21seconds

Every other race had similar results. all atleast -12 seconds. :D
This guide is EPIC!

i won all races by a long shot

1 indy = 21s

2 grand valley = 19s

3 high speed ring = 11s

4 Laguna Seca Raceway = 15s

5 Daytona = 23s

thanks for the guide man i love you!
I won these Championships a long time ago in A & B Spec, however I never Golded the Daytona race in B Spec. So I took my lvl 35 Bob and figured I'd have a go. Many tries and setups later, the best result I could do was 5th. Bob would get out in the lead, and then get passed on lap 17. I tried saving the tires, nothing worked.

So I figured I'd give leadboots72's crazy setup a try (really +15 on the front?), anyways I was skeptical to say the least. I got Bob in the lead early on, and just used "maintain" pace. On lap 17~18 the computer started to really gain ground, so much so that I started to pace Bob up, the computer actually bumped me going into the last turn, I won gold by 0.034 seconds.

Bob needs to lay off the brakes.... I tuned the brakes to 0/0 hoping that they woudn't slow Bob down that much (who needs brakes at Daytona anyways), but it seemed like Bob would just apply more of them.

But again, big thanks to leadboots72 and his crazy setup.
So I figured I'd give leadboots72's crazy setup a try (really +15 on the front?), anyways I was skeptical to say the least. I got Bob in the lead early on, and just used "maintain" pace. On lap 17~18 the computer started to really gain ground, so much so that I started to pace Bob up, the computer actually bumped me going into the last turn, I won gold by 0.034 seconds.
Really? I won Daytona by a long way. Can't remember the margin but it was definitely a very comfortable victory. I was battling with the pack for ages, always between 2nd and 7th but then all of a sudden on lap 13 my Bob took 3 cars on one corner to get 1st and from there he made it look easy!

The transmission for the High Speed Ring race isn't high enough though. I kept maxing out on the straight and as a result, the cars in front of me pulled away and the cars behind me caught and passed me, ended up finishing 9th.

Still won the championship though!
Awesome tune up! My level 40 Bob finished in 1st on every race with minimum supervision and this setup. Much appreciated!
Hahaaha this is a joke! I won the first 4 races easy and on daytona is finished last with 25 seconds (!!!) on the 11th place... thats a bit ridiculous
Thanks for the setup. I easily won the first 4 races and at Daytona I made the mistake of not letting off the gas a little bit on the low side and went up the track and was put into the wall. I lost the pack and the draft so I quit out of that race and won title by 75 points.
leadboots72: Thanks! I was finally able to do this in A Spec, using your tune with only slight modifications (mostly to top speed as I use kms/hr and needed whole 10's for my settings.) This was on the Camry btw, with full downforce. Next closest car had 225 points, so was pretty easy from that perspective.

I ended up with 4 gold, and 9th at Daytona :guilty: due to not being able to break the draft, then getting sandwiched between two cars and doing an almighty wipe-out on lap 3. But I was able to cut over 1 second per lap on the leaders, and ended up only 3 seconds back, so your tune works, its the driver who was the problem :D

Funny too I did the first 3 races with no assists. I checked them for Indy and saw that there was not a lot I could change, so did not bother to look at the next ones. Ended up laying down a lot of black rubber strips, but still won them. Fun way to do it though.

Now I need to see how Bob will be with this setup......sigh
Worked for straight away, did finish the last race in 10th place though. Also forgot to switch tires, so I ran racing hard tires :( but it all worked out, and this was B-Spec. Thanks a lot leadboots72, IT WORKED! Got a Xanavi Nismo Z with the level 21 ticket to boot.
Not a bad tune but i found B-Spec ate my tyres... (He's lvl 23 with a slightly hotter temper, Not a lot almost in the middle)

So i changed a few things and he was much much better. Did Laguna with a gap of 10+ Seconds and very little tyre wear without spamming pace up. (Kept him middling) :)

Heres what i did....

F: 30 R: 55

Initial: 20
Acc: 55
Braking: 25

Ride Height - F: 0 - R: -10
Springs - F: 18.4 - R: 16.5
Dampers (Ext) - F & R: 8
Dampers (Comp) - F & R: 6
Anti Roll Bars - F & R: 4
Camber - F: 1.0 - R: 0.9
Toe - F & R - 0.0

F: 6 R: 5

Gears i used were longer than the OP's:

Race 1: Indy @ 230mph.

Race 2: Grand Valley @ 199mph

Race 3: High Speed Ring @205mph

Race 4: Laguna Seca @ 168mph

Race 5: Daytona @ 230mph

Hope it helps. :)

Thanks! I used them and gold in A and B and both were very easy.

I did one change: LSD: decreased acceleration sensitivity to 20. With 55 I did many spins and lost my rear tyres very easily especially in Grand Valley. I use Tony Stewart Office Depot Impala.
Don't know how old this thread is or what but this tune worked well for me, except the Daytona race. For that one I put the tranny one or two notches higher for top speed than the poster recommends. It's still close but a little easier to win when you aren't topping out at what like 215 on straights.
THANK YOU! I've been trying the NASCAR for a while and the best I've managed is 5th place. I raised an eyebrow at the suspension settings but took the DFGT for a spin with your tune exactly as you wrote it for each race. Gold 5-10 sec on the first few and .3 in Daytona! The best I did before in the valley was last. I could've bumped up the speed on the high speed ring but I still got a 1:02 or so. Thanks for sharing the setup! Daytona is fun and fast :scared:
These settings are awesome! Thanx!

Does anyone have to pit while B-specing the Indy Course? I found that my level 14 Bob has to at the 16th lap, but if I cancel the pit, he can't hang w/ the others. So what I did was just pit on the 4th lap, and work my way back to first place.

And I still can't win the Daytona race...
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These settings are awesome! Thanx!

Does anyone have to pit while B-specing the Indy Course? I found that my level 14 Bob has to at the 16th lap, but if I cancel the pit, he can't hang w/ the others. So what I did was just pit on the 4th lap, and work my way back to first place.

And I still can't win the Daytona race...

That set-up will not work for Daytona.
Here is the Daytona set-up below

Aero 20/40
Tranny 242 MPH
LSD 60/60/15
Ride Height F 15 R 15
Spring F 18.5 R 18.5
Ext F 8 R 4
Com F 8 R 4
Roll F 4 R 4
Camber F 3.0 R3.0
Toe F .00 R .20
Brakes F 3 R 7
Soft tires
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Great setup for the first 4 tracks! I came in last for Daytona like everyone else and had to go back and race that track for about 2 hours before I could win.

I tried a bunch of different transmission settings.
Set it too high ~240 and you'll be able to sling shot past the leader but they will catch up midway through the next turn. If you fall behind you'll never catch the draft.
Set it too low ~224 and you'll do better out front but won't be able to draft pass...and you'll never catch the draft if you fall behind.
Set it just right ~230 and you'll have enough room to pass and stay in front for a little while. They will catch you but hopefully they will be single file and give you a bump. I couldn't stay out front the entire race but I made sure I had a strategic 3rd place on the last lap. I got a good run on the back straight, passed the two lead cars and won by a few seconds.

I'm no expert but it seems you have to tune for the draft on this race. I tried tons of setups on this site but none could give me enough speed to stay out in front even if I got a huge lead off the very first turn. Once I finally gave up and just practiced my "last turn" move on each lap, I got it consistent enough to be in front on the last lap.
Not a bad tune but i found B-Spec ate my tyres... (He's lvl 23 with a slightly hotter temper, Not a lot almost in the middle)

So i changed a few things and he was much much better. Did Laguna with a gap of 10+ Seconds and very little tyre wear without spamming pace up. (Kept him middling) :)

Heres what i did....

F: 30 R: 55

Initial: 20
Acc: 55
Braking: 25

Ride Height - F: 0 - R: -10
Springs - F: 18.4 - R: 16.5
Dampers (Ext) - F & R: 8
Dampers (Comp) - F & R: 6
Anti Roll Bars - F & R: 4
Camber - F: 1.0 - R: 0.9
Toe - F & R - 0.0

F: 6 R: 5

Gears i used were longer than the OP's:

Race 1: Indy @ 230mph.

Race 2: Grand Valley @ 199mph

Race 3: High Speed Ring @205mph

Race 4: Laguna Seca @ 168mph

Race 5: Daytona @ 230mph

Hope it helps. :)

This setup is awesome on B-Spec and I'm going to the OP's setup on A next to see which I like more. Thanks guys.
This setup is awesome on B-Spec and I'm going to the OP's setup on A next to see which I like more. Thanks guys.

The set-up above will not work at Daytona/Indy in an online race of more than 10 laps.You will burn the rear tires off.
if it is still the same in this patch , a problem some may have with the daytona race in the series is that when you go to the next board, coming from laguna, the setting lock in like asm and sfr, and tc. so try laguna without these maybe just sfr. and when you go to daytona they lock with your last setting, making daytona the right way. no setting.
That set-up will not work for Daytona.
Here is the Daytona set-up below

Aero 20/40
Tranny 242 MPH
LSD 60/60/15
Ride Height F 15 R 15
Spring F 18.5 R 18.5
Ext F 8 R 4
Com F 8 R 4
Roll F 4 R 4
Camber F 3.0 R3.0
Toe F .00 R .20
Brakes F 3 R 7
Soft tires

Thank you! I'll give it a go!

EDIT - Just tried it at Indy, and my tires wore out faster....And I just got last place at Indy?

What were the default settings for the LSD?
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