Maybe we are thinking of different things?
As I said before yes you can do the judgement based on vision alone, but without the momentum, you must rely muc more on visual queues such as relationship between two objects (notice the hood and center line are not in teh same relation to the road in one of the pictures).
Also remember that I am talking during a turn, as I said, on a straight, it's not a big deal, but during a turn, you have to calculate the the directino of travel constantly and amlmost immediately and adjust your steering input accordingly. THIS is what makes it hard without some kind of momentum to go off of. It's much LESS unnatural than the TRACKIR method, but it is still difficult because of the fact that the input method you are relying on heavily to replace momentum no longer has static and fixed points to reference, the reference points now change dynamically and you have to figure out how much they changed AND act on it at the same time.
I don't know how I can really explain it to you better as it's an easy concept to miss but very hard to detail. All I can say is to tinker with the right stick while cornering and experience the TRACKIR type of dissorientation, while different it might help you better understand what I am talking about
This from the guy who, after a thread go locked, couldn't respond so had to PM me one last post because he just couldn't let it go? Ok turbo
