When I said my timetable wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, I spoke too early.
I was put in the wrong science, but I've since been moved now to GCSE Science, which is better. However, like I said before, the class I'm in now has already done their Biology, and I haven't, so I'm gonna have to catch up on the whole of that in my own time. Still, better than doing BTEC Science with all the people with negative IQs. I felt rather nerdy today in science though, as I figured out an equation in about 10 seconds after looking at it, and it took everyone else around 10 minutes to figure it out. We also did an experiment today, the usual acid mixing thing, typical chemistry stuff.
But my art is terrible. There's 11 of us and it's BTEC art, when I chose Fine Art which is GCSE art. For those unfamiliar with BTEC, it's a system where you are given a set list of things to complete. You can either get a Pass which is equivalent to a C, a Merit which is a B, or a Distinction which is an A. In art this list of things to do is pretty damn big, plus we've got to add in our own stuff too. If you don't complete one of them, you fail the whole thing. Even if you did everything else on the list with straight Distinctions, you'd still fail the whole thing if you missed just one thing on the list. Now, I don't like the way BTEC works, which is why I chose GCSE. But with my luck, I was dropped into BTEC. I told my art teacher about this, and she just looked at me like, "Oh. How strange." and that was that. I can't count how many times my school has ignored me.
This morning I started with IT, which is now a mandatory subject, and that's also set out in the BTEC style, although that's just the way IT is. There is no GCSE alternative of it, so I can't really complain. Although on my timetable, my friend in English cleverly altered it to say, 'TITZ'. So, this morning, I had TITZ first. Excuse language.
Resistant Materials isn't really fun anymore. I came in feeling optimistic, not letting the fact I was the only girl in there get me down. Which it isn't, as I'm used to being the only girl. In fact, I get along better with boys than I do girls sometimes. Although I feel like... hmm... I'm in their way. I feel like I'm preventing them from 'being boys'. Not that I would stop them, I mean, they seem happy being boys when there's loads of girls in the class. Just annoys me that the other two girls in my year who took Resistant Materials are in the same class together, but my school decided it seperate me, again. I've also been seperated in 'Sports Leadership'. Gonna be on my own again.
I think all my posts in this thread are rants. I'm not a negative person.... honest. Just my school is.