Data? I've only seen one car ever even bother to put gauges on a touch screen that weren't needlessly relevant to telling you whether it's hot or cold in the car.
Wants to become a race engineer.
Believes that precise numerical data is needless.
I never specified temperature data, so I don't know why you decided to base your entire post on it.
Other examples of data which could be displayed on a handy touchscreen.
Traffic, upcoming and incoming weather, nearby attractions, gas station recommendations based on expected range, and literally anything you normally would use a smartphone for.
I don't need a touch screen to tell me that. I don't need a touch screen to remind me to take the dogs out of my car because they'll cook and die.
I don't care. That's not relevant to this discussion.
My main problem with them is that they give useless information "The car is 23 degrees Celsius! Wow, is it!? So that's why I'm so comfortable..." said no one ever. "Oh, I'm burning gas like a madman!" said everyone who saw a fuel economy gauge.
They can give whatever information the driver wants. That's the point. Running out of gas? Want to save money? Display fuel consumption. Driving up a winding road? Display and record lateral and longitudinal G.
I find it laughable that the engineers and designers probably spent a month designing an interface to tell you what your brain naturally can. "It's hot in here." is not a valid thing to tell me, car. I already realize. When I go to track days, and the car's interior gets hot, I'll open the door while driving down pit lane to cool it off (works faster than A/C). Did some useless touch screen have to tell me that the car was hot? Nope. That was my natural reaction.
Thermostats have been around for decades. It was a trivial task to install one onto a car to monitor interior climate.
When the light turns green, my reaction isn't "step on the brakes HARDER, I want to save fuel so the throttle pedal is the enemy!" I know the position of my right foot, and I understand that the position of my right foot is the direct control over fuel economy. I don't need a touch screen to tell me that.
I don't care. You are spewing irrelevant rants.
I don't need heated seats (which are, as Top Gear notes, completely disgusting feeling,) and I live just outside of the Arctic Circle. I don't need an infotainment system to keep me entertained when driving my simplistic, fun-to-drive car is all of the entertainment I need. I've got music, a nice exhaust note, decent power, and wonderful handling.
Oh, I see, you're trying to be autistic White and Nerdy.
I still find touch screens and all that they entail entirely useless, and no one in this thread has proven anything to me otherwise. The only touch screen I like is the GT-R's touch screen, and maybe that BMW/Audi/VW system which allows tuning of suspension. For your average crapbox Ford, the only reason why you need the infotainment is because you're in a dull, front-wheel-drive car with no driving characteristics. I find it telling that even "sports cars" have them, implying that people would ever get bored of driving a proper sports car. Who?
Read my post.
It's like a standard driver interface, except with more functionality. It can be used for anything. Whining about how not everybody uses cars like you do isn't relevant to this discussion and honestly pitiful to read.
In a way, he was, though. He's implying that they're necessary when they simply aren't. He's trying to persuade us of his opinion, and I disagree.
No I wasn't. Find where I said that they were necessary.
I'm the one implying my point; cars are fine. The drivers are becoming boring, fuel-hoarding, complaint-spewing robots.
"The current temperature is 30 degrees Celsius. According to my central processing unit, that's hot. Engage air-conditioning."
...And roooollin their eyes because I am so White and Nerdy...
When I'm still sitting here, thinking "hey, I'm human. I can feel that it's [generically] hot. I don't need a pricey, ugly screen to tell me that."
Oh yes. An smooth illuminated screen with customizable UI is so much uglier than plastic knobs made by the lowest bidder.
What is with you and temperature? Just because you ignore the other thousands of functions of touchscreen displays doesn't mean that I've forgotten about them.
I mean, either the general population is losing the ability to sense temperature fluctuations, or the general population is the laziest population on the planet.
Because my entire argument for touchscreens in cars was centered around temperature displays. Yes.