Personal opinion = lame excuse to say a stupid comment
In my opinion, while going down a straight away at speeds of over 210+/- and then turning left, while maybe not always needing to 'let off the throttle' does take some serious skills, it's not the funnest thing for ME to watch. I'm more into road courses and the excitement it brings, as indicated in one of the previous YT vids posted of a race in Mexico (I think it was there?) where one car hopped the curb just shy of the finish line.
Thus, I'm telling you what I like/dislike and thus, I don't need you or anyone else for that matter telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, or that I don't know enough about NASCAR in order to voice my own opinion.
Matter of fact, I think anytime someone says "In my opinion", whether or not they're fully knowledgeable in a given subject or area is irrelevant and does NOT give a 'fanboy/fangirl' the right to outright/blatantly attack someone for not knowing as much on the subject being discussed as YOU.
All your posts have shown your thorough knowledge regarding NASCAR, its history and you come across as someone who knows their sh** and I respect that...ON THE OTHER HAND, at the same time, your outright dis-respect to others who may not share the same level of knowledge and/or excitement concerning NASCAR needs to be tuned down!
While this is NOT a public forum, it is a forum open for discussion and I would hope that at the age of some of the posters in this thread, some of you would show your AGE and not your shoe size...or worse, come across like an INTERNET TOUGH GUY, for the simple fact that if I was talking to you face-to-face in the real world and not in some internet forum, and happened to voice my own thoughts/beliefs about NASCAR, you'd certainly would NOT call me an 'idiot', for fear of getting your ass-kicked!
If someone says something that you know to be false or based on some preconceived perception, then by all means back up your rebuttal with facts , wisdom and/or personal experience or knowledge and not with an attitude I'd expect from a 14 year old school yard bully!
Personally, I'd love to see a NASCAR COT on any road course do battle with say a GT1 C6 Zo6...IF...PD has gone about updating the previous C5R to a C6R...if not, then maybe the Viper or something similar!