HST Track Days - Thursday's at 8pm EST - Fun, Friendly Racing for all skill levelsOpen 

  • Thread starter jay*doc
Haha! Sorry @BioNic (and sorry again)!

On a more serious note, I bought and tested my Mini. I know I'm not the fastest, but enjoyed 1:55ish times at Cote Online.

Since I was on, I snapped a few photos, the Top Gear Event inspired me to start taking photos again.


jaydoc_HST_MINI_Cooper_S_1.jpg jaydoc_HST_MINI_Cooper_S_2.jpg


And just in case the white one doesn't work, I bought a Black One!
Hey HST fellas!

Tomorrow (well today as of Thursday) we are starting to race every thursday night for points for the track championship, so unless it rains or anything happens looks like my race time with HST wont be that often anymore until late this summer.
Hey Guys, its down pouring here in minnesota so the races got cancelled for me so i will be able to attend tonight, now i gotta buy a car
Hey guys now I might not make it..well today I sorta stretched some legiments in my knee today and can't move my knee very well I'm going to try to make it but I might now. It probably would be painful for me as I'm pressing on the brake as well but I'll try if I can make it
Good evening! Room will open at approx 630 this evening. Want to give time for people to respond to FRs. See you then!
Room is open. Let me know if anyone has trouble getting in
Forgive me, @jay*doc, if I'm out of line here, but I'd like to repost the rules from the first post.

The First Turn Rule

It is the policy of this league for you to hold your position in turn 1 and not try to improve it unless the following situations occur: 1) The driver directly in front of you is asleep on the start. 2) The driver directly in front of you runs off course with at least 2 wheels off the track. 3) Obvious race incidents that must be avoided. 4) If you are able to fully draft past someone without incident or disruption to the other driver(s) with a reasonable distance before approaching the first turn.

Holding your position in the first turn is limited to the first turn on the first lap. This rule is in place for 2 reason: (1) to effectively avoid incidents in the first turn, and (2) so that drivers who are being careful and doing their part to avoid incidents in the 1st turn of are not taken advantage of. There is no sense in causing an incident in the congestion of the first turn. You can not win the race on the 1st turn or even the 1st lap. If a complaint is filed, the decision we make will be one that promotes an incident free first turn.

Dive Bombing

Dive bombing is unacceptable, and only results in incidents. It is not the same as passing under braking. Dive-bombing is when a trailing car intentionally brakes late to dive underneath the car in front of them as they are turning into a corner. The trailing driver must move to the low groove for at least 3-4 seconds prior to corner entry so that the leading driver can see the trailing drivers intentions in his mirror. However, running the low groove is not a guarantee that he will allow you to pass, it is only an indication that you wish to pass on the low side. The trailing driver must also have gained at least a half a car length lead before braking begins so the leading driver can see his position and avoid contact.

Mics During Racing

From the beginning of the race, until the last driver crosses the finish line, your mic should be on mute. This allows all racers to concentrate on their driving to the fullest. You may unmute to tell a driver your track position if racing in close proximity. Mic violations will result in a warning, multiple may result in a ban from High Speed Touring. If a racer is on mic by mistake, please feel free to say "Mic Check" to remind all racers to check.

Racing Accidents

Simply put, accidents happen. Do everything in your ability to race cleanly and not cause an incident. In the event you cause someone to spin out, get pushed off track, or into a wall, please pull to the side of the track and let the driver retake their position in front of yours, even if it means losing multiple positions.

Race Incidents

Legitimate complaints are encouraged, they insure a better racing environment for everyone. Complaints should be addressed by "Private Message" to a race steward. Please include the lap number and a brief description of the incident. If needed, a ruling will be announced after a video review by a steward. All racing incidents or racing related issues shall be dealt with via Private Message.

Last night we had a few new drivers, and as often is the case when new drivers or someone unfamiliar joins a race, there were a few bumps, accidents, and incidents. I always want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt in situations such as this, and assume there were connection issues and lag that caused some or all of these (this can happen, especially when racing internationally, and according from the offenders point of view there was no contact). However, to state things as simply as possible:
  • Contact should always be avoided.
  • It attempting to overtake, it is your responsibility to pass cleanly.
  • Dive-Bombing is NEVER acceptable and is a sure way to have people very upset at you.
If you mess up, or even if you're not sure, slow down and let the guy have his spot back. We're not racing for money here, only honor. This is a friendly series, with friendly people. Winning but having everyone hate you is not really winning... The simple act of giving the spot back acknowledges that, even if maybe it wasn't your fault, you care more about the other guy than you do about winning.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to driving with all of you again next week.
Hey, the classic car challenge looked like a blast. Sorry I missed it. Had some family issues the last couple of weeks. Hope to be back to catch the end of the Mini's.
Forgive me, @jay*doc, if I'm out of line here, but I'd like to repost the rules from the first post.

Last night we had a few new drivers, and as often is the case when new drivers or someone unfamiliar joins a race, there were a few bumps, accidents, and incidents. I always want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt in situations such as this, and assume there were connection issues and lag that caused some or all of these (this can happen, especially when racing internationally, and according from the offenders point of view there was no contact). However, to state things as simply as possible:
  • Contact should always be avoided.
  • It attempting to overtake, it is your responsibility to pass cleanly.
  • Dive-Bombing is NEVER acceptable and is a sure way to have people very upset at you.
If you mess up, or even if you're not sure, slow down and let the guy have his spot back. We're not racing for money here, only honor. This is a friendly series, with friendly people. Winning but having everyone hate you is not really winning... The simple act of giving the spot back acknowledges that, even if maybe it wasn't your fault, you care more about the other guy than you do about winning.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to driving with all of you again next week.

Well said Severn! Thanks
Oh, man... so while watching F1 this weekend (one of the best races I've ever watched in terms of intensity and unpredictability), I would flip over to the X-Games (which I haven't really watched since I was a teenager) because they were talking about Arena Super-Trucks... short dirt/asphalt circuit racing that essentially looked like baby monster truck rally cross... Ridiculously high ride height, soft suspension, constantly up on two wheels... From what I gathered from the specs it was roughly 650hp/1500kg.

The race itself wasn't all that exciting, because in my opinion, the X-Games is awful at covering things like racing... but I've been thinking about how awesome it would be to try to run in GT6, and maybe in HST if an adequate truck/track/whatever could be put together. :P