I struggled at first. I'm actually not convinced that, say, SRF isn't magically locked on still, since cars do weird things when sliding that makes them far too spiky and prone to self correction at the same time (outside front tyre "digs in", slowing everything down, and oversteer is only maintained usually by boot - it's not as progressive as GT5 in practice as a result).
Compounding that is some serious lack of feel in the force feedback (G25) and a bucket of latency in the same. I'm constantly fighting it, and it's not nice. Power steering is stupid, it just removes all resistance, like an on / off switch, if you happen to turn the wheel faster than a certain rate, leading to lots of inconsistent reactions and over-corrections. I just leave it on a low setting now and drive mostly by eye.
The suspension model is great, the tyre model is ... there, nothing to really say about that, but the chassis / body (and drivetrain...) physics is still too simplistic. And it's that which ties it all together, supposedly.
Still, I'm getting used to it; subtle things like only needing the tiniest amount of opposite lock to maintain slides, and re-learning throttle control in respect of said slides (it was very natural in GT5; maybe that was "too easy", I don't know). I drive a lot more away from the limit now, which, if nothing else, is more like my real life driving, if still far more aggressive.
I'm just waiting for Ronda to open up, that'll reward more sedate driving, I'd wager.
I hope, maybe, that'll cheer @
analog up a bit, too.