I don't like the new physics....

  • Thread starter analog
The video you posted is very helpful. It really confirms my belief that running the FFB too high is just not realistic or beneficial. That's why sometimes I'm skeptical of the people who claim running the FFB at 10 is the most realistic or gives you the best feel. The strength is overpowering.
People increase ffb because is extremely low in GT, gt6 ffb provides much more information than gt5 ffb, but it's ridiculous compared to a PC sim using the same peripheral, there is lack of effects, and lack of strength.
A few days ago i bought "assetto corsa", I like all products from kunos simulations, but AC is larger than the previous, more cars = more performance balance to deal with. Out of curiosity I wanted to test 458 italia at Silverstone in AC and GT6. Firts of all I balanced tires between the two games, street tires on AC, comfort soft on gt6. Identical tires in my opinion are comfort hard, but in gt6 are burning at the first brake, in AC tires become hot lap by lap.
In short, AC give to the player a lot more feedback video (cam shaking), audio and on the wheel, but car handling it's identical, in AC cars feel heavier than gt6, I think in AC cars feel too heavy, in GT6 cars feel too light. Gt6 features stability better than AC in my opinion, tap the brake on the first turn after the start line at silverston make me feel in danger, so many times the car's rear has fluctuated and I went off the track, in AC this has never happened.
In conclusion I think GT6 is bigger than what many thing, especially when we talk about 1200 cars extremely detailed and differentiated in the handling (^more cars = more balance to deal with). Surely it would be nice to have more feedback strenght on the wheel, more effect, better camera shaking, etc.. probably these things are easy to do, probably not, but you know, playing gran turismo is the art of wait
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Well you are not alone analog, I have been playing the GT series since it's 1st incarnation & have completed every previous GT game bar the endurance events on GT5 as I'm not sitting there for 24 hours

I feel very strongly the same as yourself in that the game physics on GT6 just seen way out of whack to the previous GT games, I am about half way trough the game now for the 1st time & I'm sort of struggling to motivate myself to play it rather than not being able to wait to switch on & immerse myself like I have with all of the previous games, everything just seems stupidly easy, no real challenge, even when you are using cars that are a little slower than the competition, so far I've done 3 of the licence tests & easily golded them all, many of the 1st try which really speaks volumes IMO, previous games licence tests were really challenging & it was damn near impossible to gold, often difficult to scrape a silver, but on GT6 I've aced every one so far with next to no effort needed.

To me the core GT feeling is not the same, the cars seem very flaoty & it's easy to catch up after a spill or 5, in previous versions even GT5, many races were a case of you make a mistake & you really pay for it & struggled to get back in 1st, I am shocked almost everyone seems to feel the physics on this version are a major improvement & feel more realistic, to me if feels like they've taken a leaf out of the Mario Cart type games & the physics just don't feel realistic, same thing with differing cars, there's not the worlds apart feel difference between the car types & styles & everything's just a bit "Vanilla"

I will plod on with it no doubt, but I am not enthralled about it like I usually am, just feels a little bit like going through the motions without the guts & the glory.

& sorry I know this is a very old post from 2014, but I finally joined the forum today rather than lurk like I've done for many a year.