Not crying, but honestly I don't like it. I think the limitations of textual communication are at fault for the disparity between what we're seeing and what the other person really means.
The people who CAN, DO. The people who CAN'T, Complain.
I think its being relayed fine, RB is quite simple if you know what it is. We are all talking about the same thing.
I'm saying it doesn't fit what I view as a simulation and I'm fairly certain other people agree, and at least I know I'm not complaining about it being too hard, it just feels artificially difficult.
Don't get a PSP game with digital controls confused with a Simulator, this is a FAR Stretch considering the limitations of the PSP's speed & Digital controls limited abilities (Throttle and brake) This game comes with PLENTY of assist even when all assist are removed. The game is to be familiar with GT4, it doesn't have a handling physics system even near to GT5p/GT5 or the capabilities for it, hell its system is CLOSE to GT4 BUT GT4 has more dynamics to it (No matter what, every time you hit the Gas or Brake in GT PSP there is an assist coming in to save you.
As a Simulation this would be torn apart, because the PSP system is not capable of creating a *modern* Simulation Racing game (*up to par with other Simulation GAMES currently available)
Is it a GREAT racing game, and does it feel like the GT series, YES, but anybody calling this a simulator is in fantasy land.
Difficult? It doesn't seem too difficult to me, and I'm not that good of a Driver, I'm only alright.
S-Class is only as hard as the hardest difficulty SHOULD be, its just like everything else in the world. The people who CAN, DO. The people who CAN'T, Complain.
I really think people are taking sides and hollering at each other over nothing, some people hate it, some people like it and others don't care. If you think it's fine, that's fine with me
but that doesn't mean I'm wrong or that you're right. (Or that my view on the matter makes me a crybaby.)
Please put forward a different way of engineering the games AI That would fill all the requirements, and still be capable of having the game run at 60fps (this is whats taking up so much processor power leaving little room to play. & Draining your battery so fast when GT PSP is played [or have you noticed that?]) This is how its done to keep the game running FAST and playable, why do you think there are only 4 cars on the track? Rendering more cars and having them AI controlled would overload the system going way past its capabilities. Do you understand how games work? Do you know How many Racing games have RB? Do you realize this is all for a reason? Do you realize what that reason is? Do you understand?
Sorry about singling you out Sinist3r, you're of course entitled to your opinion and I do not want to invalidate it. You seem to like the rubber banding system, and all the better for you.
Don't be. I am. I like 60fps, & being put into a position where no matter how good I get at racing the tracks in the game, and no matter how good I get at getting passed all the AI cars, I'm still punished for mistakes, making me continually improve my game. BTW S-Class isn't hard, and I run consistent enough laps to get my Win's, and I'm happy to be punished for MY mistakes.
So anyways, I don't like the rubber banding, but it isn't cancer, and does not ruin the game for me. However if there was a way to turn it off I would, and for those who like it they can leave it on, makes no difference to me. 👍
There is, Lower your racing class, or Shut off the Game...
Would you prefer if the AI was good drivers? This at the same time would remove your ability to get in front of them.... You would finish every race in last place. Congratulations to your solution....
Two points though, first one factual and second speculative: 1. Comparing the ARM processor to the MIPS used in the PSP is not really a valid comparison, given the completely different archs and design requirements behind each, but undoubtedly the ARM processor has had the benefit of being a newer design. 2. Rubber banding would take up more, not less processing power in all likelihood, but that is pure speculation as there is no way to test.
RB wouldn't take More processing power then a complex AI system as it would require to increase AI driver skill, while still maintaining a playable/challenging/beatable game to the masses.
It is fine, and fits perfectly, sorry you didn't understand. My point, is that a Phone, has a Faster Processor (When was the Go! released? Did they up the Processor speed?) There are plenty of other devises with more processor speed, its Got 333mhz & your expecting it to run this much detail in a game at 60fps, with a AI system as complex as AI systems running on the PS3 processor...... Ridiculous! Even allot of games running on the PS3 have to use RB as a means of making the game PLAYABLE, and BEATABLE and the PS3 has SO MUCH MORE processing power then the PSP. This is tough to comprehend I see. Allot of complaints from people who don't understand HOW to make games marketable/playable/beatable/interesting & all this to the masses.
And hopefully that puts an end to the viciousness.
I'm not trying to be vicious, everything I said is
tong in cheek don't be so sensitive. These are forums, expect a little exaggeration & or rawness in making points.
The people who CAN, DO. The people who CAN'T, Complain.