
  • Thread starter KSaiyu

Of course, perhaps you're just ignorant.

It's not possible to say, if data provided by Swedish government are accurate or not, we can argue about their interpretation but that's for another thread. ;)

Yes, we take non-consensual sex very seriously.

Yeah, I also go on a date with printed consent form. You can't be sure without signed consent. I also have alcohol and drug tester to see if consent is lawful. :)

This particular person, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights criticised Czech detentions because the strip-searches involved confiscating their money to pay for their detention.

Which is probably not against law, I personaly don't agree with detention, it serves no purpose, those people don't want to be here, so why not help them to get into Germany faster.
It's not possible to say, if data provided by Swedish government are accurate or not, we can argue about their interpretation but that's for another thread. ;)

What you don't know is that he is using an estimation based on data from the 1980's to guess what the current situation may look like. The very same data that explicitly came with a note that said: "Sample too small to draw any conclusions". He is also completely ignoring the report from 2005, saying that it has to be biased since it doesn't show what he wants it to show.

But that's not easy for you to know since you don't read Swedish and can't study the sources.
I don't understand. She tripped someone of a different race?
As I understand it, her argument is that one of the refugees that she is accused of assaulting went down before she started kicking them, but he lodged a complaint to the authorities, and that the complaint is central to any prosecution lodged against her. She'll have a devil of a time proving it, though.
It's getting worse and worse, Merkel really needs to wake up and finally realize that the "We're gonna make it" attitude is not going to work out, at least not with the amount and at the rate the refugees are coming into the country.
I really hope that the use of the Bundeswehr is going to shake them up enough to realize that we need to enforce very strict and possibly unpopular decisions, because we simply cannot cope with the current situation.

It's great that "Führer Merkel", as you folks like to say, tries to gouvern and help everybody else in Europe to help them to cope with the situation and everything, but how can you really justify the things you're shouting needs to happen, when everything is on the verge of collapsing in your own country? I just don't get it.

But the CDU is getting a slap on the wrist in recent polls with 2% less and more noteably the AfD (right-wing national party, not necessarely a Nazi party) is getting better and better results and are currently rated at 8% in the polls. Not to mention that the Pegida conventions are having new record-breaking participation, especially in the east of Germany. Unfortunately, the media and the politicians here are too concerned about their poll numbers and labeling everybody in the Pegida as right-wing facists instead of focusing on the concerned citizen that are participating in these Pegida conventions in a much greater number, however focusing on the louder smaller percentage right-wing :censored:holes is obviously easier and causes a much bigger uproar.
What you don't know is that he is using an estimation based on data from the 1980's to guess what the current situation may look like. The very same data that explicitly came with a note that said: "Sample too small to draw any conclusions". He is also completely ignoring the report from 2005, saying that it has to be biased since it doesn't show what he wants it to show.

But that's not easy for you to know since you don't read Swedish and can't study the sources.

btw. are you sure that your government is not biased?
Brush up your German, or use Google translate.

Police urged by politicians to be quiet about all the troubles going on among the refugees.

Things are spiralling out of control. The army is needed to maintain peace. And politicians want it all to stay in the hush-hush.

Tip of the iceberg.

I would trust what comes out of the Swedish government a little more than I would a wordpress blog running an agenda.

Governments have an agenda as well, y'know ;-)
Germany ≠ Sweden.

Also, I never said I blindly trust the Swedish government, just that I trust them more than that blog you linked last week.
btw. are you sure that your government is not biased?

What bias? Did you read the report?

Perhaps this is a good moment to let you know that the source material used by that blogger doesn't even contain information about religion, so perhaps you can be so kind to let me know how on Earth he can tell who is a muslim and who isn't from just staring at the numbers?
I would trust what comes out of the Swedish government a little more than I would a wordpress blog running an agenda.

Speaking of the Swedish government, it look like reality really kicking in and its not good...

For some reason this subsidized migration/forced integration news keep getting better and better especially when it come to welfarist Europe.
Perhaps this is a good moment to let you know that the source material used by that blogger doesn't even contain information about religion, ....

Which is no surprise, god forbid people would connect criminality with ethnicity/religion of perpetrator and ultimately with immigration into country. That's against agenda, isn't?

.... so perhaps you can be so kind to let me know how on Earth he can tell who is a muslim and who isn't from just staring at the numbers?

you should read it again, author is not hiding how he get to these figures ... but you should ask why your government is hiding real numbers, that's the whole point.
Which is no surprise, god forbid people would connect criminality with ethnicity/religion of perpetrator and ultimately with immigration into country. That's against agenda, isn't?

Yeah, God forbid, because it has nothing to do with ethnicity and religion. The participation rates are generally higher in groups of immigrants, but not when it comes to immigrant's children.

There is something about immigration alone that makes the participation rates go up, it is not the religion and it is not the ethnicity, because if it were then the participation rates would be high with immigrant's children as well, and it's not. The report also found that new immigrants had higher participation rates than immigrants who had stayed in the country a long time, which further debunks the assumed correlation with ethnicity and religion.

But you don't know any of that that because you can't read Swedish so you have no idea what the report says. Yet you claim that the findings of the blogger are correct, even though all you have read are the blogger's lies, a blogger who doesn't even know what a participation rate is:

Racist blogger
I 1996-rapporten redovisas att invandrare stod för 38 procent av våldtäkterna i undersökningspopulationen (Tabell 23 sid. 73). Samtidigt redovisas att invandrares överrepresentation för våldtäkt ligger på 4.5 (Tabell 8 sid. 41). Det kan inte stämma. För att komma upp till 38 procent i andel måste överrepresentationen vara mycket högre. Jag utgår från att de 38 procenten är det korrekta eftersom siffran både nämns i texten samt har återgetts av Brå i andra sammanhang.

- and yet you trust that guy to be able to handle statistics in a correct way. It's either dishonest or dumb, you can pick whatever is the most appropriate in your case.

And the key question remains: How can he tell who is a muslim and who isn't based on figures that doesn't contain religious information? Do tell me how he does that. By assuming that all Iraqi immigrants are muslims? By assuming that all African immigrants are muslims?

you should read it again, author is not hiding how he get to these figures ... but you should ask why your government is hiding real numbers, that's the whole point.

Point me to the specific place where he accounts for how he obtained the figures, because I've read the page several times and found no account for it.

As for the title, the blogger claims that the 2% of the population that he believes are muslim males accounts for 77% of rapes, implying that all or at least a lot of muslim males are rapists. No participation rates in the report are higher than 0.33%, and that is for Italians. Sure, Italians can be muslims as well, but it's rather far fetched to assume that all immigrants from Italy are muslims and even if they were it would be a long way from 100%.

He also counts temporary visitors, such as tourists, as immigrants, and add their crimes to the muslim pile.

He assumes that children of immigrants have the same participation rates as immigrants, although the report says the opposite.

Statistically, there is nothing correct about the claims that are being made by the blogger.

He takes a small sample and extrapolates it by a factor of almost one thousand. It's as if you throw a dice five times, get an outcome of 6, 4, 4, 2, 5, and based on that sample draw the conclusion that when you throw a dice, you've got 40% chance to get a 4.

There is no way you can defend statistics like that. It's fraud from beginning to end. The blogger may believe he is correct, so I'm not saying it's an intentional lie, but given the fact that he's writing an anti-islamic blog he's most likely so biased that there is no way he could even begin to comprehend the meaning of objectivity.
I don't know why you are so concerned with this, because he himself states that all his results are estimates and "The foreign rape figures at 77.6% Muslim has been anonymously confirmed by Swedish polish in a phone conversation." ... which is of course quite weak source.

But I wouldn't call him racist blogger as you do, because this is what happens when governments don't release real numbers. And he also states that:

"The only major study that has been made regarding immigrants overrepresented in rape where the results became public, the investigation is in BRÅ-raport 1996:2, which covers the years 1985-1989."

"Nearly ten years later in 2005 will follow up report. Instead of more data so we can start to draw conclusions do we make this announcement (p. 44):

“BRÅ’s last study was done fairly detailed analysis of the foreign-born and ‘immigrants’ children’ over-representation of each crime divided on which countries / geographical areas, people came from. BRÅ has this time decided that such a detailed analysis is not meaningful.”

BRÅ chooses words to conceal results they obtain in their investigations. Studies of the Swedish people pay through their taxes. To get an idea, we simply use the values that emerged from the first report. It is certainly old numbers, but for the sake, they need not be misleading. Mauricio Rojas met with investigators nearly a year before the 2005 publication of the report:

“Last spring, I met two of those responsible for the report generation, among them the late January Ahlberg, who was also author of the report from 1996. It was a meeting that bore witness to a real nervousness that the publication of the new report led in some environments.
During the call, Ahlberg noted that the new report’s findings essentially confirmed the results of the previous report.”

If the new report’s findings essentially confirmed the findings of the previous report, the old figures to be pretty reliable.


How I see it, it's either you agree with the politics of your government or if you have doubts you are labeled as racist.
Dear Europe,

Recently you played host to one "Honourable" Mr. Tony Abbott, who spent a good deal of time telling you that the only way to deal with the influx of asylum seekers is to do the humane thing and completely seal off your borders because as soon as an asylum seeker is out of harm's way, they are by definition an economic migrant and will attempt to take advantage of you; therefore, the only compassionate thing to do is to turn them around and send them back to whatever failed state they cane from. His justification for this is "the Bible tells you to do it", but in reality, it amounts to "if they're somebody else's problem, then they're not your problem".

Before you rush to take the advice of a man whose governance was so poor that that his own party removed him from his office after less than two years (much of which time was spent criticising the previous government and current opposition for doing the exact same thing - twice - and promising to be such a good leader that it wouldn't happen to him), consider what his policies have brought us to: a Somali woman currently in custody in an offshore processing facility claims to have been raped by a local and is now pregnant. After requesting an abortion, she was flown to Australia, but as soon as the media got wind of it, she abruptly changed her mind and was flown back to Nauru. She has no access to legal representation or advocacy, no access to adequate medical care, and her whereabouts are unknown. The Immigration Minister insists that the real villain here is the media, who latched onto and exaggerated details of the case because of a liberal bias that loves nothing more than taking cheap pot-shots at a government that Gets Things Done when they could be doing something useful, like telling us why global warming is nonsense and we should keep exporting coal, or criticising the unions who are obviously corrupt because they represent the interests of workers, or telling us how gay marriage is evil, or how the government is just really good at everything it does and how we shouldn't question what they do.

So, Europe, please be really careful before you go down that rabbit hole.
Dear Europe,

Recently you played host to one "Honourable" Mr. Tony Abbott, who spent a good deal of time telling you that the only way to deal with the influx of asylum seekers is to do the humane thing and completely seal off your borders because as soon as an asylum seeker is out of harm's way, they are by definition an economic migrant and will attempt to take advantage of you; therefore, the only compassionate thing to do is to turn them around and send them back to whatever failed state they cane from. His justification for this is "the Bible tells you to do it", but in reality, it amounts to "if they're somebody else's problem, then they're not your problem".

Before you rush to take the advice of a man whose governance was so poor that that his own party removed him from his office after less than two years (much of which time was spent criticising the previous government and current opposition for doing the exact same thing - twice - and promising to be such a good leader that it wouldn't happen to him), consider what his policies have brought us to: a Somali woman currently in custody in an offshore processing facility claims to have been raped by a local and is now pregnant. After requesting an abortion, she was flown to Australia, but as soon as the media got wind of it, she abruptly changed her mind and was flown back to Nauru. She has no access to legal representation or advocacy, no access to adequate medical care, and her whereabouts are unknown. The Immigration Minister insists that the real villain here is the media, who latched onto and exaggerated details of the case because of a liberal bias that loves nothing more than taking cheap pot-shots at a government that Gets Things Done when they could be doing something useful, like telling us why global warming is nonsense and we should keep exporting coal, or criticising the unions who are obviously corrupt because they represent the interests of workers, or telling us how gay marriage is evil, or how the government is just really good at everything it does and how we shouldn't question what they do.

So, Europe, please be really careful before you go down that rabbit hole.

Rather than go on about Australia all the time, would be good if you could come up with useful suggestions.
Everyone is building fences at their borders already, thanks to Merkels brilliant plan to allow everyone to come to Germany.

and not just Germany, all Europe ... Merkel is part of the problem

which is surprising when they have such a terrible experience even with the second generation of muslim immigrants

and Swedish neo-liberal progressive feminnist foreign minister is facing collapse of the country (her own words), without realizing how so, but she is still on that high horse telling everyone what to do ... oh yeah, and she even mentioned racist school killing.
Germany wants to send back refugees to the country they first arrived in, apart from Greece, because they no longer can handle the influx.

Hungary has already said that they won't take a single one back.


Merkel is going to have a problem.
Germany wants to send back refugees to the country they first arrived in, apart from Greece, because they no longer can handle the influx.

Hungary has already said that they won't take a single one back.


Merkel is going to have a problem.

Like I said reality is kicking and sadly Merkel is on the wrong side of that reality.

Anyhow its amazing how ignorant European leaders continue to be...rather than accept the fact that removing Saddam and Gaddafi was a HUGE mistake it seem to me that these boneheads in Europe are not only still pushing the same stupid policy that created this human tragedy e.g. regime change they are now bribing other countries to fix their problems. If anything some people just don't learn.
It seems the leaders of the concerned countries want their cake and they want to eat it. Why should they profit (indirectly) from the situation in Syria and not have to pay any of the other consequences? Governments have a cheek to expect the citizens they represent to bear the burden for decisions they made with their own interests in mind.

The main beneficiaries need to be held accountable and responsible for the costs of dealing with the consequences.
The main beneficiaries need to be held accountable and responsible for the costs of dealing with the consequences.

If the beneficiaries are conservatives, then yes, they must be held accountable.
On the other hand, liberals are believed exempt from accountability because their actions are motivated by doing good.
If the beneficiaries are conservatives, then yes, they must be held accountable.
On the other hand, liberals are believed exempt from accountability because their actions are motivated by doing good.
What's wrong with being accountable for the good?

I suppose I don't really get what you were trying to say, but then I know I don't understand the implied connotation of "conservative" and "liberal" in this context, either, since I don't follow US politics.

The beneficiaries in this case are primarily company owners, investors and shareholders, since the benefits are primarily economic (e.g. arms sales, cheap immigrant labour). Governments just like to pander to these people, for obvious reasons, even though they got stung by them in previous wars! ($16bn profit from US-tax-payers' money during WWI, for example). There may be perceived political (and, hence, probably trade) benefits surrounding Assad's regime's "position" in the Middle East that I'll admit to being ignorant of.
The first EU country has stepped up, and rightfully so.

No matter how the tolerant wing feels about this, fact is there are absolutely zero security guarantees when undocumented migrants are flooding in.

I suspect that quite a lot of non western countries will follow soon, seeing that they already were building fences to keep them out, this will certainly speed up the process.
I need to drive into Germany on Monday for work (crossing the border between Groningen and Bremen) - despite how far north it is, I will not all be surprised if I get my passport looked at.