Haven't you heard the expression that you only believe half of what you read in the newspaper?
Of course there's not going to be tangible proof that the journalists provoked people. They're the source - they're the ones who control the flow of information. They're naturally only going to release the footage that coincides with their version of events.
This kind of "journalism" is notorious in Australia. In the 1990s, there was an infamous story called "In Barcelona Tonight" where a news crew went to Majorca to interview Christopher Skase, a fugitive businessman who fled to Spain with his investors' money when his business collapsed. Skase turned the camera crews away, and the public got treated to a story of how the journalists were chased by the Spanish authorities trying to recover an incriminating tape on behalf of Skase that saw the journalists out-run roadblocks and make a nail-biting escape from the island by overnight ferry. A subsequent investigation proved that the story was fabricated; the "roadblocks" were traffic police adding an extra lane to an arterial road in preparation for the afternoon rush hour.
The point is that down here, this kind of "journalism" is notirious for having a blatant agenda. In this case, they're obviously trying to prove that Sweden is a liberal dystopia, rendered impotent and dysfunctional by a generous immigration system, and ipso facto, our punitive and inhumane system of mandatory detention in sub-standard living conditions is the only viable solution.
It's easy to take the incident out of context. The video presents Sweden as having fallen victim to its own generosity, where ordinary citizens are living in fear of violent thugs who intimidate the population. And that's what the film crew wants you to think because that's the story they are running. But we're in a situation where they are creating news rather than objectively reporting on it, manipulating the truth and reality - and by extension, the audience - to believe that a fabricated version of events is true to life.