If only it were as simple as cheap coilovers and some Rotas. You can at least make something fairly tasteful with that pairing - I'm thinking more of the people who'll half-heartedly colour-code random bits of their car, or carry out a backyard paintjob without adequate prep, or go for wheels or coilovers so they've got a car on flash wheels up on stilts or a car on junky standard wheels that's scraping the ground, or they've thrown on a bodykit but not taken the time to make sure it fits properly, or they've thrown every bit of clichéd crap at their interior (flower necklaces, wristbands, dildo gearknob, alloy pedals, boost gauge etc) without thinking how it might look.
I know everyone has individual tastes and some might be going for a certain look, but there's definitely a lot of, "I've got a car and I'm going to modify it any way I can", rather than expending a bit of time, effort and taste to create something better.