1:36 in my hands.... Aside from Slotty and I most can't even get their NSX that fast. So it's FASTER then most with a NSX. Who knows how hot a lap Slotty can put down, he's a second faster in the NSX then I. I wonder what he could do with this Beast. A 1:35 or faster wouldn't surprise me.
How about yours though? Oh that's right, somebody isn't able to try anything but always has something negative to say. Why not do something positive for the board instead of always indulging your unsubstantiated ego.
You okay their? Of all people you should know more power doesn't make a faster car. The NSX is faster then most PERIOD, it takes Super cars with far more to out class it.
The C63 is a monster. Extreme torque, no where near as balanced, no where near the aerodynamics, weighs close to 500kg more. Yeah the C63 weights ALOT more then the NSX. Much more mass pushing out in corners and forward when braking.
Do I really need explain this to you?
To even compare a NSX to a C63 is ....
BTW can the One from your Garage keep up with 1:36 lap times? I doubt it, The RKM NSX can't even hit 1:36... Isn't that a staple tune out of your garage? Damn, I guess your wrong, my C63 is faster then the NSX, RKM's at least.
IMO The difference is this, the NSX is boring, the C63 is exhilarating.
It's RS Tuned, put whatever tires you want. On S compounds it's fun

but ohh boy what a handful.