Infamous Tunes * New Garage Name * New Release The R-Evolution *

  • Thread starter No_OBsT33R
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  • GTP_Stotty NSX Type R 02 Fuji 1'
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Oh yeah I used RKMs tune, but in my opinion the tune is just too soft and wobbles too much (You can see in the replay that it caused some mistakes and finally prevented a better time).

Probably because it was designed around sports tires. I have one of my own, albeit also on sports tires, that I'll post once I can access my save again.
Probably because it was designed around sports tires. I have one of my own, albeit also on sports tires, that I'll post once I can access my save again.

Yeah, this must be the reason. It feels great on Sports Soft and is big fun to drive.
Without the grass mowing it would be a better time. :)

Grass mowing?

There's one corner exit where I may drop 3 wheels off track (not 100% sure without watching the replay from multiple angles), but as I said, I only ran a limited number of laps. With a proper session I'm confident I could run a very low 36, if not a high 35 to WRS standards .
Even 3 wheels in the grass is too much, but I'm sure your right and you can hit those times on a legit run.

On a side note, I just offed my spare iPhone 4 for 300$ I'm going to head over to see if they have any wheels in Stock. Hope I don't have to wait until Tuesday.

Also my 32g iPhone 4g doesn't have a protect screen on it yet, so I'm leaving it at home till I pick one up. I will be on much less, unless the stores are still open.
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Balanced is balanced.
I disagree. Balanced at corner speeds of 50mph, doesn't mean it'll still be balanced in the same exact corner at 60mph. If driver B is consistently averaging 10mph faster around the track, it's likely he'll find some imbalances that Driver A didn't. That's all I'm saying.
A Veyron handles great when rolling at 5mph, so does the NSX, but roll through that same corner at 105mph in each car and we all know that the 'balance' is no longer the same. That make sense?

I don't see why I should expect people to be that much faster then I am. I'm anything but slow. Or slow enough to expect people to have seconds faster times than I.

I hit 1:38.021
I just ran 30 odd laps and managed a 36.7, with a cobbled together/guessed tune (using stock gears)... I reckon 35's will be quite easily doable

See what I mean? Don't get defensive, I wasn't even singling you out, calling you slow or trying to insult you. I'm just trying to give some tuners perspective on 'balanced' and how it's a relative term to the creator. Obviously people can and have run seconds faster than you, which means that they can run up to ~5 seconds faster than some other tuners around. That's something everyone should take into consideration when creating and posting tunes. No more, no less.
Catch you in a bit. Hopefully when I get back I'll be driving with a new wheel.

I think my idea and opinion on "balance" may differ from somebody else.

I think Balance means the springs are equally stiff in relations to the supported weight/height front and rear, when driving there is relatively as much dive while braking as is squat while accelerating (always a lil more dive, as I do offset the height) and it should FEEL balanced while rotating..

That's just my opinion, in my Garage am I not entitled to it? I understand and acknowledge that it is only my opinion.

I respect others opinions, please don't be upset that I don't change mine when presented with an alternative, I make up my own mind. So please RESPECT my opinion, and RIGHT to disagree. Just because I may disagree, please don't be insulted or get upset.
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Grass mowing?

There's one corner exit where I may drop 3 wheels off track (not 100% sure without watching the replay from multiple angles), but as I said, I only ran a limited number of laps. With a proper session I'm confident I could run a very low 36, if not a high 35 to WRS standards .


I would say this is way off the track.

Rotary Junkie
Looks to me like the two drivers' side tires are still on the rumble strips and therefore OLR/WRS clean.

My time was never posted as a record grabber, despite it's holding up real well.

It's just a quick lap, and despite how fast buddy can go, I think my Tune has shown itself to be as capable as any other.
I thought , clean is at least 2 wheels between the white lines.
I see all 4 outside the white lines.


Clean as defined by the WRS rules is 2 tires on track at all times, all hard surfaces directly connected to the track are considered track (incl. rumble strips). This means if I'm not mistaken that the final turn at Tsukuba has quite a lot of "run off", there's a (dirt/dust covered) concrete bit past the rumble strip.
Catch you in a bit. Hopefully when I get back I'll be driving with a new wheel.

I think my idea and opinion on "balance" may differ from somebody else.

I think Balance means the springs are equally stiff in relations to the supported weight/height front and rear, when driving there is relatively as much dive while braking as is squat while accelerating (always a lil more dive, as I do offset the height) and it should FEEL balanced while rotating.
The dive/squat is one part of balance, but more important to me is highspeed cornering balance. At the limit, the front and rear should have matching grip allowing you to maintain an appropriate steering angle at the highest speed possible.
Rumble strip is considered "Track" the run off is not.

The driver rear in that shot is questionable, but it doesn't really matter. I don't doubt his ability to keep it at the same speed 100% undeniably legit. He's one of the fastest with a wheel I've seen, usually doing much more impressive stuff in actually hard cars to drive, the NSX in all forms is a pleasure drive when tuned right.
The dive/squat is one part of balance, but more important to me is highspeed cornering balance. At the limit, the front and rear should have matching grip allowing you to maintain an appropriate steering angle at the highest speed possible.

Agreed, that is the balanced "feel" in the corners I spoke of. I believe and have experienced that if you balance the springs that is precisely what you get, then Tune according to driver feel, usually with Brakes, wheel angles, ARB's, Dampers & Diff. The balanced spring set being the foundation.
Catch you in a bit. Hopefully when I get back I'll be driving with a new wheel.

I think my idea and opinion on "balance" may differ from somebody else.

I think Balance means the springs are equally stiff in relations to the supported weight/height front and rear, when driving there is relatively as much dive while braking as is squat while accelerating (always a lil more dive, as I do offset the height) and it should FEEL balanced while rotating..

That's just my opinion, in my Garage am I not entitled to it? I understand and acknowledge that it is only my opinion.

I respect others opinions, please don't be upset that I don't change mine when presented with an alternative, I make up my own mind. So please RESPECT my opinion, and RIGHT to disagree. Just because I may disagree, please don't be insulted or get upset.

I don't think you understand. I believe you when you say it's balanced, I'm also not questioning your definition of the word. What I'm asking, is do you think that other drivers have that same feel in your tune when going seconds per lap faster than you.

I'm not doubting that the car feels balanced at your 1:38 lap times, I'm asking if you think it still feels balanced for someone running 1:35, 36 or even 37's. It's not a shot at your opinion, it's not a question of your tuning or driving ability, it's a very simple and logical question, that I'm genuinely asking. Please, don't make it more than it is. Try to be civil and stay on topic please.

My question, is simplified to this:
Do you think that the 'balance' of a tune, is consistent across any corner speed or multi-second faster lap times?
I don't think you understand. I believe you when you say it's balanced, I'm also not questioning your definition of the word. What I'm asking, is do you think that other drivers have that same feel in your tune when going seconds per lap faster than you.

I'm not doubting that the car feels balanced at your 1:38 lap times, I'm asking if you think it still feels balanced for someone running 1:35, 36 or even 37's. It's not a shot at your opinion, it's not a question of your tuning or driving ability, it's a very simple and logical question, that I'm genuinely asking. Please, don't make it more than it is. Try to be civil and stay on topic please.

My question, is simplified to this:
Do you think that the 'balance' of a tune, is consistent across any corner speed or multi-second faster lap times?

I feel I already did, if you feel the question is still unanswered, that's unfortunate.

If you can't move on, take it to PM or Adrenatune, its an already answered question IMO, seems like your fishing for something. Just move on.

I'm not going around in circles with you again.

Got home, no wheel :( stores were closed, I'll see if they are open tomorrow, if not I'll have to wait until Tuesday.
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Clean as defined by the WRS rules is 2 tires on track at all times, all hard surfaces directly connected to the track are considered track (incl. rumble strips). This means if I'm not mistaken that the final turn at Tsukuba has quite a lot of "run off", there's a (dirt/dust covered) concrete bit past the rumble strip.

16: Offline Racing:

Offline racing is defined as all racing that is done Offline. This includes all Arcade Time Trials that are linked to the Online leaderboard and all Time Trials that are offered in the Online section of the game.

Colliding with or using walls, fences or other obstacle is forbidden, whether time is gained or not. All times submitted must be 100% wall free unless otherwise stated in the Race Specifics section of any given event (multiple lap races where allowances are made for errors).

Two wheels (except when airborne, where the vertical projection of the car onto the track counts) must be in contact with the track/circuit which includes the rumble strips and footpaths, but not grassed areas.

On city courses the track border is the limit of the usable track.

All green areas are not part of the track unless otherwise stated in the Race Specifics section of any given event.

Curbs, sidewalks/pavements are not part of the track unless otherwise stated in the Race Specifics section of any given event.

Tarmac/Asphalt or any other kind of surface mentioned above that are situated beyond the normal limits of the track, Run-off areas for example, are not part of the track unless otherwise stated in the Race Specifics section of any given event.

Any kind of rumble strip made of concrete, stone etc are part of the track unless otherwise stated in the Race Specifics section of any given event.

Tarmac/Asphalt partially covered with dirt or sand are part of the track unless otherwise stated in the Race Specifics section of any given event.

Read part D , E and F

In that picture, is the track to the left or right?
If it's to the left, then we're looking at the wrong side of the car and it's very close to legal. If it's to the right, then... I dunno what to say.

Either way, this isn't WRS, and it doesn't really matter. Green laps are green, it's a game of minimizing and maximizing. Push every limit you possibly can.

As for Tsukuba, I think you're actually incorrect RJ. Only the Clean curb counts as track, the dirty curb was considered off track. Week 1 has all the specifics if you want clarification.
In that picture, is the track to the left or right?
If it's to the left, then we're looking at the wrong side of the car and it's very close to legal. If it's to the right, then... I dunno what to say.

Either way, this isn't WRS, and it doesn't really matter. Green laps are green, it's a game of minimizing and maximizing. Push every limit you possibly can.

As for Tsukuba, I think you're actually incorrect RJ. Only the Clean curb counts as track, the dirty curb was considered off track. Week 1 has all the specifics if you want clarification.

The track is to the left

Then we'd definitely need to see the other side and see if the tires are touching the rumble strip. If they are, it's legal. It's definitely not 'far from legal' but it does look just outside of legal if it were a WRS submission.

I had a look at the replay from outside the car and behind and the left rear tyre is momentarily beyond the edge of the rumble strip on the exit of the final corner, so the lap is dirty by WRS standards under rule F.

But I hardly expected a lap I ran for fun, in only a 45 minute session, and submitted for the benefit of others rather than any personal gain/glory to generate this level of debate. It's not like I'm abusing the run offs on every corner exit... it's one exit and only slightly beyond the edge of legality.

I wouldn't have submitted that lap to a WRS, but for a WRS I would have run several hours of laps and likely submitted at time around 0.5 quicker than that.

If people want to get pedantic about it, fine, I won't bother posting replays openly again. If anyone wants a replay, PM me and I'll send it to you privately.

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Alright. Back on. With some news. And to address a few things.

As far as the time goes this is nothing official or any race, but lap times if posted need to be clean. It's no big deal if it's not, nobody doubts any ability. It's only because a member wants to use it to make a point that it's "legality"'has been so scrutinized. Don't stress over it, if your up for it run some more laps and post the sick fast lap they produce, as I'm sure it will be fast.

So after selling my spare iPhone (well it's the 16g I was using until I sold it, the 32g was just sitting on my desk) so I got rid of the 16g for 300$ and was going to get a wheel yesterday, but stores were closed. I then went on to JB my 32g iPhone, but hit a snag, stupid apple activation. Got it done today, & bought my wheel :).

DFGT until I get a G27 on order or at a better price. This is my second DFGT the first one broke over a year ago, so my last GT experience on it was in Prologue.

Took a few min playing around, then went right to Fuji in my UNTOUCHED NSX Tune. In less then an hour I got back some of the feel and hit my hot lap (1:37.6) this was a perfect, clean smooth lap. I spent some time chopping at the time and hit 1:37's regularly, 1:38 is no problem. I'm sure with a little getting reacquainted with the DFGT I can break 1:36 .

I'm not doubting that the car feels balanced at your 1:38 lap times, I'm asking if you think it still feels balanced for someone running 1:35, 36 or even 37's.

Yes, incredibly so, as I've got the fastest clean lap with the car so far, I don't see most people looking for a tune on GTP much faster then me, and however quicker they are it's most probably a matter of driver skill & time on the attack, not the tune...

I would also like to mention while 1:37.6 was my new record with about an hour with my new wheel. Last night I hit a new DS3 record time of 1:37.7 No_OB that's fricken FAST with a DS3. Enjoy the apples Haters...

The Tune is still untouched as to when I ran the Lap in the video.... However, I will go over it and all my Tunes driving them with my new Wheel, and update them accordingly if need be.
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After work I'll get that NSX refined by wheel, then go over some of my other Toys.


The Z & CSL will be next up. And the Silvia RM you see here will be soon after.


Side Note

Here's the new phone layout.



I'll also post up a vid of my Hot Lap @ Fuji, I've gone faster, however despite the lap time still counting, I clipped a corner too deep, it's important to understand how getting wide in the first corner gives you higher speed out of it, that puts you through the next set of corners at a faster speed. Going wide & off track in Turn 1 sets a faster pace, doing the same times after slowing down enough to take turn 1 legit is not an easy task.

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Going wide & off track in Turn 1 sets a faster pace, doing the same times after slowing down enough to take turn 1 legit is not an easy task.

That's true of the last 2 corners too.

Back in Prologue, Fuji TT boards were ruined by people abusing the run off areas. Using the full width of all 3 run off could gain you 0.6-1.0 seconds.
That's true of the last 2 corners too.

Back in Prologue, Fuji TT boards were ruined by people abusing the run off areas. Using the full width of all 3 run off could gain you 0.6-1.0 seconds.

Absolutely right, sticking that last corner is much slower then taking it high and wide.

It's why glitches get patched so fast and it seams like nothing else gets done. If we can abuse it, they will, and they will do it to Death like it's a fashion statement.

Here is a bid, I made of the CSL run I was chasing with my NSX. It's a pre-wheel run. After refining the CSL, I'll go at it shooting for a much faster lap. These time are insain with a DS3 though, I can't believe I was catching so much flack, the very fact some people with wheels haven't bested my times when using a DS3 (whut up with that 22b?) says something...

That is what I call balance...
Absolutely right, sticking that last corner is much slower then taking it high and wide.

It's why glitches get patched so fast and it seams like nothing else gets done. If we can abuse it, they will, and they will do it to Death like it's a fashion statement.

Here is a bid, I made of the CSL run I was chasing with my NSX. It's a pre-wheel run. After refining the CSL, I'll go at it shooting for a much faster lap.

That is what I call balance...

A fast driver should usually be faster clean than an average driver is dirty.

The final corner can be taken almost as fast clean, but to do it requires a perfect line.... much, much easier to run that fast dirty. And to maximise your speed at Fuji you need to be running right to the edge of legality in turn 1 and the final 2 corners. If you're not running illegal laps most of the time you're not going to be competitive in a big field... you're just pushing to the limit and hoping that you can hook it up for just one lap!

Back in Prologue, the RX7 @ Fuji TT board was amazing. The combo was used in an intra-board TT challenge, and most of the fastest drivers in the World (outside Japan) had times on there. Made this one almost impossible for even reasonably fast dirty drivers to break the top 50.


M3 CSl lap is quite nice 👍 Better though if you put the replay up as either bumper cam or outside behind the car as these replays allow others to see the lines better and also see what you're doing with the throttle and gas pedal... at least it's better than way if you want to help others :)
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