Infamous Tunes * New Garage Name * New Release The R-Evolution *

  • Thread starter No_OBsT33R
She's menacing at a standstill on the track.

Most of my Tunes shouldn't be Devilish as in scary handling. I mean more of the stance, look and rate of acceleration.

For the gears, she is tuned to hit relative max speed, just adjust the FD to the top speed achievable on the longest straight. It will take a little track tuning, but then you will get the most out of them.

Most of my Tunes shouldn't be Devilish as in scary handling. I mean more of the stance, look and rate of acceleration.

For the gears, she is tuned to hit relative max speed, just adjust the FD to the top speed achievable on the longest straight. It will take a little track tuning, but then you will get the most out of them.

1. Yeah she's devilishly boring but fast as hell!

2. It's not the max. speed. I could try to make a faster transmission with the same max. speed, should I?

But yeah this is just a detail and like I said, it's all in all a fantastic tune.
1. Yeah she's devilishly boring but fast as hell!

2. It's not the max. speed. I could try to make a faster transmission with the same max. speed, should I?

But yeah this is just a detail and like I said, it's all in all a fantastic tune.

I'll Che k em out when I get home. I thought they felt very balanced in the corners and the straights, but it never hurts to take a second look after a few days with other opinions.

Cheers! & Thanks!
Scoobie 22B and a few I been ready to release, but distracted with some shift calculating spread sheets I been working on...

For example



There are a few great minds at Da GTPlanet giving me some help to take it further then it's current state. (check out the gear ratios thread, some peeps have provided great info and spreadsheets to the public) impressive looking stuff in there.

I'll have em up tomorrow.

In light if the misinterpretation of the Garage name, some implying I believe my Tunes are of "Higher Quality" then others. The Garage will be closed to posting my Tunes while it's prepped to be re-launched under a new name.

Suggestions are welcome, keep it respectful please.

New name, same Quality.

I just went with the obvious for the moment.

New Tunes coming after work. I got 3 in the pipe line.
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Subaru Impreza 22B '98

Purchase all upgrades and repairs. Toss on a wing. (will give specific detailing after)


Torque split

(I'll add into the sheet after)

Dyno of Power Curve

Shift Calculations

Optimum Shift Points are
1-2 @ 7000rpm
2-3 @ 7750rpm
3-4 @ Rev limiter (8400rpm)
4-5 @ Redline
5-6 @ 7500rpm
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Aw, that setup had so much promise until I saw the gearing (not a problem with the overall ratios, just the way they're achieved) and torque split.
Rotary Junkie
Aw, that setup had so much promise until I saw the gearing (not a problem with the overall ratios, just the way they're achieved) and torque split.

What's the problem with the way the ratios are achieved?

The shift points are calculated after the car is tuned. They are the Optimum Shifting points.

Funny thing about the torque split is whenever I put a lil more front ratio, I'd hit the Track and come back to tweak it a bit, but it would be back at 20/80 o_O. It runs great at that setting so I tuned around it ;) .
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Funny thing about the torque split is whenever I put a lil more front ratio, I'd hit the Track and come back to tweak it a bit, but it would be back at 20/80 o_O. It runs great at that setting so I tuned around it ;) .

You can only adjust it in increments of 5...
You can only adjust it in increments of 5...

So if I don't move it more than 5 it reverts to the previous setting? That's weird.

The car is fine with 20/80, it's tuned around that split and runs like a champ, 1:06 @ TGTT & sub 2min @ The Nurb GP/F - ABS 1 - MT
What's the problem with the way the ratios are achieved?

The shift points are calculated after the car is tuned. They are the Optimum Shifting points.

Funny thing about the torque split is whenever I put a lil more front ratio, I'd hit the Track and come back to tweak it a bit, but it would be back at 20/80 o_O. It runs great at that setting so I tuned around it ;) .

Care to elaborate a lil please, I'm not sure I follow.

Well I'll start with the ratios.

The 22B is AWD and that means that final drive has a HUGE effect on acceleration at all speeds. I remember from my testing in GT4 the same overall (gear x final drive) ratios with default final drive vs 2.500 was about .1-.2s difference in 1/4 mile times.

Torque split is likely a difference of opinion, you should know my thoughts on it already but I'd merely say to go with more forward bias. Understeer with no wheelspin is noticeably faster off corners than oversteer with wheelspin. High speed "understeer" coming from it can be easily compensated for via suspension settings in all but the most stubborn cars (and those will understeer no matter what, so you may as well maximize pull out of corners).

If the Scooby was MAWD I'd be able to see a 20/80 split working decently but as it is it's a very nose heavy car with equal tire sizing front and rear... Which means the rear tires only have slightly more grab than the fronts on corner exit. More power means you need to run further rearward for both launch and corner exit traction (try a full power RS6 at 50/50, I dare ya) but this thing isn't that powerful. Also of note is that people have seen 50/50 torque bias result in a small increase in acceleration down straights and top speed. I'd be looking towards 35/65 or so.
Rotary Junkie
Well I'll start with the ratios.

The 22B is AWD and that means that final drive has a HUGE effect on acceleration at all speeds. I remember from my testing in GT4 the same overall (gear x final drive) ratios with default final drive vs 2.500 was about .1-.2s difference in 1/4 mile times.

The Standard Tranny has a 4.440 I've stretched it, not only that but the 22b was a 5 spd & when installing the 6 spd, the 6th gear give us the room to tighten the gears a bit down low (through individual gear ratios) then stretch the top end with a combo of gear ratios and a lil stretching of the FD. The end result is steady acceleration and equal spacing (as displayed and evident on the direct real time data) up to a decent set top speed for the vehicle.

Rotary Junkie
Torque split is likely a difference of opinion, you should know my thoughts on it already but I'd merely say to go with more forward bias. Understeer with no wheelspin is noticeably faster off corners than oversteer with wheelspin. High speed "understeer" coming from it can be easily compensated for via suspension settings in all but the most stubborn cars (and those will understeer no matter what, so you may as well maximize pull out of corners).

If the Scooby was MAWD I'd be able to see a 20/80 split working decently but as it is it's a very nose heavy car with equal tire sizing front and rear... Which means the rear tires only have slightly more grab than the fronts on corner exit. More power means you need to run further rearward for both launch and corner exit traction (try a full power RS6 at 50/50, I dare ya) but this thing isn't that powerful. Also of note is that people have seen 50/50 torque bias result in a small increase in acceleration down straights and top speed. I'd be looking towards 35/65 or so.

That's a matter of opinion and Driver Style. I feel I get a better feeling car when she has controllable throttle oversteer as apposed to managed understeer.

I go with how I like them set up, I prefer a more rearward biased torque split, I don't see why you think your style is better then mine. You like them to the front, I like it to the rear, so what? Are you going to belittle every set up I post that doesn't conform to your style?

That's my Style ;) my Garage ;) I do it my way and couldn't care less if you don't like it, you have your own Garage and post your style there. It's good that our styles differ so to give members looking for a Tune a wider variety of options.

Nothing less promising about the Gears or Torque split then anything you've posted ;)

The Scoobie has a lil bit of a nose heavy split 58/42 approximately. Not that bad and is actually closer to 50/50 then many FR cars, making that argument odd, as they do fine without AWD and full rear wheel power. The Scoobie even at 20/80 is still better suited to grip out the corners (as she does, 1:06 @ TGTT) then some well handling FR cars, especially with a very decent 58/42 f/r weight split, she likes the torque split & gears VERY much.

Have you tried the Tune out or is this just an observational assumption, based on your tuning opinions? I just want to be sure if your commenting from experience with the Tune or not. "Less Promising", funny. This isn't a spec c, and not a drag tune.

I'm curious though, have you Tuned the 22b? Have you a more "promising" gear set I can try out? I have a few analyzers that I'd like to run them through and compare what a "promising" set of gears looks like when compared to a "less promising" set.

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That's a matter of opinion and Driver Style. I feel I get a better feeling car when she has controllable throttle oversteer as apposed to managed understeer.

I go with how I like them set up, I prefer a more rearward biased torque split, I don't see why you think your style is better then mine. You like them to the front, I like it to the rear, so what? Are you going to belittle every set up I post that doesn't conform to your style?

That's my Style ;) my Garage ;) I do it my way and couldn't care less if you don't like it, you have your own Garage and post your style there. It's good that our styles differ so to give members looking for a Tune a wider variety of options.

Have you tried the Tune out or is this just an observational assumption, based on your tuning opinions? I just want to be sure if your commenting from experience with the Tune or not.

I think you're being overly defensive. He's just offering insight to the overall tune, when you asked him to go into further detail. Getting offended and lashing out at him isn't justified. So, on topic, what I gathered from what RJ said is that, the more bias you can put in front, the quicker the car will be overall, but the harder it will be to tune to gain advantage from. I agree with that, but on the other hand I also agree with you about 'feel'. I can honestly say that the more rear bias a car has, the better it feels and the easier it is to drive (for me anyways). But... Unfortunately that rarely means faster lap times and I think that's all RJ was trying to say on the torque bias matter. As far as experience and results I learned quite a bit about this in February's Tuner Challenge where we drove 11 different tunes for the 2010 Suburu Impreza Sedan on Sport Softs, which is also an AWD car. Not only did RJ's set up post the best laps over a test of 11 different drivers, but The top 5 fastest tunes, were the ones with the highest front bias.
The slowest tunes, where the 10/90, followed by 20/80 and then another 20/80.

Now, in your defense, we tested on Trial Mountain and it is my personal belief that Top Gear Test Track benefits from oversteer on any car, due to it's flatness combined with the tightness. So for TGTT I'd say you're probably correct that the more rear bias produces better results. What I would like to ask, is what other tracks did you use to tune the 22B and what kind of results do you personally see with more front bias on those tracks?

Side note, stick with High Quality Tuning, there was nothing wrong with your title.
I find it a bit pretentious to make comments like the "less Promising gears" without ever driving the tune...

As he stated he already knows we differ in opinion on AWD torque split, he even knows my specific style, why comment on it? Should I post comments in his Garage about how I feel his high front bias is "less promising" on his Tunes? No, I know his style differs from mine, & he has the right to use his style without being belittled by those who haven't even driven the set up, and have different ways of tuning.

We should let tuners tune however they want I don't diss or belittle anybody's style, if it works for them, it works. I think using rear biased brakes and some styles go against the spirit of the game valuing fastest lap times over realism. I don't comment on every tune I see with high rear brakes. People play however they want. It's all good.

I take it for what it is, transparent.

My style works for me, and for the people who have tried my Tunes, and enjoy them.

I've also tested at The Nurb GP/F as my proving ground, cutting laps just under 2min - ABS 1 - MT - DS3.

I've tested on multiple Tracks.

However I don't drive the fantasy tracks too often. I stick to the Real Tracks.
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However I don't drive the fantasy tracks too often. I stick to the Real Tracks.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Anyway you completely ignored what I was actually trying to say about the ratios and blew off my point about the torque bias. It's not even so much a "style" thing as a "this way is faster" thing. Same for stronger LSD settings. I regret even mentioning it now as it's not as if you'll ever "get it" as you're too busy trying to disagree with everyone.
Rotary Junkie
I'm sorry for your loss.

Anyway you completely ignored what I was actually trying to say about the ratios and blew off my point about the torque bias. It's not even so much a "style" thing as a "this way is faster" thing. Same for stronger LSD settings. I regret even mentioning it now as it's not as if you'll ever "get it" as you're too busy trying to disagree with everyone.

I've played them enough over the years, I appreciate the Real Tracks more, if ever I want to drive the Fantasy Tracks, they haven't gone anywhere I can still drive them whenever I want. I haven't lost a thing.

It IS a "Style Thing". It's very pretentious to think tuning for your "Style" is going to be "faster" without having your own tune for the car... Um you seem to be the one with an overly high opinion of your opinion.

1:06 is pretty quick, so is Sub 2min @ Nurb GP/F. Are these lap times strikingly slow and seem like they need improving? Can you beat those times by shocking amounts under the same conditions, just the Tunes being different? I doubt it...

It's also pretentious to think your style is going to be quicker without trying the tune, or having a tune or even a gear set to compare.

Grab a DS3 manual transmission head over to TGTT & N GP/F cut faster laps, so much faster that it's evident the tune is to blame. A few tenths means nothing, it has to be substantial enough to account for more then a difference in skill. (I don't have the time for gaming as I used to) like a few seconds. Then we can swap over the "faster values" to my Tune and it should clearly be faster. If you can't beat my times by a substantial amount is their any validity to your assumption and presumption that your style will yield faster laps then mine? No, your just blowing your own horn. Show me some 1:04's @ TGTT and some 1:55's at Nurb GP/F and I will give Serious weight to your comments and opinion. If you can't, quite blowing your own horn, your nothing special.

Ohh, no shortcuts, GTP rules, 2 wheels on the track at all times,, no running out the lines etc.
Video Replay Confirmation. We all drive our own Tunes.

Only Aide allowed is ABS
MT & DS3 (level the field, is your tune thats faster or is it the wheel)
Clean Lap
Video Confirmation


Top Gear Test Track


I'll be impressed by a 1:04 anything else would be just be variations in skill. I don't pretend to be the best driver, or even that great.


Nurburgring GP/F

Sub 2min

I'll be impressed with some 1:55's or some 1:56's even. 1:57 - 1:58 is just a matter of skill level.

So let's have a Little Time Trial comparison.
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Rotary Junkie
Send me a PS3 and I'll do just that.

Oh and a video camera. 👍

Wait? No PS3? Your commenting and bigging yourself up quite a bit without the ability to do anything. What a joke. You show me your faster when you can, until then you only think you are. I'm not even that good a Driver and I cut impressive Laps with my Tunes. Your acting like I'm slow and need your help to be faster, get over yourself. Your nothing. Not a damn thing in the GT world (GTP, is NOT the home of the best GT players, more like the home of the overly obsessed) . Please name some substantial achievements you've made, that have you known in the GT community outside GTP (GTP is just a fan board). For every fast lap you cut, somebody else in the world is faster, you are absolutely nothing to brag about. Nothing special, nothing above anybody else on this board. You are my equal, not even close to above me.

Are you saying 1:06 @ TGTT with the 22b is slow?

Are you saying breaking 2min at Nurb GP/F with the 22B is slow??

Get out of here. You guys act like your the best, why did you guys refuse your invites to GT Accadamy?
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Wait? No PS3? Your commenting and bigging yourself up quite a bit without the ability to do anything. What a joke. You show me your faster when you can, until then you only think you are. I'm not even that good a Driver and I cut impressive Laps with my Tunes. Your acting like I'm slow and need your help to be faster, get over yourself. Your nothing. Not a damn thing in the GT world (GTP, is NOT the home of the best GT players, more like the home of the overly obsessed) . Please name some substantial achievements you've made, that have you known in the GT community outside GTP (GTP is just a fan board). For every fast lap you cut, somebody else in the world is faster, you are absolutely nothing to brag about. Nothing special, nothing above anybody else on this board. You are my equal, not even close to above me.

PS3 broke on me. Also, show me where I said you were a crap driver.

Are you saying 1:06 @ TGTT with the 22b is slow?

Considering I've done maybe a grand total of 20 laps there, I have no idea.

Are you saying breaking 2min at Nurb GP/F with the 22B is slow??

See above.

Also of note is that these are two courses where AWD done proper is about as useful as tits on a frog, perhaps a bit less as the added weight is wholly unwelcome.

Get out of here. You guys act like your the best, why did you guys refuse your invites to GT Accadamy?

I refused mine because I could not legally participate. And because I know damn straight that I'm slower than many, many people. I don't act like I'm the best because I know I'm not. I just know that I've figured out how to make AWD consistently faster for a wide range of drivers...

You seem mad. Are you mad, bro?
I'm good. Ah, this kid is a sharp one. I'm still smiling :D are you trying to get to me? Nothing better to do then live on a board for a game you can't even play? I hope a life slaps you in the face eventually, you need one. ;) Spend a little more time working and a little less time on a board for a game you can't play, and you could of replaced it long ago, no plans to replace? Still on GTP??? Wow, I'm sorry, I apologize for everything, I should be more considerate to those less fortunate than I.

You have a style, I have a style. I like my cars tuned the way I like them. I post quick enough laps for it to be clear your style has no substantial benefits over mine. Why do you feel you need to help those who don't ask, & clearly dont need your "help"?

You seem smart enough to be aware of your actions, are you so oblivious that you really believe your help is going to be helpful in somebody else's Garage? Somebody who uses a different style that you are already aware of, is it not in Your Garage your place to help, and my place in my Garage?

In my Garage, we do it my way, your free to tune however you want in your Garage without my prejudices.

I would appreciate if you keep your prejudice opinions to yourself, in your Garage, anywhere but here. This is the Garage to promote MY style, not yours, your style has no place here at all.

For future reference if I feel I need or want your help, I'll ask for it, but don't hold your breath.

Have a nice night. :)
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While I'm very interested in this tune (and your other tunes as well), I am also a fan of Rotary as well. Honestly, the whole thing seems a bit blown out of proportion. Let me practice a little mediation (after one whole year of law school).

First, Rotary likes your set up, except for the gearing, and F/R bias which is truly more of a opinion and driving style difference thing. I, for instance, like a AWD that claws through corners similarly to a FF with the rear push of a FR. If you'd like I can try to play around with both sets of gears and see which seems to be 'better'.

Second, Rotary admits he's adversarial when it comes to commenting on other's tunes (or critiquing). Frankly his advice/comments are probably pretty helpful for others if not yourself. You want others to use and like your tune right? Perhaps his tweaks to it will cause others like your tune more?

Overall, Rotary is not saying your tune is garbage. He's actually taking some time to offer his particular insight. If you don't like it all you have to do is to reply with something more diplomatic. "That's one way of seeing it." or something to that effect, and then simply moving on.

You're both bigger than squabbling on GTP forums.
Overall, Rotary is not saying your tune is garbage. He's actually taking some time to offer his particular insight. If you don't like it all you have to do is to reply with something more diplomatic. "That's one way of seeing it." or something to that effect, and then simply moving on.


"That's one way of seeing it.".

I see it for what it really is... Transparent.

Rotary Junkie
Well I'll start with the ratios.

The 22B is AWD and that means that final drive has a HUGE effect on acceleration at all speeds. I remember from my testing in GT4 the same overall (gear x final drive) ratios with default final drive vs 2.500 was about .1-.2s difference in 1/4 mile times..

Is this GT4? Nope.

Is this a 1/4 mile tune? Nope

But you bring up an interesting point.

You say "the same overall (gear x final drive) ratios with default final drive vs 2.500 was about .1-.2s difference in 1/4 mile times"

So your saying with the same "gear x final drive ratios" a set with 2.5 FD will be faster than a "Default FD" but with the same "gear x FD ratios"?

Interesting, anybody care to validate this bold claim. It seems ridiculous but if correct displays a serious flaw in the gear modeling.

Theoretically, if you get all the (gear x FD ratios) the same, there should be absolutely NO difference whatsoever between any 2 FD's the individual gears values will cancel out the difference.

he's saying

2 x 3

Will yield a different result to

3 x 2

Seems like a bunch of BS, especially as an observational critique.

The post was rather transparent.

If I remember back to GT4 I had a Scoobie running low 7 second 1/4 mile times easy, she was a high 6 second Car when pushed right. Too bad this is GT5, if I remember back in GT4 there was Nitro & Huge DF/grip/slip differences. What does that have to do with my gear set? You think you can visually see a .1 - .2 difference in 1/4 mile speed, based off what you remember in GT4? .1 - .2 is Huge? You do realize tracks are longer then a 1/4 mile right?

It's as though he thinks he knows how they will work simply by looking at them (he may think he knows, but his comment is only evidence of how little he knows, his assumptions are the proof) & all this, after never trying them, only based on what he remembers from GT4...

WOW, that defines Pretentious...
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Are you saying 1:06 @ TGTT with the 22b is slow?

Now, since RJ doesn't have a PS3 and Noobster is still as arrogant (sorry, maybe bad first impressions) as I first remembered and also strangely oblivious to the fact that RJ has been without a PS3 for the best part of 2 or 3 months now, I guess I should just clarify something about the TGTT time. 1:06 is quick. Full stop. That kind of laptime is normally the reserve of 600hp+ cars and thoroughbred racers. So we can't argue with him there. But Noobster, quick advice, I understand (to a certain extent) that you are trying to defend what you see is right (I guess), but just don't be so aggressive when you try to, eh? And always bear in mind that RJ, and he said this himself, will always make a point while sounding like an arrogant dick. So just don't think too much of it and try to make the most of the advice he's giving you as it'll eventually derail this thread like the Project blackbird thread.
Is this GT4? Nope.

Physics are only slightly different. Mostly in the tire model.

Is this a 1/4 mile tune? Nope

No, but 1/4 mile runs are a good way of repeatably demonstrating these things.

But you bring up an interesting point.

You say "the same overall (gear x final drive) ratios with default final drive vs 2.500 was about .1-.2s difference in 1/4 mile times"


So your saying with the same "gear x final drive ratios" a set with 2.5 FD will be faster than a "Default FD" but with the same "gear x FD ratios"?


Interesting, anybody care to validate this bold claim. It seems ridiculous but if correct displays a serious flaw in the gear modeling.

Not quiiiiiiite. It's roughly the same effect as lightening the driveshaft (I've seen it make little to no difference in FF or MR cars for example).

Theoretically, if you get all the (gear x FD ratios) the same, there should be absolutely NO difference whatsoever between any 2 FD's the individual gears values will cancel out the difference.

Except for driveshaft speeds, yes.

he's saying

2 x 3

Will yield a different result to

3 x 2

Seems like a bunch of BS, especially as an observational critique.

Not at all a "bunch of BS". Look at the testing of the Xanavi Nismo Z in the TCC. My car was, according to pretty much every judge, faster down straights. Despite power being exactly the same for every tune posted. Either it was because I ran effectively a 4-speed gearbox or it was because of my 2.000 final drive ratio.... And I'll tell you right now it's not the fact it was a 4-speed.

If I remember back to GT4 I had a Scoobie running low 7 second 1/4 mile times easy, she was a high 6 second Car when pushed right. Too bad this is GT5, if I remember back in GT4 there was Nitro & Huge DF/grip/slip differences. What does that have to do with my gear set? You think you can visually see a .1 - .2 difference in 1/4 mile speed, based off what you remember in GT4? .1 - .2 is Huge? You do realize tracks are longer then a 1/4 mile right?

Since you're such a lover of video proof you should be able to replicate that 6 second 1/4 mile time in the Scoobie and get said video proof. You'd suddenly gain a hell of a lot of respect from the drag tuners around. ;)

As for nitrous blah blah... Car tested was a boggo Impreza Coupe R running about 370hp on Sports Soft tires. Exact same overall ratios, different final drive, few tenths difference. Test was repeated with an S2000 by myself and others. No spray, no gimmicks, automatic shifting used for consistency's sake (auto will run the same time every run).

It's as though he thinks he knows how they will work simply by looking at them (he may think he knows, but his comment is only evidence of how little he knows, his assumptions are the proof) & all this, after never trying them, only based on what he remembers from GT4...

Erm... PS3 being broken != never having done any tuning work at all in GT5. Quite the opposite... Last I checked I still have more GT5 tunes out than you. ;)

As for me being an "arrogant dick" (my words)... Yep. Get used to it.
Oi! I said 'arrogant dick' first -.- RJ, You stole that phrase from me without giving me any credit!!! Etc. Etc. And so on and so on with the bickering...but anyways, just sort it out, the both of you, especially you, noobster, always looking for a fight, you're a feisty one eh? :D first with my R35 thing (my fault for bias testing, admittedly), then with adrenaline on the 'project blackbird', and then again with RJ, and then french guy (sorry, forgot your name and is typing on phone so I can't check), and now we're back with another fight with RJ...
Now, since RJ doesn't have a PS3 and Noobster is still as arrogant (sorry, maybe bad first impressions) as I first remembered and also strangely oblivious to the fact that RJ has been without a PS3 for the best part of 2 or 3 months now.

Not oblivious but very aware (sarcasm doesn't relay in text too well) I wanted to illustrate his comments were observational, and don't come from actually trying out the tune. Making them quite meaningless...

I guess I should just clarify something about the TGTT time. 1:06 is quick. Full stop. That kind of laptime is normally the reserve of 600hp+ cars and thoroughbred racers. So we can't argue with him there..

Not from full stop, hot lap, however full stop is only a few seconds off this thing gets out the gate quick. Your point is still valid.

But Noobster, quick advice, I understand (to a certain extent) that you are trying to defend what you see is right (I guess),

Not just that, I feel I'm defending my right to an opinion of what is right and how I tune my cars.

And always bear in mind that RJ, and he said this himself, will always make a point while sounding like an arrogant dick .

I agree he sounds like an arrogant dick when giving his biased unfounded advice. (what works in GT4 & 5 for RJ doesn't necessarily and often doesn't work with my style.

but just don't be so aggressive when you try to, eh?.

I can't help it when he comes in my thread sounding like an arrogant dick

. So just don't think too much of it and try to make the most of the advice he's giving you as it'll eventually derail this thread like the Project blackbird thread. .

I don't think much of it or him for that matter, but that's just my opinion in my thread, I don't plaster it in any of his.
Really? Oh, cuz I just used it cus it was the best way of describing how I was acting at the time of posting...anyways, just kiss and makeup and be friends again! Problem solved :D