Rotary Junkie
Physics are only slightly different. Mostly in the tire model.
Do the tires not effect grip/slip etc? They are a bit more then "slightly" different, but I wouldn't expect you to really know with your lack of GT5 experience.
The tire modeling is one of, if not the most important aspect to the physics...
Rotary Junkie
No, but 1/4 mile runs are a good way of repeatably demonstrating these things.
Yeah, that it's quicker to the 1/4 mile, that doesn't mean f-all when the straights are longer than a 1/4 mile and doesn't take into account cornering speed/gear at all. Never-mind the flaw was shown in GT4 or not, this is GT5
But you bring up an interesting point.
You say "the same overall (gear x final drive) ratios with default final drive vs 2.500 was about .1-.2s difference in 1/4 mile times"
Rotary Junkie
So your saying with the same "gear x final drive ratios" a set with 2.5 FD will be faster than a "Default FD" but with the same "gear x FD ratios"?
Rotary Junkie
Interesting, anybody care to validate this bold claim. It seems ridiculous but if correct displays a serious flaw in the gear modeling.
Rotary Junkie
Not quiiiiiiite. It's roughly the same effect as lightening the driveshaft (I've seen it make little to no difference in FF or MR cars for example).
Any benefits you may have saw in GT4 were due to a game physics flaw as in reality it's literally impossible, 2:3 is = to 3:2. That is a FACT simple as that your explanation involving driveshaft speed indicates all I need it to.

Anybody who knows enough about gears knows your understanding is flawed. Too bad, your ability to sell BS is remarkable. Any flaws you exposed in GT4 are not necessarily in GT5, that's a pretty bad assumption.
Theoretically, if you get all the (gear x FD ratios) the same, there should be absolutely NO difference whatsoever between any 2 FD's the individual gears values will cancel out the difference.[/QUOTE]
Rotary Junkie
Except for driveshaft speeds, yes.
Your explanation involving driveshaft speed is evidence of a lack of understanding.
Torque lost rotating the driveshaft is already factored into the driveshaft speed. It's not going to be different at the diff from the tranny. The driveshaft speed ratio @ the tranny & Diff is 1:1 so is the tq between the 2. Any benefits you obtain from making the FD Gear smaller are lost from making the The tranny gear bigger, when equalizing the 2 ratios.
This means
2:500:1 FD with a 4:500:1 first gear
Is Equal to
4:500:1 FD with a 2:500:1 first gear
That is how gears work
If you make one gear smaller than the other, the smaller one has to rotate more then the big gear in order to make the big gear rotate once.
So the little gear turns faster then the big gear and delivers X torque to the big gear. The big gear turns slower and takes that X torque and delivers it at a slower speed over a longer distance per rotation.
he's saying
2 x 3
Will yield a different result to
3 x 2
Seems like a bunch of BS, especially as an observational critique.
Rotary Junkie
Not at all a "bunch of BS". Look at the testing of the Xanavi Nismo Z in the TCC. My car was, according to pretty much every judge, faster down straights. Despite power being exactly the same for every tune posted. Either it was because I ran effectively a 4-speed gearbox or it was because of my 2.000 final drive ratio.... And I'll tell you right now it's not the fact it was a 4-speed.
It certainly BS if only validated on GT4, if your testing and results are accurate they demonstrate a shortcoming in GT4 physics and don't mean a thing in GT5
If I remember back to GT4 I had a Scoobie running low 7 second 1/4 mile times easy, she was a high 6 second Car when pushed right. Too bad this is GT5, if I remember back in GT4 there was Nitro & Huge DF/grip/slip differences. What does that have to do with my gear set? You think you can visually see a .1 - .2 difference in 1/4 mile speed, based off what you remember in GT4? .1 - .2 is Huge? You do realize tracks are longer then a 1/4 mile right?[/QUOTE]
Rotary Junkie
Since you're such a lover of video proof you should be able to replicate that 6 second 1/4 mile time in the Scoobie and get said video proof. You'd suddenly gain a hell of a lot of respect from the drag tuners around.
The point was (as you clearly missed it) is this is GT5 not GT4.
I haven't played GT4 in years. Since GT5 Prologue really. I'm sure the Drag guys would love it if the Times possible with GT4 were possible in GT5, further proof the physics differ from GT4 to GT5. Even if it wasn't though, .1 to .2 on the 1/4 mile does nothing on a Track longer then a 1/4 mile with turns.
Rotary Junkie
As for nitrous blah blah... Car tested was a boggo Impreza Coupe R running about 370hp on Sports Soft tires. Exact same overall ratios, different final drive, few tenths difference. Test was repeated with an S2000 by myself and others. No spray, no gimmicks, automatic shifting used for consistency's sake (auto will run the same time every run).
Your just displaying flaws with GT4, it's only your assumption the same flaw is present in GT5. No testing to confirm making it unfounded.
It's as though he thinks he knows how they will work simply by looking at them (he may think he knows, but his comment is only evidence of how little he knows, his assumptions are the proof) & all this, after never trying them, only based on what he remembers from GT4...[/QUOTE]
Rotary Junkie
Erm... PS3 being broken != never having done any tuning work at all in GT5. Quite the opposite... Last I checked I still have more GT5 tunes out than you.
Umm what is that supposed to mean other then you have to much free time on your hands?
Rotary Junkie
As for me being an "arrogant dick" (my words)... Yep.
I won't argue with that.
Rotary Junkie
Yeah, you guys are a dime a dozen, it's no sweat
But by your logic:
So, clearly RJ must be right about everything, since you've acted so hostile to him and his suggestions.

and a Coke for everyone!
Funny how you use logic out of context. Who has been accused of stealing for that logic to apply? Surely you must realize all situations are not the same.
I suspect you do, as soon as anybody is accusing anybody of stealing or lying, feel free to use that logic

until then, it's irrelevant, as is your post.
So you can have a Coke and a
Ah that gets to yah doesn't it.