Infamous Tunes * New Garage Name * New Release The R-Evolution *

  • Thread starter No_OBsT33R
I can't help it when he comes in my thread sounding like an arrogant dick

But by your logic:
I would not of felt my original suspicions confirmed had I not meat such hostility at the suggestion of the possibility.

So, clearly RJ must be right about everything, since you've acted so hostile to him and his suggestions.
:D and a Coke for everyone!
Rotary Junkie
Physics are only slightly different. Mostly in the tire model.

Do the tires not effect grip/slip etc? They are a bit more then "slightly" different, but I wouldn't expect you to really know with your lack of GT5 experience.

The tire modeling is one of, if not the most important aspect to the physics...

Rotary Junkie
No, but 1/4 mile runs are a good way of repeatably demonstrating these things.

Yeah, that it's quicker to the 1/4 mile, that doesn't mean f-all when the straights are longer than a 1/4 mile and doesn't take into account cornering speed/gear at all. Never-mind the flaw was shown in GT4 or not, this is GT5 ;)

But you bring up an interesting point.

You say "the same overall (gear x final drive) ratios with default final drive vs 2.500 was about .1-.2s difference in 1/4 mile times"

Rotary Junkie


So your saying with the same "gear x final drive ratios" a set with 2.5 FD will be faster than a "Default FD" but with the same "gear x FD ratios"?

Rotary Junkie


Interesting, anybody care to validate this bold claim. It seems ridiculous but if correct displays a serious flaw in the gear modeling.

Rotary Junkie
Not quiiiiiiite. It's roughly the same effect as lightening the driveshaft (I've seen it make little to no difference in FF or MR cars for example).

Any benefits you may have saw in GT4 were due to a game physics flaw as in reality it's literally impossible, 2:3 is = to 3:2. That is a FACT simple as that your explanation involving driveshaft speed indicates all I need it to. ;) Anybody who knows enough about gears knows your understanding is flawed. Too bad, your ability to sell BS is remarkable. Any flaws you exposed in GT4 are not necessarily in GT5, that's a pretty bad assumption.

Theoretically, if you get all the (gear x FD ratios) the same, there should be absolutely NO difference whatsoever between any 2 FD's the individual gears values will cancel out the difference.[/QUOTE]

Rotary Junkie
Except for driveshaft speeds, yes.


Your explanation involving driveshaft speed is evidence of a lack of understanding.

Torque lost rotating the driveshaft is already factored into the driveshaft speed. It's not going to be different at the diff from the tranny. The driveshaft speed ratio @ the tranny & Diff is 1:1 so is the tq between the 2. Any benefits you obtain from making the FD Gear smaller are lost from making the The tranny gear bigger, when equalizing the 2 ratios.

This means

2:500:1 FD with a 4:500:1 first gear

Is Equal to

4:500:1 FD with a 2:500:1 first gear

That is how gears work

If you make one gear smaller than the other, the smaller one has to rotate more then the big gear in order to make the big gear rotate once.

So the little gear turns faster then the big gear and delivers X torque to the big gear. The big gear turns slower and takes that X torque and delivers it at a slower speed over a longer distance per rotation.

he's saying

2 x 3

Will yield a different result to

3 x 2

Seems like a bunch of BS, especially as an observational critique.

Rotary Junkie
Not at all a "bunch of BS". Look at the testing of the Xanavi Nismo Z in the TCC. My car was, according to pretty much every judge, faster down straights. Despite power being exactly the same for every tune posted. Either it was because I ran effectively a 4-speed gearbox or it was because of my 2.000 final drive ratio.... And I'll tell you right now it's not the fact it was a 4-speed.

It certainly BS if only validated on GT4, if your testing and results are accurate they demonstrate a shortcoming in GT4 physics and don't mean a thing in GT5

If I remember back to GT4 I had a Scoobie running low 7 second 1/4 mile times easy, she was a high 6 second Car when pushed right. Too bad this is GT5, if I remember back in GT4 there was Nitro & Huge DF/grip/slip differences. What does that have to do with my gear set? You think you can visually see a .1 - .2 difference in 1/4 mile speed, based off what you remember in GT4? .1 - .2 is Huge? You do realize tracks are longer then a 1/4 mile right?[/QUOTE]

Rotary Junkie
Since you're such a lover of video proof you should be able to replicate that 6 second 1/4 mile time in the Scoobie and get said video proof. You'd suddenly gain a hell of a lot of respect from the drag tuners around.

The point was (as you clearly missed it) is this is GT5 not GT4.

I haven't played GT4 in years. Since GT5 Prologue really. I'm sure the Drag guys would love it if the Times possible with GT4 were possible in GT5, further proof the physics differ from GT4 to GT5. Even if it wasn't though, .1 to .2 on the 1/4 mile does nothing on a Track longer then a 1/4 mile with turns.

Rotary Junkie
As for nitrous blah blah... Car tested was a boggo Impreza Coupe R running about 370hp on Sports Soft tires. Exact same overall ratios, different final drive, few tenths difference. Test was repeated with an S2000 by myself and others. No spray, no gimmicks, automatic shifting used for consistency's sake (auto will run the same time every run).

Your just displaying flaws with GT4, it's only your assumption the same flaw is present in GT5. No testing to confirm making it unfounded.

It's as though he thinks he knows how they will work simply by looking at them (he may think he knows, but his comment is only evidence of how little he knows, his assumptions are the proof) & all this, after never trying them, only based on what he remembers from GT4...[/QUOTE]

Rotary Junkie
Erm... PS3 being broken != never having done any tuning work at all in GT5. Quite the opposite... Last I checked I still have more GT5 tunes out than you.

Umm what is that supposed to mean other then you have to much free time on your hands?

Rotary Junkie
As for me being an "arrogant dick" (my words)... Yep.

I won't argue with that.

Rotary Junkie
Get used to it.

Yeah, you guys are a dime a dozen, it's no sweat :D

But by your logic:

So, clearly RJ must be right about everything, since you've acted so hostile to him and his suggestions.
:D and a Coke for everyone!

Funny how you use logic out of context. Who has been accused of stealing for that logic to apply? Surely you must realize all situations are not the same.

I suspect you do, as soon as anybody is accusing anybody of stealing or lying, feel free to use that logic ;) until then, it's irrelevant, as is your post.

So you can have a Coke and a :D

Ah that gets to yah doesn't it. ;)
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As long as we agree that your logic changes for every situation. It's a win/win for me, lmao.

The situation dictates the logic used ;) C'est la Vie.

If I were to use different logic for the same situation to benefit myself there would be validity to your comment, but the reality is its a different situation and All different situations are just that "different".

So, like I said, as soon as somebody is accused of stealing or lying, feel free to use the applicable logic, until then it's NOT applicable... It's irrelevant.

Enjoying your Coke? :D
I suppose due to your native language and displayed intelligence thus far I can safely render you ignorant to the term 'Logical Inconsistency'. I guess if you went to a trade school for automotive technology that you would have missed some key elements of todays ever evolving society. Maybe you should consider attending some classes at a JC. Some may be surprised to learn that Trade School Credits can be applied towards an associates degree. Something you might want to look into.

Anyways, today's lesson is 'Logical Inconsistency'
Logical Inconsistency

Disciplines > Argument > Fallacies > Logical Inconsistency
Description | Discussion | Example | See also

Multiple statements are given which contradict one another.
These may be given together or may be separated in time. Sometimes the contradictions are rather subtle and are difficult to spot. At other times, they are obvious. If you have enough authority, then you may be able to carry this off.
Sim is cleverer than Jim. Jim is cleverer than Tim. Tim is cleverer than Sim.

Let's all go to the football game tomorrow. My wife doesn't like football. I know you're busy. We'll all enjoy ourselves.

Inconsistencies may be found in various circumstances. Often they are used in ignorance, where the person does not realize they are being inconsistent. Sometimes it is just lazy thinking. Sometimes they are used within an emotive context, where the person has lost all sense of logic and is desperately trying to prove something. Another possibility is a deliberate use of inconsistency to confuse the other person and hence distract them from the real game. Finally, sometimes people in authority deliberately contradict themselves either because they know they will not be challenged and possibly as a demonstration of power.
Logical inconsistency is different from personal inconsistency. Logical inconsistency is about using arguments which are not internally consistent. Personal inconsistency is about accusing others of inconsistency.
Also known as
See also
Appeal to Authority, Personal Inconsistency, Confusion principle

Note the underlined part ;)
I'm noticing a pattern with every one of No_OBsT33R's threads.

No_OBsT33R shares a tune or a setting
Someone else says "I like it...but..."
No_OBsT33R takes it as a personal attack and lashes out
Intelligent debate turns into name calling and challenges
Sometimes lap times are reported but...
No_OBsT33R eventually ends argument with something along the lines of "I don't tune for one lap wonders, I tune for consistency"

No_OBsT33R, perhaps you just need to understand that people are trying to provide constructive criticism of your tunes so that you can improve them. Rather than calling out people, try their suggestions quietly and report back your findings. If someone says they would change X or Y. Try it yourself and explain why it didn't work for you.
Being upset (I'm not BTW) is not the same as defensive when confronted about a lie or theft. I'm defending my position when told it's not right or another way is better without any but a guess at what the Tune feels like.

Difference buddy ;)

By YOUR interpretation it also would imply anybody upset at any time is upset because they are wrong about something, lying or have stolen something.

So by YOUR logic you have the issue as your obviously upset at my presence.

I'm enjoying my Coke :D

I have no issue if you try it out and post legit reviews. I've had a tune that somebody thought the gears could be revamped, I didn't freak out.

RJ displayed how he misunderstands gearing. That driveshaft speed BS is a joke, but again every time I prove RJ's understandings wrong, he play it off as a "game" thing, but he can't prove it.

I will point out he is Flat out WRONG... That's a FACT.

You guys seem upset so much that you attempt to belittle me or my work at every opportunity, even without ever trying the set up (as he can't) he's being critical about. Then act like it's me that has issues. Umm your in my thread now, I'm not in yours (when have I ever cemented on how I thing your Tuning style is good or bad?) , it's you guys that seem to follow me around giving advice I never ask for and don't want, as your clearly are already aware of, you act like 10 year old kids in a playground instigating, then playing victim.

I'll be around as long as I like, and the more my presence threatens you guys, I know I'm doing my thing right. ;)

So have a Coke & a :D don't be so threatened, work on those insecurity issues. And have a great day ;)
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Can we " Halt den Mund " and let the guys do what they want to do?


Meh. I have no animosity towards him, he just reminds me of one of those TV shows that no one will admit to watching, but gets renewed for another season... Guess I'll just have to 'stop watching' and ignore his ridiculous threads...
Meh. I have no animosity towards him, he just reminds me of one of those TV shows that no one will admit to watching, but gets renewed for another season... Guess I'll just have to 'stop watching' and ignore his ridiculous threads...

Or just make ridiculous post in them.

;) cheers.
Can't blame a guy for being bored and taking a moment to express a valid opinion. And do try not to get defensive, son. I'd really hate to see you cross with me. Really, I would...

Nope certainly wont. Ill express mine. I won't get banned because a few members don't like me. If I've Trashed any threads the tools following me around instigating me to do or say something worth getting banned are the actual people trashing threads. So are the people asking for it... ;)

Coke & a :D ?
If you want to avoid Moderators, you should begin practicing proper punctuation, spelling and grammar as well as those all too common double, triple and even quadruple posts. Just trying to help, because I want to make sure you stay around as long as possible! ;)
Do the tires not effect grip/slip etc? They are a bit more then "slightly" different, but I wouldn't expect you to really know with your lack of GT5 experience.

The tire modeling is one of, if not the most important aspect to the physics...


Yeah, that it's quicker to the 1/4 mile, that doesn't mean f-all when the straights are longer than a 1/4 mile and doesn't take into account cornering speed/gear at all. Never-mind the flaw was shown in GT4 or not, this is GT5 ;)


Right on... Because the SAME OVERALL GEAR RATIOS being FASTER OVER THE 1/4 MILE WITH A HIGHER TRAP SPEED isn't a difference in acceleration at all times. Right on.

Any benefits you may have saw in GT4 were due to a game physics flaw as in reality it's literally impossible, 2:3 is = to 3:2. That is a FACT simple as that your explanation involving driveshaft speed indicates all I need it to. ;) Anybody who knows enough about gears knows your understanding is flawed. Too bad, your ability to sell BS is remarkable. Any flaws you exposed in GT4 are not necessarily in GT5, that's a pretty bad assumption.

Wut? Also your inability to use quotes properly is starting to annoy the living hell out of me.

Your explanation involving driveshaft speed is evidence of a lack of understanding.

Torque lost rotating the driveshaft is already factored into the driveshaft speed. It's not going to be different at the diff from the tranny. The driveshaft speed ratio @ the tranny & Diff is 1:1 so is the tq between the 2. Any benefits you obtain from making the FD Gear smaller are lost from making the The tranny gear bigger, when equalizing the 2 ratios.

Nnnot quite. A driveshaft is a pretty friggin heavy bit of rotating mass... And it's rather obviously modeled into the physics engine in some way/shape/form, otherwise the "lightweight driveshaft" wouldn't exist (or it would change power output or weight).

You seem to be completely ignoring the fact I've tested this in GT5 as well... The changes aren't gigantic but they are noticeable both in the tunnel drags and on the circuit.

This means

2:500:1 FD with a 4:500:1 first gear

Is Equal to

4:500:1 FD with a 2:500:1 first gear

That is how gears work

In theory, yes.

If you make one gear smaller than the other, the smaller one has to rotate more then the big gear in order to make the big gear rotate once.

So the little gear turns faster then the big gear and delivers X torque to the big gear. The big gear turns slower and takes that X torque and delivers it at a slower speed over a longer distance per rotation.

All true... Except in the case of most FR, some RR, all AWD cars you get to have the power flow go...

Trans multiplication -> spin a 50lb shaft at that same speed -> diff multiplication. Same end result but there's less waste energy in the middle.

Now then, this is completely different to how I'd do things in the real world, down simply to reliability's sake. It's hard as hell to make a manual transmission with a 4:1 first gear that won't shatter the case the first time you send a few hundred ft-lbs through it.

It certainly BS if only validated on GT4, if your testing and results are accurate they demonstrate a shortcoming in GT4 physics and don't mean a thing in GT5

Ahhh but they DO demonstrate a flaw in GT5 physics because I (and others) have bloody well tested it. Seems I say "My PS3 broke on me while I was trying to tune a customer car" and you hear "HE NEVER HAD A PS3 AND NEVER PLAYED GT5 IN HIS LIFEEEEEEEE".

The point was (as you clearly missed it) is this is GT5 not GT4.

I haven't played GT4 in years. Since GT5 Prologue really. I'm sure the Drag guys would love it if the Times possible with GT4 were possible in GT5, further proof the physics differ from GT4 to GT5. Even if it wasn't though, .1 to .2 on the 1/4 mile does nothing on a Track longer then a 1/4 mile with turns.

Actually... Us drag guys (I'm one of them, look in my sig, it doesn't just have a link to my garage) would be happy with a 1/4 mile drag strip... Hell, the good circuit tuners wouldn't mind having the test track in general back either I don't think... Repeatable straight line testing is and always has been the best place to set initial gearing. Always will be. You don't set track gearing to what is fastest down to the hundreth down each straight because it's impossible to gauge; you set it to what feels right in each corner. If you find a way that can guarantee the car to be faster down every single straight while still having a gear for everything, you're set.

Your just displaying flaws with GT4, it's only your assumption the same flaw is present in GT5. No testing to confirm making it unfounded.

C'mon, seriously bro? Plenty of testing done. Did I sit here and take video of it? Nope. You know why? The people who it actually matters to either already know about it or are too damn alienlike for a few tenths from the straights to matter.

It's as though he thinks he knows how they will work simply by looking at them (he may think he knows, but his comment is only evidence of how little he knows, his assumptions are the proof) & all this, after never trying them, only based on what he remembers from GT4...

Ah, but I do. Remember, I tuned an entire Yellowbird without touching a PS3.

Umm what is that supposed to mean other then you have to much free time on your hands?

Not much, really. Aside from, you know, that I've done more in the field of GT5 tuning than you likely ever will. Aww, now I'm sounding as big headed as you, it's starting to rub off.

I won't argue with that.

First person who hasn't, actually. Dunno why people see the way I act, see me say that, and then argue with me over it.

Why don't you have a Coke and a :D? Seems you could use to practice what you preach.
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Rotary Junkie
Right on... Because the SAME OVERALL GEAR RATIOS being FASTER OVER THE 1/4 MILE WITH A HIGHER TRAP SPEED isn't a difference in acceleration at all times. Right on.

Correct! It's a demonstration of how fast it will get to the 1/4 mile, that's it. Most drag cars are geared for the 1/4 and if the race was any longer, they would have to stretch the gears to match the longer distance, this would slow them down at the 1/4 mile mark.

It does nothing for cornering. What does it do for my cornering gears? Nothing.

Tuning a gearbox for the 1/4 mile and a Track with turns is 2 different affairs.

Rotary Junkie
Wut? Also your inability to use quotes properly is starting to annoy the living hell out of me.

good want annoy you me,

Rotary Junkie
Nnnot quite. A driveshaft is a pretty friggin heavy bit of rotating mass... And it's rather obviously modeled into the physics engine in some way/shape/form, otherwise the "lightweight driveshaft" wouldn't exist (or it would change power output or weight).

Who cares, changing the gear ratio DOESN'T lighten it, it takes the same amount to turn it no matter what the gears are. Nothing you've shown to be a physics glitch is explainable through real world physics. There is no actual drive shaft being turned.

You jump back and forth from game to reality with no consistency.

Realize anything you change when making the FD gear smaller, you cancel out when equally changing the gear keeping the final ratio the same.

Final ratio is all that matters

2:3 is = to 3:2 that's a fact.

If you've shown any different, it's a physics glitch.

Rotary Junkie
You seem to be completely ignoring the fact I've tested this in GT5 as well... The changes aren't gigantic but they are noticeable both in the tunnel drags and on the circuit.

Great, you state testing data from the 1/4 mile strip in GT4 where an auto runs the same time every time with all settings the same. In your test you saw a .1 to .2 difference.

You obviously didn't do this test in GT5, so how exactly did you confirm this in GT5, and what was the margin of error for those test?

Rotary Junkie
In theory, yes.

In reality Yes, in the game, Yes.

If you see a glitch it has nothing to do with the drive shaft getting lighter, and nothing you've said makes ANY real sense.

Rotary Junkie
All true... Except in the case of most FR, some RR, all AWD cars you get to have the power flow go...

It's true for all cars, your jumping back and forth from game to reality, it's a joke. You obviously are not doing anything more then reciting stuff you read and misinterpreted.

You see Transaxles don't have drive shafts, but aside from a varying power-train loss modeled in the physics (Transaxles having less loss) what's the impact that will have? Your statement is irrelevant.

You see changing the gears has the exact same effect in a Transaxle... lol :D

Rotary Junkie
Trans multiplication -> spin a 50lb shaft at that same speed -> diff multiplication. Same end result but there's less waste energy in the middle.

Again back and forth with irrelevant details.


Rotary Junkie
Now then, this is completely different to how I'd do things in the real world, down simply to reliability's sake. It's hard as hell to make a manual transmission with a 4:1 first gear that won't shatter the case the first time you send a few hundred ft-lbs through it.

So why do you keep referencing the real world (wrongly I might add) to validate your claims, and justify them? You bounce back and forth, YOU need to read Adrenalins post on logic, it's applying to YOU.

Rotary Junkie
Ahhh but they DO demonstrate a flaw in GT5 physics because I (and others) have bloody well tested it. Seems I say "My PS3 broke on me while I was trying to tune a customer car" and you hear "HE NEVER HAD A PS3 AND NEVER PLAYED GT5 IN HIS LIFEEEEEEEE".

The test you spoke of can ONLY be done in GT4 (confirming at the 1/4 mike strip). I haven't seen ANYTHING showing concrete evidence of the glitch in GT5. I might of missed it could you point out where and how you proved this for GT5...

Rotary Junkie
Actually... Us drag guys (I'm one of them, look in my sig, it doesn't just have a link to my garage) would be happy with a 1/4 mile drag strip... Hell, the good circuit tuners wouldn't mind having the test track in general back either I don't think... Repeatable straight line testing is and always has been the best place to set initial gearing. Always will be. You don't set track gearing to what is fastest down to the hundreth down each straight because it's impossible to gauge; you set it to what feels right in each corner. If you find a way that can guarantee the car to be faster down every single straight while still having a gear for everything, you're set.

What..... So.... Or to put it another way "So what!" I'd like a strip in GT5, fact of the matter is, it's not there. I'd love to be able to do some testing at one, but....

Rotary Junkie
C'mon, seriously bro? Plenty of testing done. Did I sit here and take video of it? Nope. You know why? The people who it actually matters to either already know about it or are too damn alienlike for a few tenths from the straights to matter.

How? How have you proved it in GT5? Still waiting on you BS to stop.

Rotary Junkie
Why don't you have a Coke and a :D? Seems you could use to practice what you preach.

I already got my Coke and a :D.

Practice what you preach and learn to use the quote function, your annoying the Hell out of yourself...
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I give up. You win.

Big Deal. Any tuning records to speak of? Did you tune the fastest 1/4 mile car in GT4? Fastest top speed car? No, no?

Quickest 1/4 mile ever recorded with any RX-7, 3rd quickest FR with 400hp missing on the top dogs.

Well rather I'm just sick of trying to decipher what the **** you're saying
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Anybody drive The Scoobie Deuce Deuce?

Lol, I think you scared most of your customers away with that fight with RJ, but seeing as I have one, I might run your tune tomorrow and see if it was worth you arguing with one of the most respected people here, and I'll have a crack at beating your 1:06 time on the TGTT as well!
Lol, I think you scared most of your customers away with that fight with RJ, but seeing as I have one, I might run your tune tomorrow and see if it was worth you arguing with one of the most respected people here, and I'll have a crack at beating your 1:06 time on the TGTT as well!

Hey, we couldn't get enough of shootouts, would we :P

Let's have a crack on that car too, Onboy123. I have a plan... *evil laughter*
Ok :D I'm always up for that, especially the way the RX7 vs NSX one came out…If it's an online one, talk over PM, not like last time, spamming RKM's thread.
Ok :D I'm always up for that, especially the way the RX7 vs NSX one came out…If it's an online one, talk over PM, not like last time, spamming RKM's thread.

Ain't sure if PSN is up for HK too, but all I can say is...

Noob, what's your goal with this entire thread?

You don't appear to be positively contributing to the community. You second guess the experts on this forum and argue about how you are right, yet everyone who tests your setups points out something they would change. I can count the number of people happy with your tunes on one hand based on the previous 9 pages of mostly garbage.

I think you spend too much time arguing on the forum and not enough time playing the game. People here that run garages spend many hours a week on the game. I spend on average 6-12 hours a week in the game. The majority of that is online racing, but between races I am constantly tinkering with my cars. Despite playing that much, and being fairly competitive online with my tunes...I don't host a garage because I don't feel my tunes are as well thought out as some of the garages here.

You obviously put time into your tunes. However I don't think you have put time into driving other people's tunes to learn what makes them fast. The first thing I will do when i want to tune a car is try out every tune available for it. Do you do the same? I know you are claiming to bring real world experience to the table...but this is a game. You've got to experiment with whacky things like raising the front and lowering the rear to find out what happens.
Subaru - Impreza 22B STi Version '98

Purchase Location: UCD
Fully Repair Vehicle (engine/chassis)
Give her a Bath or New Paint

Part List
GT Wing

Body Chassis
Weight Reduction: Stage 3
Window Weight Reduction
Chassis Reinforcement

Computer: ECU Tuned
Engine Tuning: Stage 3

Intake System
Intake Manifold: Sport
Air Filter: Racing

Exhaust Manifold: Sport
Catalytic Converter: Sports
Exhaust: Titanium Racing

Forced Induction
High RPM Turbo

Type: Fully Customizable

Clutch: Twin-Plate
Flywheel: Semi Racing
LSD: Adjustable
Drive Shaft: Carbon
Drivetrain: Torque Sensing Center Differential

Type: Fully Customizable




Here is A Hot Lap @ TGTT




In case it got lost


Let's keep the Thread on topic.
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Hmmmm racing softs. Must be a class above what I've expected. I have a feeling that this may be a good cornering machine.