he is a little beat (bit) agressive
intelligente = Clever
the best way is to overtake cleanly when it's fairly possible and not when they think they have lost enough time![]()
I saw two fellows crack the 10 minute barrier yesterday. Unfortunately I made a few mistakes and lost their draft, otherwise I would have cracked the 10 minute mark as well. doctorben (US) placed first followed by FAK_EV1L (IT). 9:57 is sure hauling ass...
I think it's a little beat easy to cry ..![]()
doctorben is fine whilst racing up front against other drivers who are driving the same car as himself, but if he finds himself a few places back (out of sight of the leaders) and also finds himself caught up behind a lesser performance car that's carrying max PP (unlike his lower pp), then all bets are off in his quest to get back up front.
Yes, so you should feel nervous saying that.
doctorben is fine whilst racing up front against other drivers who are driving the same car as himself, but if he finds himself a few places back (out of sight of the leaders) and also finds himself caught up behind a lesser performance car that's carrying max PP (unlike his lower pp), then all bets are off in his quest to get back up front.
Also, I know of other drivers who have stopped and waited for him, but when was the last time you saw him do the same.
/end "cry".
All this talk about doctorben,thanos and all the big dogs with their GTLM you know what i would like to see them race with a normal car like the Z06,viper,mines,S2000,clio just wanna know how the races would turn up then.
All this talk about doctorben,thanos and all the big dogs with their GTLM you know what i would like to see them race with a normal car like the Z06,viper,mines,S2000,clio just wanna know how the races would turn up then.
What's with all these GTLM's on 749?
Are they an earlier model that can't go any higher?
All this talk about doctorben,thanos and all the big dogs with their GTLM you know what i would like to see them race with a normal car like the Z06,viper,mines,S2000,clio just wanna know how the races would turn up then.
when see a driver who catch u by 2 or 3 secs a lap let him pass and try to follow him ...it's more intelligente than try to resist and make him lost time...
I've given the tuned Evo X a quick try before so I'll throw my 2 cents in. IMO, if you're trying to run toward the front of the pack with the really competitve cars and drivers (GTLM, Lotus 111R, tuned Viper, tuned Vette) you're going to find that the Evo just doesn't have what it takes to keep up no matter how hard you push. It's solid through the corners but seems to be lacking big time on the straights, as you mentioned. The cars that I mentioned earlier can be just as quick if not quicker through the corners, but end up destroying the tuned Evo on the straights.
It's either the particular setup they have, meaning that an increase of one click in HP/aero/weight will result in 2 PP increase instead of one. It is for this reason that my Vette is always at 749. I want max aero and minimum weight, the result is that I can't get 750PP on the dot with the power.
The other reason is that they are deliberately shedding PP to guarantee a starting slot towards the front.
how about you try driving a GTLM and being as fast or faster than you are in one of those normal cars?
The cars outclasses the other cars no doubt, but the skill and concentration required to keep the car on the road and actually be fast with it is a lot more demanding than driving an s2k or a vette. I have the utmost respect for GTLM drivers.
My Corvette is on 750
In my personal opinion,
lowering your PP to get a higher spot on the start grid in a pre arranged race,like we do with the GTP and GTRP forums,is an absolute shame.
Lowering the PP shows no respectto your own fellow forum members and the members of friendly forums.
We,addict racers,are good enough to have full PP.👍
Of course some/many may disagree or agree with me but,I said this before,how strange will it look when you enter a private room with your lowered PP car?
Please don't use the argument we have at the moment no private rooms.
There are races I enter with 10 or more known racers.
hi mates
...however no problem if when see a driver who catch u by 2 or 3 secs a lap let him pass and try to follow him ...it's more intelligente than try to resist and make him lost time...
off course if u are ahead it's normal to defend your race![]()
All this talk about doctorben,thanos and all the big dogs with their GTLM you know what i would like to see them race with a normal car like the Z06,viper,mines,S2000,clio just wanna know how the races would turn up then.
and try gtlm...very easy mate![]()