International Event - Suzuka Expert 750 pp 00-15-30-45

  • Thread starter maxzibit
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nice racing earlier, sacking it off now seen as untagged (CA) and GTP tagged (US) don't mind putting other cars off track and clearing off into the distance, cheers boys
My friend Thanos !!! nice to see you here too :sly:

Sorry for the english lesson mate but it can help 👍
he is a little beat (bit) agressive
intelligente = Clever

Concerning DoctorBen's and fast pilot's aggressivity, I would say it's okay as far as they don't keep bumping the (supposed) slower car in front of them. the best way is to overtake cleanly when it's fairly possible and not when they think they have lost enough time :sly:

The example of last night when I was racing with a f599 or a GT 06, I was trying to give room to overtake when possible to faster car/pilot... but some pilots prefer to keep bumping you instead of waiting the good place/timing to overtake !!!

Cheers mate 👍
the best way is to overtake cleanly when it's fairly possible and not when they think they have lost enough time :sly:

+1 👍

I don't care how fast you come screaming up behind me, if you can't overtake me cleanly then I've beaten you - deal with it!

Two factors come into play here:

1 - online boost - just because you caught up to me really quickly doesn't necessarily mean your car is faster - I might have cooked a corner and our cars also have a rubber band between them.

2 - Driving defensively is slower - yes I'm holding you up - that's what driving defense is all about. If you get the drop I'll let you past but don't expect an invitation.
I saw two fellows crack the 10 minute barrier yesterday. Unfortunately I made a few mistakes and lost their draft, otherwise I would have cracked the 10 minute mark as well. doctorben (US) placed first followed by FAK_EV1L (IT). 9:57 is sure hauling ass...

FAK pulled a 9'56 last night in his GTLM, I only managed 2nd place and a 10'01 (So nearly!!). But then again there were only 7 or so cars in the race and usually the RBE doesn't go into overdrive for races like that, I was even able to run sub 2 minute laps for the majority of the race while just behind the leader.

Had some really good races last night with GTP_Sphinx (good job for getting me on the last lap!), ZERODUCK (good job for getting me on the last lap!) and of course FAK_EV1L (good job for leaving me on the last lap!) :)

All the best
Maz (Synwraith)
I think it's a little beat easy to cry ..:nervous:

Yes, so you should feel nervous saying that.

doctorben is fine whilst racing up front against other drivers who are driving the same car as himself, but if he finds himself a few places back (out of sight of the leaders) and also finds himself caught up behind a lesser performance car that's carrying max PP (unlike his lower pp), then all bets are off in his quest to get back up front.

The last straw for me (after a number of other incidents with him) was when I found myself in 2nd place after he made an error, I knew his car was superior and I therefore decided to slow and let him pass me at spoon by keeping to the far right all the way round, but not even that was good enough for him and soon found myself in the sand for all my effort whilst he goes on his merry way to win the race.

I'm sorry, but in OLR it doesn't matter how fast you are if you refuse to respect other drivers. Also, I know of other drivers who have stopped and waited for him, but when was the last time you saw him do the same.

/end "cry".
doctorben is fine whilst racing up front against other drivers who are driving the same car as himself, but if he finds himself a few places back (out of sight of the leaders) and also finds himself caught up behind a lesser performance car that's carrying max PP (unlike his lower pp), then all bets are off in his quest to get back up front.

I'd say that's a pretty fair assessment. Shame too - he's bloody quick
Yes, so you should feel nervous saying that.

doctorben is fine whilst racing up front against other drivers who are driving the same car as himself, but if he finds himself a few places back (out of sight of the leaders) and also finds himself caught up behind a lesser performance car that's carrying max PP (unlike his lower pp), then all bets are off in his quest to get back up front.

Also, I know of other drivers who have stopped and waited for him, but when was the last time you saw him do the same.

/end "cry".

That pretty much sums him up, but i cant say i've had any real problems with doctorben. I've had him on my friends list since pre update and been racing with him for a while now. He does seem to have a little less respect for slower cars and lesser skilled drivers, and i thinks he races people according to his respect for them from previous races. I also think his number one goal is to be in the lead all the time and if he slips up and falls back he'll be a little aggressive in his quest to get back to the front. As for the waiting part, it depends on the type of race, if its just you and him alone upfront and the rest of the pack is far away he might wait for you, but if not he'll just pm you an apology at he end of the race. As i said i have never had any real problems with doctorben.
All this talk about doctorben,thanos and all the big dogs with their GTLM you know what i would like to see them race with a normal car like the Z06,viper,mines,S2000,clio just wanna know how the races would turn up then.
All this talk about doctorben,thanos and all the big dogs with their GTLM you know what i would like to see them race with a normal car like the Z06,viper,mines,S2000,clio just wanna know how the races would turn up then.

couple of weeks ago we were racing in standard F430's and i was very suprised to be winning other racers who in their tuned cars and their own settings were untouchable before then. Some people are good tuners and some are good racers.
All this talk about doctorben,thanos and all the big dogs with their GTLM you know what i would like to see them race with a normal car like the Z06,viper,mines,S2000,clio just wanna know how the races would turn up then.

As much as I would also like to see less GTLMs in the field, especially as I had some excellent races with Corvette drivers last night...I must say these guys have a lot of respect from me for being able to drive the GTLM fast. I truly truly hate that car and doubt I could ever be happy with it. Whether they drive them cleanly or not is another issue entirely.

All the best
Maz (Synwraith)
What's with all these GTLM's on 749? :confused:

Are they an earlier model that can't go any higher?
What's with all these GTLM's on 749? :confused:

Are they an earlier model that can't go any higher?

It's either the particular setup they have, meaning that an increase of one click in HP/aero/weight will result in 2 PP increase instead of one. It is for this reason that my Vette is always at 749. I want max aero and minimum weight, the result is that I can't get 750PP on the dot with the power.

The other reason is that they are deliberately shedding PP to guarantee a starting slot towards the front.

All the best
Maz (Synwraith)
All this talk about doctorben,thanos and all the big dogs with their GTLM you know what i would like to see them race with a normal car like the Z06,viper,mines,S2000,clio just wanna know how the races would turn up then.

how about you try driving a GTLM and being as fast or faster than you are in one of those normal cars?

The cars outclasses the other cars no doubt, but the skill and concentration required to keep the car on the road and actually be fast with it is a lot more demanding than driving an s2k or a vette. I have the utmost respect for GTLM drivers.
when see a driver who catch u by 2 or 3 secs a lap let him pass and try to follow him's more intelligente than try to resist and make him lost time...

exactly, i do this many time, the fast driver wait juste a leatle beat, i open the door, and at the end , it's better for my final time. and i win a driving lesson free...for few minutes..;)

excuse my good

first on this forum; my name is stephane, young from a long time...46 years old.
hello every GTP drivers frends
Definitly seems you need to tame the GTLM to compete in this race now. I broke out the old S2K last night. Sorry to those I bumped. Lots of cornering speed and had to stay up on people to try and get a pass in the straights.

Sent a message to GTP_LinPark. Got him twice. So sorry, man!
I've given the tuned Evo X a quick try before so I'll throw my 2 cents in. IMO, if you're trying to run toward the front of the pack with the really competitve cars and drivers (GTLM, Lotus 111R, tuned Viper, tuned Vette) you're going to find that the Evo just doesn't have what it takes to keep up no matter how hard you push. It's solid through the corners but seems to be lacking big time on the straights, as you mentioned. The cars that I mentioned earlier can be just as quick if not quicker through the corners, but end up destroying the tuned Evo on the straights.

Thanks again for the advice - decided to try out the tuned corvette today and once I'd stopped the back end jumping out so much I was finally getting laptimes under 2min.
👍+100000000000000000000000 up for the 2 "mr DRAMA-KYD" last posts

mate:dopey:, no comment after get all my respect man and i'm running to ad you for friend.....please accepte:):)
thanks again:tup:👍👍👍

hi wayne:)
thanks for the english lesson , you could be sure that is not fall in ear's deaf:sly::)
however i just notify to you that you are the first guy who correct me without be invited to be my teatcher ....try to think about it:idea:
then i do an effort for writting in english (sorry i'd rather like spanish:))
i perfectly know how poor is my english:indiff: and if you start this way i'm sure that you will find "horrible mistakes" in this proper message...arround 50 no???
the most important for me is to be understanding...don't u think:sly:
next time, use mp please...and don't worry, wasn't agressive message...just focus:)
see u m8

and for finishing ....remember something, it is write "EXPERT" on the race :sly:
It's either the particular setup they have, meaning that an increase of one click in HP/aero/weight will result in 2 PP increase instead of one. It is for this reason that my Vette is always at 749. I want max aero and minimum weight, the result is that I can't get 750PP on the dot with the power.

My Corvette is on 750 :sly:

The other reason is that they are deliberately shedding PP to guarantee a starting slot towards the front.

In my personal opinion,

lowering your PP to get a higher spot on the start grid in a pre arranged race,like we do with the GTP and GTRP forums,is an absolute shame.

Lowering the PP shows no respectto your own fellow forum members and the members of friendly forums.

We,addict racers,are good enough to have full PP.👍

Of course some/many may disagree or agree with me but,I said this before,how strange will it look when you enter a private room with your lowered PP car?

Please don't use the argument we have at the moment no private rooms.
There are races I enter with 10 or more known racers.

how about you try driving a GTLM and being as fast or faster than you are in one of those normal cars?

The cars outclasses the other cars no doubt, but the skill and concentration required to keep the car on the road and actually be fast with it is a lot more demanding than driving an s2k or a vette. I have the utmost respect for GTLM drivers.

+1 👍 Takes more than just getting behind the wheel to get the benefit of one of those. Very easy to make a mistake. There's nothing better than overtaking one in a stock GT06, tho, except maybe lapping a GT-R.
My Corvette is on 750 :sly:

In my personal opinion,

lowering your PP to get a higher spot on the start grid in a pre arranged race,like we do with the GTP and GTRP forums,is an absolute shame.

Lowering the PP shows no respectto your own fellow forum members and the members of friendly forums.

We,addict racers,are good enough to have full PP.👍

Of course some/many may disagree or agree with me but,I said this before,how strange will it look when you enter a private room with your lowered PP car?

Please don't use the argument we have at the moment no private rooms.
There are races I enter with 10 or more known racers.


I agree on what you say. But I lower my PP to 799 at HSR.
I dont want to get held back that much. But when its at 800PP it's so fun playing catch-up.

When im at Suzuka its at 800pp due to the fact that its a grid start than a rolling one. Also T1 will be dangerous.

Some may lower to get a huge advantage... eventually people will draft up.
Some may use it to get away from online crashes at the start, punters etc

Im sure a punter doesnt want to start last...
hi mates :)
...however no problem if when see a driver who catch u by 2 or 3 secs a lap let him pass and try to follow him's more intelligente than try to resist and make him lost time...
off course if u are ahead it's normal to defend your race :)

Yes I agree.:) This should be added to the 'Clean Racing Rule Book'.👍
All this talk about doctorben,thanos and all the big dogs with their GTLM you know what i would like to see them race with a normal car like the Z06,viper,mines,S2000,clio just wanna know how the races would turn up then.

wouaf wouaf nissman:dopey:

and no prob with a face to face with same car no tuned:sly:
with friends we try a little challenge :audi tt 3.2 mode arcade timeattack ( no tuned:sly:) mode pro....if u wanna test, let's go:)
i know that it's not same qualitys between online races (no mistakes is allowed , here the difference...) and timeattack which is not my speciality:ouch:

and try gtlm...very easy mate:)
Apologies to Sphinx, just ran too wide at spoon and almost lost it. Countersteered and ran into him by accident. Sorry...
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