Introduce Yourself! New Member Introductions Thread — Come Say Hello!

  • Thread starter Jordan
Hey all, my name is mike and I am from the US.
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
I found GTPlanet through a post by someone on the Playstation discord server, specifically the gran turismo 7 chat.
  • Where are you from?
USA - New York!
  • When did you start playing racing games?
Awhile ago, I don't know many years ago. But I did start with arcade racing games opposed to more sim like racing. I used to really dislike the realistic type racing games but became more interested in cars. I find racing games to almost be soothing in a way.
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
Just recently bought one. I got a Thrustmaster T300RS GT for my PS5. I may get a Drivehub for Xbox - Forza horizon 5 and Forza Motorsport.
  • What other games do you enjoy?
I love rougelike games (hades, dead cells, etc.) and action games. Some examples are Nier Automata, Nier Replicant, Returnal, the Spider-man games.
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
I look forward to meeting people that share the same interest in racing games. I hope to learn more about tuning in racing games and just meeting others that have other hobbies that I may be interested in.
Hey there! Stoked to be back on an actual FORUM in this modern day social media craze.

  • How did you find GTPlanet? - Google!
  • Where are you from? - Dallas, TX
  • When did you start playing racing games? - Since the week after Gran Turismo 1 was released!
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use? - Nope, All controller here.
  • What other games do you enjoy? - GOD OF WAR, Horizon Forbidden West/Zero Dawn, Last of Us (not 2)
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? - Honestly I feel like I'm surrounded by Forza only players in my day to day. I'd really like to grow my GT7 friends base. It's kinda cool seeing other people's times on the license tests and mission races and of course seeing friends in lobbies just cruising or doing roll races.
How did you find GT Planet? searching for sim gear and reviews
Where are you from? USA
When did you start playing racing games? I am not a gamer, did not own a console until < 6 months ago, I got tired of busting bones on motorcycles but still want to go fast.
Steering wheel? Yes, started with a G29, upgraded to Fanatec almost immediately
What other games do you enjoy? Honestly, if I get tired of driving and still want to "play", I just start tinkering with tuning or liveries rather than play another non-racing game.
What are you most looking forward to in the community? Helpful hints, hacks, community.
Hello Racers

Im a long time digital (Sim) Racer from Germany. I think i race since the existens of racing games ;)

Didnt found gtplanets, knew it for a long time. Watched it once in wile and thought now i register here.

Im on controller in Cockpitview since Gt4

Im not texting to much just here lurking a bit arround and bring some wishes/changes for Gt on the tabel.

And i play neerly all genres but mostly Gt

Have fun and c ya on track
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Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

I discovered GTPlanet due to me being a fan of racing games (and GT Wiki ofc), especially franchises like Gran Turismo, Need for Speed, among others.
I'm from Chile.
I remember that my first racing game was Need for Speed Underground 2, on my cousin's PC.
I'm mostly a console player and I only own PlayStation 3 and PC, so I play with the controllers and keyboard, but I always found out that steering wheels are better.
Other games I like, as I said before, are NFS, GT, Midnight Club and shooter games (COD, Battlefield, and others)
I want to share some questions, thoughts and many more together with the comunity.
  • How did you find GTPlanet? Trolling for information
  • Where are you from? IRELAND
  • When did you start playing racing games? GRAN TURISMO 1
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use? YES THRUSTMASTER T500RS AND TH8R SHIFTER
  • What other games do you enjoy? SURVIVAL (DAYZ) AND THE OCCASIONAL BATTLEFIELD
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? SHARING BUGS AND MAKING NEW PSN FREINDS TO TRY AND BEAT👀
Hey all!
Paddy from Ireland here looking forward to contributing to this great community after years of trolling your forums for information 😀 👍
Üdvözlünk egy speciális témakörben, amely csak új tagoknak szól!:D

Ez a legjobb hely az első bejegyzés megírásához és kényelmes használatához. Íme néhány kérdés, amit szívesen feltennénk mindenkinek...
  • Hogyan találtad meg a GTPlanet-e

  • Honnan jöttél?
  • Mikor kezdtél el autóversenyekkel játszani?
  • Kormánnyal játszol? Ha igen, milyen fajtát használsz?
  • Milyen játékokat szeretsz még?
  • Mit vársz a legjobban a közösségben?
Mint, tudassa velünk, ha segítségre van szüksége a helyén való eligazodásban vagy fiókja használatában. Üdvözöljük a GTPlaneten!


Üdvözlünk egy speciális témakörben, amely csak új tagoknak szól!:D

Ez a legjobb hely az első bejegyzés megírásához és a webhely kényelmes használatához. Íme néhány kérdés, amit szívesen feltennénk mindenkinek...
  • Hogyan találtad meg a GTPlanet-et?
  • Honnan jöttél?
  • Mikor kezdtél el autóversenyekkel játszani?
  • Kormánnyal játszol? Ha igen, milyen fajtát használsz?
  • Milyen játékokat szeretsz még?
  • Mit vársz a legjobban a közösségben?
Mint mindig, tudassa velünk, ha segítségre van szüksége a webhelyen való eligazodásban vagy fiókja használatában. Üdvözöljük a GTPlaneten!

Barátaim beszéltek róla.
Kb.25 éve.
A Gran Turismo
Érdekességek, ujdonságok, segítségek, információk
How did you find GTPlanet? I've been watching the site grow since GT3 when looking for tunes and tips.
Where are you from? Live in Texas, raised in north east.
When did you start playing racing games? I've been hooked on racing games since I was a kid. First was probably RC racing on Nintendo.
Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use? Yes, Logitech G923
What other games do you enjoy? Call of duty, battlefield, Lego games, assassin's Creed.
What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? I like to help people find the sweet spot tunes and learn them myself for beating challenges.
How did you find GTPlanet?
- Searching about GT7 on Google.

Where are you from?
- I'm from Brazil (south side of the country)

When did you start playing racing games?
- Since I was a kid, with Atari. But started to like with GT (PSX). Then, move to Xbox and played a lot of Forza 3, 4 and 5 (skipped Forza 6 and 7). Didn't liked GT Sport but I'm in love with GT7!

Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do yo u use?
- Nope. With Dualsense.

What other games do you enjoy?
- All types of games (but I'm big a fan of Souls games and PS exclusives).

What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
- I intend to learn and collaborate with something that makes the community grow. I don't get into unnecessary arguments. Im a cool guy.
Smendes17, simracer since about 1999 with F1 championship on pc with a joystick. Start elle with F1 97 and Monaco GP on psx.
Fan of racing and F1 since 1997.
Use ac and acc and rf2 with fana wheel and VR with oculus quest 2. A lovely.

Hi all.
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Hey what's up you can call me Toast. I've been playing Gran Turismo since the release of GT4, and I've been obsessed ever since. I don't know how to tune because I never learned the technical aspects of all that (though I'd like to, one day, eventually, maybe), but I like to think I'm a good driver.

  • How did you find GTPlanet?: It's The Gran Turismo forum.
  • Where are you from?: New York
  • When did you start playing racing games?: Since I was 6 years old. Need for Speed: High Stakes for the PC was my first.
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?: Nope, I solely play with the keyboard on PC, or the DualShock on the PlayStation. I've mastered the art of both.
  • What other games do you enjoy?: RPGs, a few fighting games.
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?: Connecting with other players and finding new tunes.
  • How did you find GTPlanet? - Looking around GT forums and r//GranTurismo this site is often referenced!
  • Where are you from? - UK
  • When did you start playing racing games? - 2004
  • What other games do you enjoy? - Sports games, FPS but mainly driving games
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? - Meeting up with new people!
Hey guys,

Raz from Canada... been lurking here anonymously for years and finally decided to register so that I could share some pics, vidz and experiences! Also looking forward to participate in some of the many interesting GT related discussion here.
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
    • I've been browsing the forums here since GT5, found through Google.
  • Where are you from?
    • Québec, Canada
  • When did you start playing racing games?
    • All my life since the Pole Position days, more seriously for the last 25 years with Gran Turismo and other sims.
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
    • Thrustmaster T300RS GT Edition
  • What other games do you enjoy?
    • Many kinds...
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
    • Discussing and learning anything and everything racing.

Benvenuto in un thread speciale solo per i nuovi membri!:D

Questo è il posto migliore per scrivere il tuo primo post e metterti a tuo agio nell'usare il sito. Ecco alcune domande che ci piace porre a tutti...
  • Come hai trovato GTPlanet?
  • Di dove sei?
  • Quando hai iniziato a giocare ai giochi di corse?
  • Giochi con il volante? Se si, che tipo usi?
  • Quali altri giochi ti piacciono?
  • Cosa non vedi l'ora di fare nella community?
Come sempre, facci sapere se hai bisogno di aiuto per orientarti nel sito o per utilizzare il tuo account. Benvenuto su GTPlanet!

Ciao a tutti.

  • Come hai trovato GTPlanet? girovagando per il web.
  • Di dove sei? Italia (Roma)
  • Quando hai iniziato a giocare ai giochi di corse? Sono da alcuni anni appassionato di Sim Racing.
  • Giochi con il volante? Se si, che tipo usi? Ho un Fanatec CSL per PS completo di pedali V3.
  • Quali altri giochi ti piacciono? Principalmente ACC e ora anche GT7 (prima GT Sport)
  • Cosa non vedi l'ora di fare nella community? conoscere e scambiare esperienze su questi argomenti.
Hello, I'm a new and I want to introduce myself:

- I found GTPlanet because I wanted information about GT7.

- I'm from Zwickau in Germany.

- I started playing racing games since 2006, when I got a PS2 and GT4 for my birthday. I fell in love with that game.

- I play with a controller and I use since my beginning the controller sticks for steering and braking/acceleration, so no steering wheel

- I also play F1 games, Dirt Rally 2.0, WRC 7-9 and old NfS games

- In this community I want to share my passion for Gran Turismo with you and learn more about everything. Perhaps I can share my knowledge with you, if I could help and you let me.

Thank you
I think I'll follow the questionnaire to the letter:
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
    I've known the site for many years but I have only decided to join now. I guess I'd like to race with other people on a more regular basis and I can't think of a better place to find like-minded players.

  • Where are you from?
    I'm from Spain, although I live in the UK for work.

  • When did you start playing racing games?
    I think the first game I played that qualifies as a racing game must have been Colin McRae Rally for the PS1. F1 in the NES was more like an arcade (a horrible one by today's standards, but still better than Sonic Drift). Soon the ToCa 2 followed, and GT1... until today. Some more than others, but I have played all GTs released to this day, as well as Toursit Trophy.

  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
    Yes, Thrustmaster T300RS with stock pedals (yuck!). Seriously considering upgrading to the T-LCM. I'll defnitely stick with the wheel though, since I can use it in all PS3, PS4 and PS5.

  • What other games do you enjoy?
    A lot of them! On any platform since the NES. When I'm not in a racing games, chances are it's an RPG, but I touch pretty much all genres.

  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
    Like I said, I think it's a great place to connect with other GT players and hopefully join a casual racing league. Unfortunately, the time I have available for gaming varies a lot these days, mainly due to work, but we'll see.
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Bienvenue sur un fil de discussion spécial réservé aux nouveaux membres! :D

C’est le meilleur endroit pour faire votre premier message et vous mettre à l’aise avec l’utilisation du site. Voici quelques questions que nous aimons poser à tout le monde...
  • Comment avez-vous trouvé GTPlanet ?
  • D’où êtes-vous?
  • Quand avez-vous commencé à jouer à des jeux de course ?
  • Jouez-vous avec un volant ? Si oui, quel type utilisez-vous?
  • Quels autres jeux aimez-vous?
  • Qu’avez-vous le plus hâte de faire dans la communauté?
Comme toujours, faites-nous savoir si vous avez besoin d’aide pour trouver votre chemin sur le site ou utiliser votre compte. BIENVENUE sur GTPlanet !

Merci pour l’accueil
gtplanet est une référence, c’est un ami qui m’a présenté le site.
Je suis Belge de la région de Liège, un aficionado de Gran Turismo depuis le début sur PS1 en 2001. C’était il y a longtemps!
Ma meilleure configuration: simulateur RK; Volant T500RS avec T3PA Pro.
Je suis un passionné de conduite sportive, GT7 prend déjà beaucoup de temps à maîtriser, quand on n’est pas un pilote as. Les jeux de voiture sont généralement un choix préféré.

L’histoire dans l’histoire commence en décembre 2018, au moment où la découverte d’un nouveau défi se révèle à moi, simracing des commentaires de course sur la plate-forme GT Sport à travers l’un des T.M. de Belgian Spirit Racing et le créateur de la compétition Carrera Cup.
Il n’a pas fallu longtemps avant que d’autres promoteurs d’événements me demandent de couvrir leurs championnats, et selon eux, ma préparation et mon originalité sont des atouts essentiels. La France, la Suisse, le Canada et la Belgique Français sont mon terrain de jeu dans le jeu.
Aujourd’hui, en avril 2022, le temps est venu d’une première évaluation. El-Loco Sim-Racing_TV compte près de 1800 abonnés qui suivent les retransmissions en direct avec une moyenne de 300 vues par session, insignifiante pour certains des grands noms de la radiodiffusion, mais tellement énorme et fantastique pour notre société de production qui ne pouvait imaginer un tel engouement au fil des mois.
En 2019, j’ai rejoint l’organisation GTfusiOn en tant que journaliste et responsible de la diffusion. Le championnat du monde GTfusiOn pour les équipes. Quelle expérience incroyable!!!
Et en même temps j’ai rejoint l’équipe GTBE, Gran Turismo Borderless Esport (PSN : GTBE-El-Loco)

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer en conversation ou sur la piste PSN : El-Loco_13 (Caster)


  • El-Loco Sim-Racing_TV.png
    El-Loco Sim-Racing_TV.png
    28.3 KB · Views: 12
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Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

I found gtplanet looking for advice on tuning.
I’m from the Pacific Northwest ( USA )
Started playing midnight club
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to
I found gtplanet looking for tuning advice for gt7
I’m from the Pacific Northwest USA
I started playing racing games back in ? 2003,4,5? - midnight club on ps2. First racing game I remember playing was pole position 25cent arcade cabinet game as a kid. ( I’m old)
Used to play a lot of first person shooters but got sick of cheaters. Also played most of the need for speeds. Love GTA but got bored with it. Gt7 my first gran turismo. I’m enjoying it! I play with on a controller. Hope to find tuning pointers here on gt planet.
Hi I’m Ryan I’m 16 years old and live with my mom, sister, dad and 3 cats I found out about gt planet by looking for new information for need of speed 2022. You can find me on flicker under the name of Ryan Buss
Hi I'm Cimmerian Iter, I'm a hack enthusiast and a 20yo student in a computer science college, but racing is one of my hobby.

  • How did you find GTPlanet?
    I heard the name multiple times on forums, and it's here where I found some assetto corsa mods

  • Where are you from?
    I'm from Spain, although I live in the UK for work.

  • When did you start playing racing games?
    In 2005, as a kid, I loved formula 1 and I played some need for speed underground on my uncle's laptop, then my first F1 game was GP vs Superbike. Then I had a ds, a PSP and a box and I played the racing games series like F1,toca, grid, forza, gran turismo, need for speed, juiced2, burnout....
    It's only starting 2016 that I started simracing, with rfactor as I had a weak computer.
    In 2019 I bought assetto corsa on steam on sales, and I really started to dig in the sim racing world, and in october 2021 I had my first wheel
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
    Yes, G29, to play it on PC and PS3

  • What other games do you enjoy?
    Action, adventure, platform, mostly anything but RPG fantasy and rhythm games.
    I love : sonic, metal gear, inzazuma eleven, jak and daxter/ratchet and clanck, pursuit force, GTA, uncharted, god of war, Killzone, PES/FIFA, F1 series.....

  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
    The assetto megathread, I'm seeking assistance there for modding, alternatively I'm looking at the discussion for new mods.
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-I found the website searching for Gran Turismo help several years ago but never posted a question.
-Been Playing Gran Turismo since the PS 1 original.
-On controller now but shopping for a Wheel.
-Other than racing, 1st person shooters like Far Cry Series.
-Just to get info and tips on how to be a better online racer.
Hello GTPlanet.
From California, USA
Started playing racing games in about 1990 with Senna F1 on Sega Genesis.
Have been playing Gran Tourismo since GT1, and bought my first Xbox two years ago to play Forza
Have a wheel for computer, but not ps4 or Xbox
These days I'm usually only playing racing games. Can't play computer anymore as I have chronic pain.
Heard about GTPlanet about four years ago when searching GT Sport tunes. First time making an account 4/30/2022.
Ahoy hoy. I’m Darth Scarlett (a mash up of various other online personae I have inhabited over time).

From London, now living in the West Midlands, UK.

Since playing Revs on the school BBC Model B. We weren’t rich enough to have a BBC at home but I had a lot of the arcade racers for my Spectrum: Out Run (which had a separate cassette for the music), Power Drift, Super Monaco GP. Put an ungodly amount of time into Ferrari Challenge on the Dreamcast along with the massively bugged Metropolis Street Racer. Project Gotham 2 was my fist online racing and I lost weekends to that.

No wheel, I‘ve never had the room for that kind of set up.

My favourite series of all time is Metal Gear, but there won’t be anymore of those. Was seriously into Destiny 2 until a few months ago when I realised it was a huge time sink just to keep up and was stopping me playing other games.

Looking forward to meeting cool people, getting a few tips, having a laugh, talking cars and maybe some clean racing.
I’ve heard of gtplanet constantly over the years but never joined until now
Been playing racing games for as long as I can remember.

We have a growing community based around drifting in Gran Turismo 7 and are looking to grow really big, we are currently in search of Official teams/clubs, dedicated judges, map makers, and possibly a video editor for YouTube/tiktok/Instagram stuff
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
I found it while searching for tips in GT sport and GT7

  • Where are you from?
Akron,OH USA 330 baby!

  • When did you start playing racing games?
Started with the original GT and been playing ever since.

  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
Yes, I Have. Fanatec GT DD (no boost kit)

  • What other games do you enjoy?
All games, Racing, FPS, TPS, RPGs, MMOs. Action adventure and etc.

  • What are you most looking forward to doing
Finding a group of people who enjoy racing as much as me. Alot of my friends stay away from racing games so im hoping to find new ones
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Hi All, Adam here 41, from SE QLD, Australia
Been playing GT pretty regular since #3. Found this site before but was looking for a car type build and found it here, wanted to give thanks, needed a member, #boom, membership activated. No wheel, PS5 Dualsense works a treat. When not racing I'm play PS with friends, R6 Extraction currently but The Divison 2 prior to that, though I'll play just about anything if.the mood takes me, Slay The Spire, PGA or MGS are currently also installed.
My reason for joining is purely beneficence, I also wish to tweak my cars to their maximum potential and then crush my friends... also, friends, if you read this, the last bit was just a bit light humour 😁
How did you find GTPlanet?

Have always known about it since its early days when I was more active in gaming; been trying to get back into racing games during the pandemic and noticed that GTPlanet is still one of the most active communities around👍

Where are you from?

United States

When did you start playing racing games?

Started with Geoff Crammond’s Grand Prix games on the PC using keyboard controls. Later I play mostly the GT series and some of the F1 games on the PlayStation (but on a more casual basis). Before picking up GT Sport back in the Summer of 2020, the last time I played any sort of racing game was GT5 (didn’t complete it though). GT Sport was the first GT game that I managed to complete 100% (at end of last year), even though I was playing it on and off. I pre-ordered GT7 and got it on release date but didn’t start playing until about a month ago. The other racing game I currently have is ACC. I really like it, but I’m disappointed that it’s no longer being updated on the PS4 and have not really played it for a while now. I may get back into it once I get a PS5.

Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?

Started using a wheel (Logitech Driving Force Pro) with GT4 back in 2005. In fact, I was still using the same DFP (with Drive Hub) when I started playing GT Sport and ACC, but one of the table clamps finally broke late last year, so I decided to pick up the Logitech G923 as an interim wheel until I can set up a proper sim rig. I plan to pick up the Fanatec GT DD Pro and a proper sim rig maybe later this year (hopefully a PS5 as well).

What other games do you enjoy?

First-person shooters or 3rd-person action/adventure games but rarely play now.

What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?

Chatting about racing games and racing in general.
Hi everybody, here are my answers, glad to be here :)
  • How did you find GTPlanet? Googling for racing liveries
  • Where are you from? Padova, Italy
  • When did you start playing racing games? Maybe at the end of 70s? I surely played in SEGA's Monaco GP cabinet but I'm too old to remember well... ^^
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use? I've tried a T150 loaned by a friend but didn't find comfortable with it, so I came back to PS controller
  • What other games do you enjoy? Every kind, with a preference for RPG, JRPG, platform and action games
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? Find suggestions, inspiration for liveries and making friends