I changed the settings on my pc and am now getting arround 235 peaks and normally arround 135 on pace laps.
what's the difference? When mine was at 30 fps and now it's at 50 fps I didn't notice a thing different.
That is completely false.Our eyes can't see faster than like 40 FPS anyway.
CauchyThat is completely false.
You shouldn't. Our eyes can't see faster than like 40 FPS anyway.
At that frame rate am I getting less of an experience?
Open up a command prompt, type debug, then d C000:0010My main question is, how do I check my video card?
Thanks for the info. Where do I go to check the ATI settings, is that in game or on the computer? I have the frame rate maxed in game, so if there are other options I don't know about them.
Thanks again for the help!
I thought the higher classes were supposed to avoid fools like this.... I'm the number 8 car (white/green/blue)
I thought the higher classes were supposed to avoid fools like this.... I'm the number 8 car (white/green/blue):
We can
This is a myth.
60fps looks pretty smooth right? Imagine double that refresh rate and you get an idea of how smooth 120Hz screens are
It differs from person to person but i can see differences up to a little over 100fps.
I thought the higher classes were supposed to avoid fools like this.... I'm the number 8 car (white/green/blue):
Yet, I just had some friends over last night. They played on my laptop at 84 FPS and then on my desktop at 200 FPS and they and I notice no difference.
On that website I notice a difference from 15 to 30. Almost nothing from 30 to 60.
I'm not sure how many hzs my screen is. It's a 19 inch Sharp Aquos. I assume it's pretty good since Aquos easily has the best picture quality/color of any screen out there IMO.
Well this is mostly individual. Everyone is different so i guess you and your mates just can´t see the difference.
I can see a huge difference between 30 vs 60fps, huge
But my eyes are very sensitive.
As I said before in another thread, stupidity knows no bounds.