The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
As a means of stopping the threat posed by terrorism, our government has decided that they want to strip suspected jihadis of their citizenship. And I say "suspected" because they quite literally believe that requiring a legal conviction of a charge relating to terrorism as a prerequisite of stripping citizenship would render the act of stripping citizenship "toothless". So they want to have the immigration minister - who is an absolute damp squid - to have the final say in who is and who isn't a citizen, with no legal or civilian oversight.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister - the architect of this plan and the "shout 'national security!' as loud as you can" strategy - has been speaking at an event commemorating eight hundred years since the Magna Carta was signed. Behold the irony:

Auden was right. The poetry he invented is easy to understand. I don't think Auden would take any satisfaction in being right, though.
Just saw this new IS video... Drowning people in a cage, others executed via explosive cords, another four being forced in to a car and then being blown to ashes with an RPG...

Sad business.. 🤬
Two women were beheaded by ISIS executioners for "witchcraft and sorcery" and using "magic for medicine". If I had to speculate, they were probably killed for using modern medicine, something that the butchers over there have decided is against the "Pure Islam" that they practice.

In a separate incident, five men were crucified for a day when they were caught eating during Ramadan. School children were even encouraged to mock the men as they hang and spit on them. Thankfully, all five men survived.
A handsome looking family to help the fight


Goodbye so soon
And isn't it a crime?
We know by now that time knows how to fly
So here's goodbye, so soon
You'll find your separate way
With time so short I'll say so long
And go
So soon
ISIS executes at least 5 people (one appears to be a teenage boy) for homosexuality by throwing them off a building. After the executions, which appears to have taken place in Fallujah, they published an picture essay online.
Again those sick bastards demonstrate their vicious sadism. Cancer is spreading each day now, about time the US and NATO step up the campaign and we bomb the stuff out of them...

edit: Seems the british MP's get the message at least:
Again those sick bastards demonstrate their vicious sadism. Cancer is spreading each day now, about time the US and NATO step up the campaign and we bomb the stuff out of them...

edit: Seems the british MP's get the message at least:
A stepped up air campaign with all its smoke and noise will make you feel better, but we are seeing ISIS grow despite our air campaign. Mr. Obama has ruled out more troops for the moment. We really feel Mr Assad, Hezbollah, the Kurds and Iranians and Al Qaeda, ISIS's natural enemies and our natural allies, cannot be seen to be supported too strongly by the west. ISIS can only be legitimately curtailed by the Sunni, whom we have recently alienated by conquering Iraq and throwing them out of power, so they are in no mood to do anything but makes war against us and the Shia. So its all a bit of a soggy mess and won't be fixed anytime soon.
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A stepped up air campaign with all its smoke and noise will make you feel better, but we are seeing ISIS grow despite our air campaign. Mr. Obama has ruled out more troops for the moment. We really feel Mr Assad, Hezbollah, the Kurds and Iranians and Al Qaeda, ISIS's natural enemies and our natural allies, cannot be seen to be supported too strongly by the west. ISIS can only be legitimately curtailed by the Sunni, whom we have recently alienated by conquering Iraq and throwing them out of power, so they are in no mood to do anything but makes war against us and the Shia. So its all a bit of a soggy mess and won't be fixed anytime soon.
As long as the threat is contained to where they are now i'm fine with a progressive attack, but if it looks like they are spreading in Libya, Egypt etcetera measures should be taken to fight them in those countries also IMO.
As long as the threat is contained to where they are now i'm fine with a progressive attack, but if it looks like they are spreading in Libya, Egypt etcetera measures should be taken to fight them in those countries also IMO.

It's really quite hopeless, it seems.

Tens of thousands of Europeans and others are flocking to support ISIS. Why?

Clearly they believe ISIS is a righteous, just and democratic cause worth fighting and dying for, although personally I think this is a delusion.
The Turkish authorities think that IS are now active in Turkey, a suicide attack in Suruç, near the Syrian border has claimed at least 28 lives and hundreds of wounded.


There's a video of the moment on Liveleak. Looks like the bomber was standing right in the middle of a group of protesters. Sjeez.
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The Turkish authorities think that IS are now active in Turkey, a suicide attack in Suruç, near the Syrian border has claimed at least 28 lives and hundreds of wounded.


There's a video of the moment on Liveleak. Looks like the bomber was standing right in the middle of a group of protesters. Sjeez.
Couple of days ago they parked a supposed ice cream truck near a Shia Mosque in Iraq and blew that up once people joined around it, killing 120 people with children included...
Hoist by their own petard.

Also, that sentence has 2 words that I've never seen in any other context. Fascinating, I know.

Hoist and petard? I don't think petard's used any more at all except in reference to the bomb itself, "hoist" is fairly common but no longer in the context of being forcefully blown upwards.

Any road up, warming to see things awry sometimes :)
Apparently, the British-born jihadist and IS executioner affectionately known in the British press as 'Jihadi John' is on the run from IS and is (according to one very inappropriately worded article) "attempting to head to North Africa".
Apparently, the British-born jihadist and IS executioner affectionately known in the British press as 'Jihadi John' is on the run from IS and is (according to one very inappropriately worded article) "attempting to head to North Africa".

I hope they catch him, IS that is. Is is is.
I hope they catch him, IS that is. Is is is.
From what we know about him, he sounds like a terrible man.
From what we know about IS, it sounds like their targets will be killed.
As terrible as the man sounds, this appears to be a wish for a person's death.
Multiple wrongs don't make a right & bloodthirst is unsettling, however justified it may feel at the time.