Israel and Lebanon

  • Thread starter Sage
It's a video bud. :D

Oh man, if I have to listen to him speaking I might self-harm.

Edit: Hezb'Allah accept ceasefire terms.

What were the terms again?

The resolution, drawn up by France and the US, demands the full cessation of hostilities and the release of abducted Israeli soldiers.

Oooh, that'll be the same ones Israel tabled before they fired even a single shot...
My personality, or your perception of it, is irrelevant to this discussion.

You still haven't answered the question - which has been posed to you numerous times - that arises from this.

If the death ratio was 1:1 would that suddenly become justifiable and fair?

Obviously someone did - otherwise you wouldn't be able to cite it...

I ask you again - how is it you know that 900 Lebanese people have been killed? Can you tell dead innocent citizens apart from dead terrorists?

Ignore attempts at character assassinations and answer the questions asked of you.
how many times do i have to say that getting the death ratio 1:1 is not justifiable or would it bring me any satisfaction. do i have to say it again, here you go:
getting the death ratio 1:1 is not justifiable or would it bring me any satisfaction.
what is annoying about arguing with you is that you keep on justifying israelis killing. on the other i hand so far i did not justify any of the israeli deaths, what i said is what hizbullah is doing is a reaction to the savagness of the israeli army. and don't try to convince me that they should just take it and do nothing in return. for every action there is a reaction, israel abducted lebanese civilians and have them in theire prisons, hizbullah abducted israeli soldiers in return, israel is bombing indescremently, so is hizbullah. it's called physics: for every action there is an equall and oposite reaction. but forget about lebanon and israel cause out of no where we have a foiled terrorist attack, how convenient.
how many times do i have to say that getting the death ratio 1:1 is not justifiable or would it bring me any satisfaction. do i have to say it again, here you go:
getting the death ratio 1:1 is not justifiable or would it bring me any satisfaction.
what is annoying about arguing with you is that you keep on justifying israelis killing. on the other i hand so far i did not justify any of the israeli deaths, what i said is what hizbullah is doing is a reaction to the savagness of the israeli army. and don't try to convince me that they should just take it and do nothing in return. for every action there is a reaction, israel abducted lebanese civilians and have them in theire prisons, hizbullah abducted israeli soldiers in return, israel is bombing indescremently, so is hizbullah. it's called physics: for every action there is an equall and oposite reaction. but forget about lebanon and israel cause out of no where we have a foiled terrorist attack, how convenient.

Actually it was out of London and Pakistan ...not ... "no where". And they have names and they have been realeased by the banks , when their accounts were frozen .

Where do you expect terrorist attacks to spring from ?

And I do not think its very convenient for those caught up in it...but it is convenient that a few planeloads of innocent people are alive because the scumbags were caught .
Actually it was out of London and Pakistan ...not ... "no where". And they have names and they have been realeased by the banks , when their accounts were frozen .

Where do you expect terrorist attacks to spring from ?

And I do not think its very convenient for those caught up in it...but it is convenient that a few planeloads of innocent people are alive because the scumbags were caught .
mr. ledhead, have you ever heard of sarcasm. well that was my intention in mentioning the terror threat. it's ironic when people start complaining about the wars that we are having and how they are uncalled for and when the general public opinion is shifting against the ruling goverments we see such news and busted terrorist plots on tv and in the news. it's all orchestrated, that terror plot must have been busted a while ago but the information got released very conviniently at the goverments disposition as a way to keep us living in fear and as a means to keep on supporting whatever aggresion is going on in the world by these goverments. it's a way of keeping us in check.
tell me one thing, if you have a child living in your house sleeping in his bed at night and you come back home and find a thief trying to snnek in and you where able to stop him before he does anything would you go later and tell your child that his life was in danger and make him live in fear knowing that this might happen again and make him panic every time bed time draws near, i guess not. these goverments can foil an terror plot and keep it under wraps like so many things that where kept under wraps because they might jepordize theire integrity, but if it is something that will glorufy them then they go ahead and deafen your ears with it and make it sound like the end of the world. please look at the bigger picture, the U.S. and Britian where feeling the heat of the war in lebanon and in order to divert attention they came up with these terror plots.<<<< LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE FOR GODS SAKE>>>>
mr. ledhead, have you ever heard of sarcasm. well that was my intention in mentioning the terror threat. it's ironic when people start complaining about the wars that we are having and how they are uncalled for and when the general public opinion is shifting against the ruling goverments we see such news and busted terrorist plots on tv and in the news. it's all orchestrated, that terror plot must have been busted a while ago but the information got released very conviniently at the goverments disposition as a way to keep us living in fear and as a means to keep on supporting whatever aggresion is going on in the world by these goverments. it's a way of keeping us in check.
tell me one thing, if you have a child living in your house sleeping in his bed at night and you come back home and find a thief trying to snnek in and you where able to stop him before he does anything would you go later and tell your child that his life was in danger and make him live in fear knowing that this might happen again and make him panic every time bed time draws near, i guess not. these goverments can foil an terror plot and keep it under wraps like so many things that where kept under wraps because they might jepordize theire integrity, but if it is something that will glorufy them then they go ahead and deafen your ears with it and make it sound like the end of the world. please look at the bigger picture, the U.S. and Britian where feeling the heat of the war in lebanon and in order to divert attention they came up with these terror plots.<<<< LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE FOR GODS SAKE>>>>

Oh boy, this is interesting.

If the government kept it under wraps, do they also massacre the witnesses to the busts and lock up the neighbors to the adjascent house? I guess not.

I think you should look at the bigger picture for GODS SAKE.
what is annoying about arguing with you is that you keep on justifying israelis killing.

Apparently you don't know the difference between discussion and argument.

Nevertheless, I don't believe I have justified Israel's killing. I have said that a disproportionate response makes sense (and now you're agreeing with that by saying that a proportional one wouldn't make you any happier). I have also said that Israel's attacks on military (or rather paramilitary) targets is more justifiable than Hezb'Allah's attacks on civilians. But I don't think I've said that any of this is justified. Justifiable, maybe.

what i said is what hizbullah is doing is a reaction to the savagness of the israeli army.

Curious, isn't it, that their reaction came several months before this incident?

and don't try to convince me

I wouldn't try and convince you of anything. You've already made it abundantly clear in several threads that nothing anyone can say will ever make you change your mind about anything.

israel is bombing indescremently, so is hizbullah.

Now this, I disagree with. Both sides are picking their targets very carefully indeed. Israel is attacking Hezb'Allah positions and Hezb'Allah is attacking Israeli positions. Only difference is Hezb'Allah positions may contain Lebanese civilians, but Israeli positions ARE Israeli civilians.

it's called physics: for every action there is an equall and oposite reaction.

I thought you said at the very beginning that a 1:1 kill ratio wouldn't make you happy?

Not a very equal reaction, now is it?

Newtonian mechanics don't play a particularly large role in diplomacy.

but forget about lebanon and israel

No. This is the Israel and Lebanon thread. It's even called "Israel and Lebanon".

cause out of no where we have a foiled terrorist attack, how convenient.

More like "out of an 18 month long counter-terrorism operation".

the U.S. and Britian where feeling the heat of the war in lebanon

Unlikely, as neither country - even if you can make a very flimsy case for the US, because "Well, it's Israel, isn't it? Israel = US" - was involved.
Apparently you don't know the difference between discussion and argument.

Nevertheless, I don't believe I have justified Israel's killing. I have said that a disproportionate response makes sense (and now you're agreeing with that by saying that a proportional one wouldn't make you any happier). I have also said that Israel's attacks on military (or rather paramilitary) targets is more justifiable than Hezb'Allah's attacks on civilians. But I don't think I've said that any of this is justified. Justifiable, maybe.

Curious, isn't it, that their reaction came several months before this incident?

I wouldn't try and convince you of anything. You've already made it abundantly clear in several threads that nothing anyone can say will ever make you change your mind about anything.

Now this, I disagree with. Both sides are picking their targets very carefully indeed. Israel is attacking Hezb'Allah positions and Hezb'Allah is attacking Israeli positions. Only difference is Hezb'Allah positions may contain Lebanese civilians, but Israeli positions ARE Israeli civilians.

I thought you said at the very beginning that a 1:1 kill ratio wouldn't make you happy?

Not a very equal reaction, now is it?

Newtonian mechanics don't play a particularly large role in diplomacy.

No. This is the Israel and Lebanon thread. It's even called "Israel and Lebanon".

More like "out of an 18 month long counter-terrorism operation".

Unlikely, as neither country - even if you can make a very flimsy case for the US, because "Well, it's Israel, isn't it? Israel = US" - was involved.

famine, i raise my hands and surrender, you have no idea what you are talking about i am sure that you are no older than 15 years old and you are so out of it. i do not nned to jastify my thoughts to a person how picks on the phrase "Leabnon and israel" which i typed down and tries to make a valid argument out of it by saying that this thread is called "Israel and Lebanon".
i have to admit, i got fooled. i thought i was arguing with an adult for a while there, you know what no harm done it was nice while it lasted. For the record, i am in no way trying to get out of this argument or discussion but i think it's a waist of time to argue when all i'm getting back in return are comments on technicality issues and out of context comments. have a good day sir.
Famine is 15 ? A regular boy gennie ? I want a wish...I wish I had more wishes ?

Can I have a fish ?


Who dat ?

I look at the big pictures on my TV not my computer monitor...even if its a widescreen .
famine, i raise my hands and surrender, you have no idea what you are talking about i am sure that you are no older than 15 years old and you are so out of it/

Hmm. Again you decide to go for the man rather than the ball. Are you arguments really so flimsy that you will not answer any challenge to them and instead respond by abusing the questioner?

i do not nned to jastify my thoughts to a person how picks on the phrase "Leabnon and israel" which i typed down and tries to make a valid argument out of it by saying that this thread is called "Israel and Lebanon".

Actually, I was pointing out to you that this thread IS for the discussion of Israel and Lebanon. You said "but forget about lebanon and israel" and decided to start on another topic.

i have to admit, i got fooled. i thought i was arguing with an adult for a while there, you know what no harm done it was nice while it lasted. For the record, i am in no way trying to get out of this argument or discussion but i think it's a waist of time to argue when all i'm getting back in return are comments on technicality issues and out of context comments. have a good day sir.

If I was commenting on "technicality" I'd be drawing attention to your simply appalling language skills. But I'm not. I'm asking you questions about your point of view which require you to think - and you're unwilling to even do that.

Since you've stated several times that you simply will not listen to anyone else's point of view nor, no matter how compelling any other evidence against your mindset is, change your mind about anything, why are you even here?

I'll go over the points in the last post again for you. See if, this time, you can play the ball and answer them...

what i said is what hizbullah is doing is a reaction to the savagness of the israeli army.

Curious, isn't it, that their reaction came several months before this incident?

israel is bombing indescremently, so is hizbullah.

Now this, I disagree with. Both sides are picking their targets very carefully indeed. Israel is attacking Hezb'Allah positions and Hezb'Allah is attacking Israeli positions. Only difference is Hezb'Allah positions may contain Lebanese civilians, but Israeli positions ARE Israeli civilians.

it's called physics: for every action there is an equall and oposite reaction.

I thought you said at the very beginning that a 1:1 kill ratio wouldn't make you happy?

Not a very equal reaction, now is it?

Newtonian mechanics don't play a particularly large role in diplomacy.

cause out of no where we have a foiled terrorist attack, how convenient.

More like "out of an 18 month long counter-terrorism operation".

the U.S. and Britian where feeling the heat of the war in lebanon

Unlikely, as neither country - even if you can make a very flimsy case for the US, because "Well, it's Israel, isn't it? Israel = US" - was involved.

So now tell me how Hezb'Allah are reacting to "the savagness of the israel army" (sic) when they have been rocketing Israeli civilians long before the current conflict, how Israel and Hezb'Allah are "bombing indescremently" (sic) when Israel are targetting and killing Hezb'Allah militia (with civilian casualties) and Hezb'Allah are targetting and killing Israel's civilians, how the UK and Pakistan foiling a terror plot after an 18-month investigation is "out of no where" and "convenient" and how the US and Britain could be "feeling the heat of the war" in which they are not involved.

Take your time.
famine, i raise my hands and surrender, you have no idea what you are talking about i am sure that you are no older than 15 years old and you are so out of it. i do not nned to jastify my thoughts to a person how picks on the phrase "Leabnon and israel" which i typed down and tries to make a valid argument out of it by saying that this thread is called "Israel and Lebanon".
i have to admit, i got fooled. i thought i was arguing with an adult for a while there, you know what no harm done it was nice while it lasted. For the record, i am in no way trying to get out of this argument or discussion but i think it's a waist of time to argue when all i'm getting back in return are comments on technicality issues and out of context comments. have a good day sir.

And before this post, I actually thought that you were only fifteen.

He's got a point, Famine. Maybe you should post a picture of yourself with a sigh saying: "I am Famine, STFU, noob." :lol:

You know, I've been shutting myself out of this thread because of my sheer unwillingness to be on the same side as you, RallyF1. Your arguments are quite flimsy, and you have spent the last five or six pages flirting with bannination by slinging personal insults at a moderator, of all people... a moderator who clearly isn't taking them personally since you're so obviously outmatched in this argument.

While I have my reservations on the quality of the response by the Israeli government, it's impossible to ignore the sheer brazenness of the Hez'bollah, their complete disregard for civilian life, both Jewish (indiscriminate killing) and Muslim (human shields), and their sheer unwillingness to play ball... saying that they'll take the stipulations of the ceasefire into "consideration" and that calls for them to stop the attacks are "unrealistic" after the Lebanese and Israeli government agreed to a ceasefire...

And you have been trying to back out of this argument for three pages.

Actually, I'd like to see a picture of you, too, with a sign saying "I'm not 15 -RallyF1", along with a scan of your driver's license. To claim that you're any more adult than anyone here smacks of "ludicrous claim".
And before this post, I actually thought that you were only fifteen.

He's got a point, Famine. Maybe you should post a picture of yourself with a sigh saying: "I am Famine, STFU, noob." :lol:

You know, I've been shutting myself out of this thread because of my sheer unwillingness to be on the same side as you, RallyF1. Your arguments are quite flimsy, and you have spent the last five or six pages flirting with bannination by slinging personal insults at a moderator, of all people... a moderator who clearly isn't taking them personally since you're so obviously outmatched in this argument.

While I have my reservations on the quality of the response by the Israeli government, it's impossible to ignore the sheer brazenness of the Hez'bollah, their complete disregard for civilian life, both Jewish (indiscriminate killing) and Muslim (human shields), and their sheer unwillingness to play ball... saying that they'll take the stipulations of the ceasefire into "consideration" and that calls for them to stop the attacks are "unrealistic" after the Lebanese and Israeli government agreed to a ceasefire...

And you have been trying to back out of this argument for three pages.

Actually, I'd like to see a picture of you, too, with a sign saying "I'm not 15 -RallyF1", along with a scan of your driver's license. To claim that you're any more adult than anyone here smacks of "ludicrous claim".

i'll tell you what? my pride just got scratched, meow. no seriousley, i might not be the greatest debator or the best writer but there is one thing that i do know is that famine is playing mind games and i almost fell into them few times. i mean why would you pick on the wording of "lebanon and israel" and "israel and lebanon" does it really makes any difference. and when everything else fails he tries to degrade my writing skills or whatever he tries to degarde. as for accepting the idea that what israel is right, i think it's a bit far fetched.
and another thing, i am in no way trying to back out of this debate or whatever you want to call. it's simply becoming annoying. but then again he is the moderator over here meaning that he has a lot of time on his hand and i think i waisted enough time here which is getting us nowhere. it's like talking to a wall and getting no response back, oh wait, a wall never responds back. am i calling him a wall, hmmm, well i tell you one thing; i haven't met a talking wall yet. was that an insult? no, but i'm sure it will be taken as one. because the way i see it right now is a path towards getting banned, and that's in my opinion what mr. famine is working on. i had problems before with a moderator called neon duke because of conflict of views and the same is happening now.
so for me to put it to rest i will say the following.
israel is a terrorist state, israel's conception is that of crime and hate, israel should be delt with harshley by the international community the sooner the better.
hizbullah should be disarmed, hizbullah is not a terrorist organization, one man's terrorist is the other's freedom fighter, hizbullah did theire job and it's about time for them to let it rest.
as long as israel in theire own way of zionist thinking and theire pursuite of a land stretching from the nile to the uphrates there will always be wars with this state and it will never now the meaning of peace.
israel accepted the cease fire resolution because they are embarrassed to admit humiliation on the hands of measly so called terrorist organization, i mean what hizbullah did in the israeli army is for the history books.
i guess that summs it up for me, would you like to wrap it up as well Mr. moderator and put this thread to rest.
Insulting Israel and saying that Hezbollah is a freedom fighter isn't going to help at all. They aren't even freedom fighters - no terrorist organization is. They claim to be freedom fighters to befriend the civilians, don't you get it?

Oh and learn how to spell Hezbollah too.
Insulting Israel and saying that Hezbollah is a freedom fighter isn't going to help at all. They aren't even freedom fighters - no terrorist organization is. They claim to be freedom fighters to befriend the civilians, don't you get it?

Oh and learn how to spell Hezbollah too.
dear sir, translating the name hizbullah can be interpeted in many different ways and the way i wite it down is what i see fit. as for insulting israel wich is country is nothing compared to insulting a religion with all it's followers. islam is branded with terrorism should i not take it as an insult, or is it ok because we are perceived as non humans. give me a break.
Media says H-e-z-b-o-l-l-a so that must be the commonly accepted English translation. Wikipedia also uses the name Hezbollah to refer to the group.

Edit: So basically you're saying that you're justified to insult the Israelis because Islam is branded with terrorism?

Mind you, Islam earned that title. You don't see Buddhist extremists bombing Tokyo Tower nor do you see Jewish suicide bombers. Islam is well known for its extremists, ya know. I never said Muslims are non humans, but instead I believe that the people who choose to follow the extreme preaching of Al-Sadr, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda and others are non-human. They do not care if innocent civilians are blown up, they want to kill all westerners. Isn't that worse than the 900 (claimed) deaths Israelis caused? I don't believe so.

Al-Qaeda killed more than 1500 civilians at World Trade Centre itself. Islam itself took more lives than extremists from other religions.
As much as I would hate to defend RallyF1, there's multiple spellings of it. Hezbollah, Hizbollah, Hizbullah, etc. At least that's what I've seen.
thank you for the vote of confidence, you just made my day....NOT!
Media says H-e-z-b-o-l-l-a so that must be the commonly accepted English translation. Wikipedia also uses the name Hezbollah to refer to the group.

ladies and gentellmen this thread is officially dedicated on how to spell the name of that guttless terrorist group who is fighting the all mighty israel. applaud..👍
&#1604;&#1581;&#1586;&#1576; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607;

Is the only proper way to spell it. Anything else is a translation based on converting sounds in Arabic to English, for which there can be many possibilities.
ladies and gentellmen this thread is officially dedicated on how to spell the name of that guttless terrorist group who is fighting the all mighty israel. applaud..👍

So are you really only 14 years old ?
i'll tell you what? my pride just got scratched, meow. no seriousley, i might not be the greatest debator or the best writer but there is one thing that i do know is that famine is playing mind games and i almost fell into them few times. i mean why would you pick on the wording of "lebanon and israel" and "israel and lebanon" does it really makes any difference.

Apparently you skipped both the original meaning and the further clarification thereof.

I was not picking on your word order. I was pointing out that we are not going to "forget about lebanon and israel" and move onto a completely different subject when this thread is about Lebanon and Israel and the completely different subject already has its own thread.

and when everything else fails he tries to degrade my writing skills or whatever he tries to degarde.

And again, I was pointing out that I would not pick on your wording when there were so many other parts of your typing on which I could have picked.

and another thing, i am in no way trying to back out of this debate or whatever you want to call.

Which is why you've stopped addressing points since about two pages back and instead been attacking the people making them?

it's simply becoming annoying. but then again he is the moderator over here meaning that he has a lot of time on his hand

Possibly. Though it IS a Sunday. Actually, I'm merely A moderator (well... supermoderator), rather than THE moderator.

was that an insult? no, but i'm sure it will be taken as one. because the way i see it right now is a path towards getting banned, and that's in my opinion what mr. famine is working on.

I don't need to work toward getting you banned. I can do it any time I feel like. But part of the reason WHY I'm a moderator is part of the reason why I haven't.

i had problems before with a moderator called neon duke because of conflict of views and the same is happening now.


You really DO see conspiracies everywhere, don't you?

If Duke wanted you gone, he'd have to work at it even less than I don't have to. He's Admin.

israel is a terrorist state, israel's conception is that of crime and hate, israel should be delt with harshley by the international community the sooner the better.
hizbullah should be disarmed, hizbullah is not a terrorist organization, one man's terrorist is the other's freedom fighter, hizbullah did theire job and it's about time for them to let it rest.
as long as israel in theire own way of zionist thinking and theire pursuite of a land stretching from the nile to the uphrates there will always be wars with this state and it will never now the meaning of peace.
israel accepted the cease fire resolution because they are embarrassed to admit humiliation on the hands of measly so called terrorist organization, i mean what hizbullah did in the israeli army is for the history books.
i guess that summs it up for me, would you like to wrap it up as well Mr. moderator and put this thread to rest.

Caaaaan do.

Hezb'Allah target civilians. Hezb'Allah are, therefore, a terrorist organisation.

Israel do not target civilians. They do, however, occasionally hit them, because Hezb'Allah have no problem hiding behind them and, because they aren't Israelis, Israel have no problem shooting through them. Israel are, therefore, not - at least on the basis of this particular conflict - a terrorist state.

Israel accepted the ceasefire resolution because it was exactly the same one that they tabled to Lebanon and Hezb'Allah before they even fired a single shot. Hezb'Allah refused then, on the grounds that any negotiation on "Zion's terms" would be a humiliation (they actually said "humiliating", though they probably said it in Arabic), and because they do not recognise the state of Israel. They accept now because the resolution has been put forward by someone who isn't Israel. Net result? Hezb'Allah have been fighting for a couple of weeks, with 1,000 people dead overall, because they won't speak to Israel.

However, I'm not going to wrap this thread up because other people have opinions on it too. I know you find this hard to believe, RallyF1, but it's true - other people DO have opinions.

Also, knowing Hezb'Allah, it won't take them long to break the ceasefire anyway.

islam is branded with terrorism


But remind me... what was the religion of choice of the 9/11 bombers? And the previous WTC bombers? And the Bali Bombers? And Richard Reid (the shoe bomber)? Oh, and the 7/7 bombers? And the 20/7 bombers? Or the Transatlantic Bomb Plot suspects? The 3/11 Madrid train bombers? How about Osama Bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (this one's a good one - he called for all-out war on the Shi'ites!)? How about just plain Al Qai'da?

No-one's saying that all Moslems are terrorists. No-one. But Islam certainly does seem to breed an awful lot of them. In fact, I can't think of a single terrorist attack (that is an attack on civilians by a non-governmental paramilitary organisation) inside the last three years where those responsible were not part of any sect of Islam (I'm not familiar with Chechnya-Ingushetia, or the religious affiliations thereof, so attacks by Chechen rebels may be the exceptions).

Perhaps there's something about the extremist areas of Islam that attracts the genocidal behaviour you don't tend to see in other religions. But it doesn't mean that all Moslems are terrorists.


Separating the wheat from the chaff, RallyF1. And there's not an awful lot of wheat.


Try reading his name. I mean, it's written down for you in the Topic Review beneath the posting area...
Apparently you skipped both the original meaning and the further clarification thereof.

I was not picking on your word order. I was pointing out that we are not going to "forget about lebanon and israel" and move onto a completely different subject when this thread is about Lebanon and Israel and the completely different subject already has its own thread.

And again, I was pointing out that I would not pick on your wording when there were so many other parts of your typing on which I could have picked.

Which is why you've stopped addressing points since about two pages back and instead been attacking the people making them?

Possibly. Though it IS a Sunday. Actually, I'm merely A moderator (well... supermoderator), rather than THE moderator.

I don't need to work toward getting you banned. I can do it any time I feel like. But part of the reason WHY I'm a moderator is part of the reason why I haven't.


You really DO see conspiracies everywhere, don't you?

If Duke wanted you gone, he'd have to work at it even less than I don't have to. He's Admin.

Caaaaan do.

Hezb'Allah target civilians. Hezb'Allah are, therefore, a terrorist organisation.

Israel do not target civilians. They do, however, occasionally hit them, because Hezb'Allah have no problem hiding behind them and, because they aren't Israelis, Israel have no problem shooting through them. Israel are, therefore, not - at least on the basis of this particular conflict - a terrorist state.

Israel accepted the ceasefire resolution because it was exactly the same one that they tabled to Lebanon and Hezb'Allah before they even fired a single shot. Hezb'Allah refused then, on the grounds that any negotiation on "Zion's terms" would be a humiliation (they actually said "humiliating", though they probably said it in Arabic), and because they do not recognise the state of Israel. They accept now because the resolution has been put forward by someone who isn't Israel. Net result? Hezb'Allah have been fighting for a couple of weeks, with 1,000 people dead overall, because they won't speak to Israel.

However, I'm not going to wrap this thread up because other people have opinions on it too. I know you find this hard to believe, RallyF1, but it's true - other people DO have opinions.

Also, knowing Hezb'Allah, it won't take them long to break the ceasefire anyway.


But remind me... what was the religion of choice of the 9/11 bombers? And the previous WTC bombers? And the Bali Bombers? And Richard Reid (the shoe bomber)? Oh, and the 7/7 bombers? And the 20/7 bombers? Or the Transatlantic Bomb Plot suspects? The 3/11 Madrid train bombers? How about Osama Bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (this one's a good one - he called for all-out war on the Shi'ites!)? How about just plain Al Qai'da?

No-one's saying that all Moslems are terrorists. No-one. But Islam certainly does seem to breed an awful lot of them. In fact, I can't think of a single terrorist attack (that is an attack on civilians by a non-governmental paramilitary organisation) inside the last three years where those responsible were not part of any sect of Islam (I'm not familiar with Chechnya-Ingushetia, or the religious affiliations thereof, so attacks by Chechen rebels may be the exceptions).

Perhaps there's something about the extremist areas of Islam that attracts the genocidal behaviour you don't tend to see in other religions. But it doesn't mean that all Moslems are terrorists.

Separating the wheat from the chaff, RallyF1. And there's not an awful lot of wheat.

Try reading his name. I mean, it's written down for you in the Topic Review beneath the posting area...
firts i would like to say that your response has grown to be wiser and more convincing, i am toning it down? well i guess, because your response regarding terrorism and islam was spot on. but i would like to further inquire as why is islam harboring such characters. is it because of the lack of wealth and opression, i would say yes. but then we have ossama bin ladden who is not poor and who is not opressed and yet he is against America and israel and all that they stand for. there has to be a reason that the poor muslims, usama, and hizbullah have in comon. can it be because the west has trampeled on that region of the world because of the need of oil? is it because that the west has exploited these countries by supporting the tyrany of the ruling goverments in exchange for oil? is it because that race and that relegion has been degraded by these nations long before there was islamic fundemantalist terrorism, through the media, social life, and they still do whenever they have the chance?( just the other day i was watching "rescue me" in wich denis leary insulted the crap of a cab driver refering to his relegious prefrence, i laughed at it and found really funny, but at the same time i felt sad inside).
We need middleastern oil but we won't show appreciation for getting it, on the other hand we will spit in the face of it's supplier. it's these kinds of actions. as for israel, they want and they need that land but instead of acting like the new neighbour on the block by being humble and understanding to the sensitivities in the region, they came in with weapons pointing up in the air and fighting everyone around them. middleastern people can be submitted into giving theire belongings if you treat them nicley, beleive me i know i have first hand experience. treat them good and they will catch a bullet for you, piss them off and they will, and i mean they will slaughter you.(coincidentley, i have been through these two scenarios litteraly)
as for the wording issue, honestly that's what i read and that's what i saw. it's like a weak argument everybody was picking on and it pissed me off. don't go way back, 5 responses before mine you will see traces of the way we should write the name hizbullah. i mean i'm talking about killing and iving and right and wrong, and all that i get back is:" your stuuupid, you don't know how to spellll, you don't know how to arrrrgue" it's like preaching to a bunch of retards on a full moon in lala land in the openinng ceremony of the dyslexic convention.
you mentioned something about the extremist areas in islam. i'll tell you what there are no extreme areas in islam, there are extremest interpitations and that's about it. for example every body knows that muslim men have the right to marry four women, and that's it. do you know anything else that comes after that? i'm sure none of you know. you can marry four if you are wealthy enough to own four houses in which each of the wives have the right to have, and you have to be just, meaning that if you buy a dress for one then you have to buy the same for the other three. everything in equality and you can not favor one on the other, and in the end of the verse in the quoran it says that you will never be fair so you are better off marrying one. different people interpet different things.
don't go way back, 5 responses before mine you will see traces of the way we should write the name hizbullah. i mean i'm talking about killing and iving and right and wrong, and all that i get back is:" your stuuupid, you don't know how to spellll, you don't know how to arrrrgue" it's like preaching to a bunch of retards on a full moon in lala land in the openinng ceremony of the dyslexic convention.

If you ever answered a direct question, you may not have gotten those kind of responses. Especially after you call someone a 15 year old.

Why do you think it took me so long to respond? It takes time to read through a lot of pages, and that was an awful lot of words in the past few pages.

And, to echo Famine (despite what you may think, I don't always agree with the purple fellow), my name is spelt in my sig. That's CTRL-C, CTRL-V. Copy. Paste.

And to echo something you've said, look at the bigger picture.

Many countries are founded on the subjugation of previous peoples or natives of that region, if you look back far enough. And if you look back even further, those natives usually took the land from someone else. (the best I could find on short notice... at least it isn't inherently pro- or anti- Israeli)

The UN is actually at fault here, for creating and separating the Palestinian state without due consideration of the possibilty of strife between Jews and Arabs. It's not as if the Jews came in bearing arms and butchered the natives to claim the land... :indiff: was hard-won by the British and French from the Ottoman Empire, who had supported the Germans in the great war.

Actually, if we want to go into specifics, the Brits created the mess by promising Palestine to the Arabs for revolting against the Turks and then giving it to the Jews.

The problem with Israel is that a lot of power-brokers in the region have their eye on the land, for religious and ideological reasons. And a lot of wars were started over Israel, but not necessarily all by the Israelis.

Poor Arabs... we take their oil and don't give them any money. Oh, the Saudis, Kuwaitis and Egyptians don't count. Rich Arabs are the exception to the rule. :indiff:. Poverty in the region is mainly a function of lack of resources and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a very select few. Many of the governments are carried over from monarchial rule and/or have been created by revolt or the usurpation of power by warlords. A lot of the fault for that is internal, but a lot, admittedly, has been due to external interference.

But simply, this. Governments formed from armed revolt or strife tend to be dictatorial, unfair to their constituents, and unstable. There are a lot of them there. And the poverty and strife generated by armed conflict and power-mongering amongst the various states in the Middle East (including manipulation by the US and the USSR) has created a veritable breeding ground for terrorists. While the roots of Al-Quaeda may be founded in a small band of freedom fighters (trained by the CIA, no less), once the war with the Russian occupation forces was over, they had no one left to fight, and no cause to fight for. They turned to extremism, looking outside of Afghanistan, pursuing a "holy crusade" against everyone else.

And "Freedom Fighters" is such a misused term. Ever see one up close? I have. They're mostly armed bandits or guerilla groups, whose sole aim is to claim power from the current government. While some may actually be sincere in their want for change, a majority of these consist of aspiring warlords, who are often as bad or worse than the ones they overthrow. The "freedom fighting" rhetoric is their means of gaining eager young recruits to send out to kill people with. I've known some of these people, sadly, and it's a crying shame to see them throw their lives away over causes they don't completely understand.

Look at examples from history: the Latin states, Africa, the Middle East... here, Southeast Asia, in my country.

If you think that these people actually care about the people they're supposedly trying to "free", get a clue. Ever hear of "Revolutionary Taxes"? Ever see them slit the throat of a government "conspirator" or kill anyone who gets in their way? Their arrogance and swagger, the way they feel they can get away with anything. These people are petty warlords... no more, no less.

And Israel agreeing to the ceasefire because of humiliation? Don't you think that both Israel and Lebanon agreed to the ceasefire to end the senseless killing and fighting? True, their is immense pressure on Israel to agree to the ceasefire, but at least they're actually listening. The Hez'bollah are the only ones who don't want peace, and they're the ones who started the fighting in the first place.

Freedom fighters - the term applies (if it ever applies) to people fighting foreign invaders on their land. Not to those who are in the business of lobbing rockets at civilians on the other side of the fence.

As much as I hate the ultra-right hawks in power in Israel, there is absolutely no way I can agree with anything you've posted so far.

Except maybe that I've known a lot of decent Muslims. And terrorists don't qualify as decent.
When was the last time a Jew walked on a crowded bus and blew themself up ?

When was the last time a group of Christian fanatics borded a bunch of airliners and crashed them into buildings ?

When was the last time a Buddist drove his car into a crowded market and blew it and himself up ?

When was the last time a Hindu walked into a hotel durring a wedding and blew himself up ?

when was the last time a shinto walked into a line of recruits waiting for a job and blew himself up ?

When was the last time any religion aside from a Islamic one was identified with blowing up trains durring rush hour commute.

When was the last time ..ANY religion aside from an Islamic one was identified with a sucide attack ?

When ?
Well... we've had bunches of ostensibly Christian cultists commit mass suicide, engage in shootouts with the police, attack police, etcetera etcetera etcetera.

There are also cases of Hindus slaughtering Muslims and Buddhists, Maoists slaughtering everyone else, Aryanists (is there such a word?) slaughtering Jews, various African tribes slaughtering and raping women and children...

Islam is most readily identified with terrorist acts, but if you look hard enough, you can find fundamentalists of every stripe, prepared to do some pretty horrifying things. Of course, you may argue that the others are localized cases, but what makes one atrocity worse than another? They're all bad.

It's just the Islamic fundamentalists who are loudest, and who are at the center of the global political stage at the moment, merely because the issues of oil and Arab Islamic Fundamentalism are so closely intertwined. And because it is in the spotlinght, as you've pointed out in the other thread, it's easy for these fundamentalists to recruit impressionable youth from around the muslim world.
It's just the Islamic fundamentalists who are loudest, and who are at the center of the global political stage at the moment, merely because the issues of oil and Arab Islamic Fundamentalism are so closely intertwined. And because it is in the spotlinght, as you've pointed out in the other thread, it's easy for these fundamentalists to recruit impressionable youth from around the muslim world.
I agree.

I would also like to point out that some statements in this thread have bordered on calling Islam in general terroristic. This is not true. I know no one intended for that to sound that way, but some statements were close enough to be easily misunderstood.

As for no Christian fundamentalists: The KKK did their thing in the name of God, abortion doctors have been shot by "Christians," and if I were to go back through history I am sure that I could lay many atrocities at the feet of fundamental Christians.

I am sure that some would argue that these are not true Christians or their beliefs have been warped, but the same can be said for any Islamic fundamentalist. It has been recently that Islamic fundamentalism has been in the light, but I'm pretty sure that few other religious groups can say no one has been unjustly killed in the name of their religion.
israel is a terrorist state and they have the backing of the united states and no matter how you try to twist it or justify it theire hands is tainted with blood since it's conception. and if you think that israel is contended with peace i would like to point out to the israeli flag, you have the star of david in the middle and on the top and the bottom you have blule stripes, these stripes symbolize two rivers euphrates and the nile. according to jewish beleive theire land should extend from the nile to the euphrates and for them to achieve that goal they have to instigate wars all the time, in short even after a cease fire and even if hizbullah is disarmed and even if everybody agrees with the resolutions that israel put on the table on theire own terms, this does not mean that we will not hear from them again, they will come up with something else, they will create a turmoil one way or the other.

Uh...if they are so hungry for territory and such a terrorist state, why did they even give up the Ghaza strip in a peace treaty? How about that fact? why would a country looking to gain more land give it up?
and if you think that israel is contended with peace i would like to point out to the israeli flag, you have the star of david in the middle and on the top and the bottom you have blule stripes, these stripes symbolize two rivers euphrates and the nile. according to jewish beleive theire land should extend from the nile to the euphrates and for them to achieve that goal they have to instigate wars all the time
Who told you that?

The American flag has 7 red stripes. They symbolize rivers of blood that flowed when we triumphed over the native peoples of this land, erradicating our biggest enemy. The stars on the flag symbolize the fact that the entire universe belongs to us. As we become more content with the land and heavenly bodies we've acquired, we add more stars to the flag to remind us that what we have is never enough, and that we should conquer other universes as well.

See how easy it is to write complete horse**** and pass it off as fact?
Just to get some facts straight:

The flag of the State of Israel is intended to portray a Star of David on a tallit, the traditional Jewish prayer shawl.

Wiki also addresses these claims.

It has been alleged by some groups that the blue stripes on the Israeli flag actually represent the rivers Nile and Euphrates, which some Zionist thinkers (such as Avraham Stern and Israel Eldad) had claimed as the boundaries of Eretz Yisrael, the land promised to the Jews by God. [6] Those making this allegation insist that the flag "secretly" represents the desire of Jews to conquer all of the land between the Nile and Euphrates rivers, which would involve conquering and ruling over much of Egypt, all of Jordan, and some of Syria and Iraq. Yasser Arafat also made the allegation, [7] and repeatedly tied this notion to the stripes on the Israeli flag. [8] [9]

Both Zionist and anti-Zionist authors have debunked the claim that the stripes on the flag represent territorial ambitions. Daniel Pipes notes "In fact, the blue lines derive from the design on the traditional Jewish prayer shawl", [10] and Danny Rubenstein points out that "...Arafat... added, in interviews that he gave in the past, that the two blue stripes on the Israeli flag represent the Nile and the Euphrates... No Israeli, even those who demonstrate understanding for Palestinian distress, will accept the... nonsense about the blue stripes on the flag, which was designed according to the colors of the traditional tallit (prayer shawl)..."[9] Persistent critic of Israel and Zionism Israel Shahak is equally explicit. In his The Zionist Plan for the Middle East he states

A good example is the very persistent belief in the non-existent writing on the wall of the Knesset of the Biblical verse about the Nile and the Euphrates. Another example is the persistent, and completely false declarations, which were made by some of the most important Arab leaders, that the two blue stripes of the Israeli flag symbolize the Nile and the Euphrates, while in fact they are taken from the stripes of the Jewish praying shawl (Talit).

I just thought that this might help.

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