It's only right to thank Devs when they do something good

  • Thread starter CnPx
Uhh yes? I don't understand where this idea came from, where people should never be thanked for their work. While I'm not going to go back to the kitchen for it, I'd still thank the server at least since they're the one I can actually say it to without being weird about it.

Are you also the type to only leave negative reviews, since a positive review is just thanking them for doing their job?

These are real people, trying to earn a living, and in this case through giving you something for entertainment. You don't have to like the game, not everything is for everyone, but you don't need to **** on them forever because you don't like it, while refusing to praise the aspects you do like. It's a cycle of misery for yourself, where you mainly acknowledge the things you don't like, and that will extend to the workers who then hear nothing but negativity about the thing they've worked so hard on.

This was an important realization for me. May it be one for you too.
Nice jumping to conclusions. You're assuming I've no praise to give to the game. There are many things I like about the game, the physics are enjoyable and their post-launch support has been good thus far, but the thread is about thanking them. Why should I thank them for making the game? Like others have said I've "thanked" them with my wallet.

I'm not "********" on them forever, I like GT7, but why should one be giving thanks for them doing their job? Because they're real people? Of course they're real people. Real people with a job to do.
In general praise for good things works, criticism for bad things works. Only having the ultimate parts obtainable by luck was a bad thing and many people criticized PD for it. I bet if PD made the ultimate parts cheaper and/or specific parts unlock by doing specific things then many people would thank them.
You should have created an appreciation thread, as that would give PD a reason to thank the community for supporting them. Though, I’m not saying PD would actually come here to do that.

Thanking someone doesn’t motivate them to do more. In fact it has the opposite effect, as it leaves the impression they’ve already done what was needed. Basic psychology.
We can say thank you but still ask for more things to changes aswell. But yh I get what your saying. If they see people are still pissed off they mite continue to change stuff but I like to try take a more positive approach. Hopefully we continue to get good updates, especially when Sophy is finally done then the Devs can work more on the core game.

Nice jumping to conclusions. You're assuming I've no praise to give to the game. There are many things I like about the game, the physics are enjoyable and their post-launch support has been good thus far, but the thread is about thanking them. Why should I thank them for making the game? Like others have said I've "thanked" them with my wallet.

I'm not "********" on them forever, I like GT7, but why should one be giving thanks for them doing their job? Because they're real people? Of course they're real people. Real people with a job to do.
Personally I think this was mostly Sony's doing. I do believe that their are Devs are pd who just want to make a fun racing game but Sony have been making so many questionable decisions since the launch of ps5. Like the price of The last of us remake, removing peoples purchased films cos they didn't wanna renew the licences, VR2 not back compat so in future all the vr1 games will become useless cos no one will have a headset to play them and ofcourse releasing an update shortly after GT7 launch that increased prices and sliced rewards.

Maybe if Xbox starts to get some good exclusives under the belt like Forza and Starfield then Sony will start being a bit better to retain users.
Yes, to both versions of this post.
In our scenario the chef is bringing you the same pizza you've ordered before except now he brings it a piece at a time, over years. He never delivers the whole pizza. The pizza has fewer toppings than before, looks great, costs more and is now sized such that it isn't as filling or satisfying as the chef's past pizzas. Occasionally the chef comes out and offers you some additional parmasean cheese and chili flakes. You notice across the restaurant, other customers are looking at their pizzas with really expensive glasses. I mean, sure. Thanks. I guess.
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In our scenario the chef is bringing you the same pizza you've ordered before except now he brings it a piece at a time, over years. He never delivers the whole pizza. The pizza has fewer topping than before, look great, costs more and is now sized such that it isn't as filling or satisfying as the chef's past pizzas. Occasionally the chef comes out and offers you some additional parmasean cheese. You notice across the restaurant, other customers are looking at their pizzas with really expensive glasses. I mean, sure. Thanks. I guess.
Seemed to be a straightforward question about whether one should thank service staff for doing their jobs to me, as a general "why would you thank people for doing their jobs" screed, rather than a strange and prolonged metaphor for a game developer centred on pizza.

And the answer is yes, I do thank the person who serves me the fast-food burger, and the person who serves/cooks me the meal in a restaurant. And checkout staff at supermarkets and in shops. And bus drivers, aircrew and flight attendants, and so on. I'm not actually sure why someone wouldn't, and exactly what kind of person they are; it'd certainly be a red flag on a date.

I wouldn't necessarily thank someone for fixing a screw-up, especially if it had cost some not-inconsequential money and taken over a year to do it, although I do think it's worth praise that an error is recognised and amended.
I'm guessing these people do everything perfectly first time every time.
Lol first time? PD been at this since the late 90s. Its ass that we have to complain for them to fix things that didnt need to be fixed if they did it right like the previous iterations.
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Sounds like some are making a right meal of this thread... ;)

I thank most people, can't recall many encounters with people over the years where I've felt the need to withhold a polite thanks tbh. Even when lodging complaints, as I know it wasn't the person in the front lines fault, and they're likely doing some cr4ppy job to the best of their ability amongst of myriad of bureaucracy and processes.

As an extension to the subject, Ime, I've found articulating your issue/complaint in a calm, friendly, understanding but direct manner tends to end in a satisfactory, quick resolution rsther than adopting an aggressive, 'alpha male' approach... plus it keeps your blood pressure lower ;)
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Lol first time? PD been at this since the late 90s. Its ass that we have to complain for them to fix things that didnt need to be fixed if they did it right like the previous iterations.

I didn't say PD got everything (or anything) right first time. In the context of the OP and what's been said since, you've spectacularly missed the point I was making.
This isn't the complaint thread though.
For some people every thread is the complaint thread. It's a lifestyle choice.

You should have created an appreciation thread, as that would give PD a reason to thank the community for supporting them. Though, I’m not saying PD would actually come here to do that.

Thanking someone doesn’t motivate them to do more. In fact it has the opposite effect, as it leaves the impression they’ve already done what was needed. Basic psychology.
This is factually wrong. It has been proven in psychology over and over again that praise stimulates people (and other animals) to perform better, while criticism demotivates and reduces performance.
This is factually wrong. It has been proven in psychology over and over again that praise stimulates people (and other animals) to perform better, while criticism demotivates and reduces performance.
Gratitude is not praise.
If you want to praise the devs that’s perfectly fine, but where does that end? Should I start praising the people that put my microwave together?

There’s nothing wrong with the sentiment, but it’s one that could lead to companies pumping out mediocre products while saying “well we worked really hard on it”.
I didn't say PD got everything (or anything) right first time. In the context of the OP and what's been said since, you've spectacularly missed the point I was making.
I understood your point 100%, read what I said, why should anyone thank them if they didn't **** up their formula in the first place?

Perfect example is not being able to sell cars. Since when in the history of GT was this a thing, now in GT7 they made it a thing. Now we have people thanking them for coming to their senses and making cars sellable again.

Basically people want to say thanks for un****ing a thing that was ****ed but originally PD thought was a good idea. LOL, I cant think of an alternative right now sorry for the bad words.
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I understood your point 100%, read what I said, why should anyone thank them if they didn't **** up their formula in the first place?

Perfect example is not being able to sell cars. Since when in the history of GT was this a thing, now in GT7 they made it a thing. Now we have people thanking them for coming to their senses and making cars sellable again.

Basically people want to say thanks for un****ing a thing that was ****ed but originally PD thought was a good idea. LOL, I cant think of an alternative right now sorry for the bad words.

You're still missing my point, and the OP nor anyone in this thread has said anything about thanking them for adding the ability to sell cars.

Some of the issues the game had on day 1 were the way they were by design. People voiced their opinions on this and PD recognised there were problems and improved them.

I don't get why someone saying "thanks for doing that" is causing such a big stir.
You're still missing my point, and the OP nor anyone in this thread has said anything about thanking them for adding the ability to sell cars.

Some of the issues the game had on day 1 were the way they were by design. People voiced their opinions on this and PD recognised there were problems and improved them.

I don't get why someone saying "thanks for doing that" is causing such a big stir.
I only mentioned selling cars to drive my point home which was my original point to begin with and answer to your post below. If they didn't mess with things that worked in previous games, why mess with it at all?

PD has had enough attempts to know what formula works. Here's another example, the Grand Theft Auto series, each game has gotten better. GT series on the other hand outta the box was sad, probably tied with GT6 as the worst out of the series. The turd kept getting polished to what it is now, to me a decent game.

People arguing with someone wanting to thank someone for improving something. Interesting. I'm guessing these people do everything perfectly first time every time.
If you want to praise the devs that’s perfectly fine, but where does that end? Should I start praising the people that put my microwave together?

There’s nothing wrong with the sentiment, but it’s one that could lead to companies pumping out mediocre products while saying “well we worked really hard on it”.
If you're on a microwave forum and your posts are "Wow this microwave reheats my food evenly to the middle, let's discuss the technology that went into microwave improvements over the years to bring us to this point. Also the automatic reheat button is incredible" that's probably better than "The popcorn button burns my popcorn every time!"

Most people buy a thing and don't talk about it. We're on a forum dedicated to talking about a thing. You picked a mundane object most people don't think about to act as if it's ridiculous, but I can assure you, if there's a microwave forum out there somewhere, they've had almost the exact same discussions as this.
I only mentioned selling cars to drive my point home which was my original point to begin with and answer to your post below. If they didn't mess with things that worked in previous games, why mess with it at all?

PD has had enough attempts to know what formula works. Here's another example, the Grand Theft Auto series, each game has gotten better. GT series on the other hand outta the box was sad, probably tied with GT6 as the worst out of the series. The turd kept getting polished to what it is now, to me a decent game.

None of which has anything to do with what this thread is about. It seems like you're trying to make this thread about complaining about various other things that you don't like.

To address what you're bringing up though, PD tried new things. Some worked and some didn't. Some have since been improved, other stuff still sucks. If PD just kept making the same game over and over again because it was a formula that worked you can bet people would be complaining about that too. Actually I'd be one of them. I kinda wrote off the GT series after GT5 as it just felt like I was replaying the same game again and again. It was only GTSport that brought me back into it, because they tried something different.
If you're on a microwave forum and your posts are "Wow this microwave reheats my food evenly to the middle, let's discuss the technology that went into microwave improvements over the years to bring us to this point. Also the automatic reheat button is incredible" that's probably better than "The popcorn button burns my popcorn every time!"

Most people buy a thing and don't talk about it. We're on a forum dedicated to talking about a thing. You picked a mundane object most people don't think about to act as if it's ridiculous, but I can assure you, if there's a microwave forum out there somewhere, they've had almost the exact same discussions as this.
So if I make a mundane product I’m not deserving of praise for doing my job?
Should I start praising the people that put my microwave together?
I have absolute, 100% said something like "those guys at LG really know their ****" when talking about our washing machine.

As opposed to "know they're ***", which I've definitely said about Apple.
None of which has anything to do with what this thread is about. It seems like you're trying to make this thread about complaining about various other things that you don't like.

To address what you're bringing up though, PD tried new things. Some worked and some didn't. Some have since been improved, other stuff still sucks. If PD just kept making the same game over and over again because it was a formula that worked you can bet people would be complaining about that too. Actually I'd be one of them. I kinda wrote off the GT series after GT5 as it just felt like I was replaying the same game again and again. It was only GTSport that brought me back into it, because they tried something different.
THANK YOU! gif ;)
Doesn't take much to make the GT crowd in a snarky mood these days. But yes, I'm the only one that missed the point 👍
By stating that question in response to that post you quoted, yes, you missed the point. As for the GT crowd, well you are here with it. I don't see anyone else responding to that post yet either, so as far as people engaged in this thread, as at this time, you are the only on to demonstate that they missed that point.
There's more topics on here than just Gran Turismo, but hey what do I know.

I was trying to understand where the line is on when I need to care about the people who made a product that I purchased. When it comes to appliances we're scoffing at the notion, but praising developers is ok. And as I said before...
There’s nothing wrong with the sentiment, but it’s one that could lead to companies pumping out mediocre products while saying “well we worked really hard on it”.
My point what right there, but now we're talking about appliances 🤷‍♂️. I'll go back to my cave now.