Just Raced Under The New Algorithms and Rules

  • Thread starter GTFraker
This new system is going to take some time to understand and get used to.

DR S / SR S until the new update. A few races of clean driving and hard racing and I accrued insane penalties after being bumped or light contact.

Currently DR A / SR B. Wow.

How can I literally go the extra mile to be a clean driver and the system punishes you 90% of the time for other people’s mistakes.
Described my race exactly, sorry PD but I won't be racing again until I read a new update has dealt with this issues. I really care for my DR A and my (now lost) SR S.

Think the same here. I know it would be hard to strike a balance between racing contact and crazy contact. But it should never be NO contact like the current situation. Just a discouragement of overtaking and racing. maybe it is time for me to play the GT mode.
Lucky guy!!!! Which races did you run?
The current Gr.4 races are super clean.

Had one penalty in four races. People giving each other much more space, no silly divebombing, good defensive driving. And now, when you do get a penalty, it's a real punishment. Previously, you often didn't even need to adjust your driving to run down the penalty.

I get the impression many try to run qualy laps every race, seeing the other cars as a nuisance. But lapping quickly is very different to racing cleanly. The quickest car doesn't always win in real life. Good, clean, defensive driving needs to be rewarded too.
That's all nice and dandy, but you can't expect the computer algorithm to make fair judgement about who was right and who was wrong during a pass that resulted in some kind of contact.

So if that were true so how does making the penalties more common and severe remedy the situation? Sure it deals with the ram artists perhaps and offers a deterrent to them but what about the more honest drivers who simply want to be competitive?

And such algorithms can be designed to deal with speed, track position, corner dynamics, level of impact, car angle and braking points. The game can already judge some of these aspects already as it apportions penalties based on speed, impact etc, it just doesn't use that information very well imo.

Even a simple; contact= enforced de-acceleration and ghosting system would arguably have served the game better.
This new system is going to take some time to understand and get used to.

DR S / SR S until the new update. A few races of clean driving and hard racing and I accrued insane penalties after being bumped or light contact.

Currently DR A / SR B. Wow.

How can I literally go the extra mile to be a clean driver and the system punishes you 90% of the time for other people’s mistakes.

I ran 6 or 7 races at DR:A SR:S and I increased DR, kept SR:S 99 and only had x1 race where there was a pile up, instigated by an DR:A driver who wasn't watching what was unfolding up the track. I back off due to a spinner who was also collecting somebody as they spun, BANG hit from behind full racing speed. If I can slow down for others, why is this DR:A (should be imo a great driver) hit me at full tilt?

Take these people out of the equation and all of a sudden the current changes don't seem as harsh.

I think some of the craziness is down to the problem drivers still driving like the old system. Drop them from SR:S lobbies and I'm sure the experience will improve.

It is to harsh at present, but I think some drivers needed the reality check.

Needs more work? yes. May seem harsh at present? yes. Let's see how it plays out once people understand the new system.

*Competitive doesn't mean being allowed to touch other cars. I think some are using this to defend over aggressive moves imo.
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Not done any sport races for weeks, but ran a few races earlier. In the C C groups, it was remarkably clean. So used to being shunted off track, so it was a nice surprise to see people actually try to race clean. Some still pushed their luck a little too much , but I did manage all blue finishes. I'm quite happy to do more races, as I had been put off previously due to the terrible sportsmanship. Only 1 more clean-ish race and I should move up to C B or even B B with a decent finish.
Not done any sport races for weeks, but ran a few races earlier. In the C C groups, it was remarkably clean. So used to being shunted off track, so it was a nice surprise to see people actually try to race clean. Some still pushed their luck a little too much , but I did manage all blue finishes. I'm quite happy to do more races, as I had been put off previously due to the terrible sportsmanship. Only 1 more clean-ish race and I should move up to C B or even B B with a decent finish.

Definitely feel the new system is better suited to lower ranks. It's the in the higher ranks I think it's problematic. Tiny taps, the kind that happen when you're trying to avoid contact, result in silly pens.

I'm going to keep racing and give the new system a chance, but not enamoured with it so far. Just making it a little less sensitive would probably be enough to fix things, though. I hope PD acts reasonably quickly and not for another scheduled update.
I keep seeing the same statements. Drivers in the lower ranks are all "this is great". Drivers in the upper ranks are all "wtf is this B.S.?"

Seems to me that PD is tossing better players under the bus to appease the masses.

Faster players maybe, better ones I have my doubts, as it was idiots in the Sr S , Sr A levels that borked my SR level in the first place. ;O)
I keep seeing the same statements. Drivers in the lower ranks are all "this is great". Drivers in the upper ranks are all "wtf is this B.S.?"

Seems to me that PD is tossing better players under the bus to appease the masses.

I'm not lower rank, I'm DR:A SR:S, and on a side note, my SR is considerably more stable than yours, just for the record.

*edited: Maybe they are tossing the players who thought they were good under the bus ;) I'm joking here because it's getting a bit needly without the need. We all want improvements and a better game for it.
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Looking at my lap times, I'd probably get to DRA and the way I drive should see me maintain SRS. Honestly? I don't deserve that safety rating as I often made momentum mistakes (under pressure) in close races and caused problems for the people around me who're trying to get by. It's never intentional but sadly it happens. If I can admit that, I'm sure there's a lot of other people here in exactly the same boat. If I drop a rank because of those small mistakes, I'm fine with it as I don't covet a safety rating I shouldn't have. At least, not until I genuinely deserve it as the pace I'm expected to drive based on my qualification lap and DR could put me in deep water.

That SRS rank should be really hard to reach and maintain. It should be a holy grail level of safety and these new penalties should find the people like me out. I'll have to learn how to run in traffic better and that can only be a good thing.
Shouldn’t the better players be capable of racing without running into one another?! ;) :P

Someone else said this in this thread, but it kind of feels like being treated like a child. For sure, you will find the occasional idiot in higher ranks, but by and large it's pretty self-policing. If I make mistake that affects someone else, I slow down and let them by and lots of people have returned the favour because they understand mistakes happen when you're driving near the limit.

And, as has been pointed out, often we're talking about minuscule contact resulting in pens. There just needs to be a bit of fine tuning so punishments fit the crime.
It’s probably more frustrating for me cos I’m bad at qualifying I’m s/s rated I think 63k dr 405ish races and just over 100 wins
I’m usually pretty good at making fair moves clean moves and overtakes now I don’t think you can even hope to overtake against anyone

Overtaking should be hard, and as people get more used to the system they'll be more aware when driving in traffic.
I'm not a fan of love taps, shoving your nose "gently" into my side panel - diving for spots and getting away with rubbing.

The new system promotes racing and two drivers battling for position becomes much more difficult and slows you down drastically.

This current change has improved my experience because, people are driving more like I do.

I can watch streams of SR:S drivers racing and still wonder why they go for some gaps and force their way through. They are supposed to be the best, yet watching some of them race looks like they just drive qually laps in the race and make themselves room. That should not be an option but the old system let you do it. Half a cars width? Yep i'll force in there and make room. Well, that to me is not racing and is not true overtaking.

It looks like the new system has its losers and winners.

Drivers which are used to overtake their way through the pack will have a hard time. And drivers who are Qualifying-fast but not a good "fighter", or let me say, are gentle, will be rewarded. I think it can be judged over a new system by looking to what its effect means for the majority.

1. In the lower DR- and mainly SR-rankings, it will change massively the racing- culture to the positive. Everyone who wants to finish the race needs to hold on to the rules. That alone is enough to say that its good

2. The pace will be more important, because if I don't need to be scared to ramed off from behind, cause I know he'll be destroyed, too, then I will automatic drive with my pace, and lets see then if he still can catch me. Because most of the people do not "fall under pressure" because they are scary, they fail because they know you can ram them off usually without penalty. Mostly in the last lap, where they cant revenge themselfes
What does this have to do with Yellow flag penalties? Or when a spinning car hits you?

The assumption is that a "bad driver" is getting penalized, but its the innocent drivers that are getting penalized.

Well judging by how I avoided incidents last night apart from x1, and you have had multiple issues, I'd say you're either unlucky, or it's on you.

I wrote this earlier in the thread.

I ran 6 or 7 races at DR:A SR:S and I increased DR, kept SR:S 99 and only had x1 race where there was a pile up, instigated by an DR:A driver who wasn't watching what was unfolding up the track. I back off due to a spinner who was also collecting somebody as they spun, BANG hit from behind full racing speed. If I can slow down for others, why is this DR:A (should be imo a great driver) hit me at full tilt?

Edit: I have already said to you directly (in this very thread I think) that yellow flags need fixing and not to include that. I agree they do not work correctly. If you get nearly as irate on track as you seem to be here, that's half your problem right there.
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Well just done my first race under new regs at yagiwama (or whatever it's called ) , I thought I'd start last and see how things go, I'm a B/S driver by the way, what can I say , all the drivers finished with a blue S apart from 3 and they had white, I finished 7th and working my way through everyone seemed on there best behaviour, maybe it is working , for how long who knows ?
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Don't get why PD is overthinking these rules, it was fine prior hand for the most part. They should instead focus on creating new tracks and getting licenses for new cars. And they shouldn't look at this community for feedback on racing rules too much, this community is the competitive minority that get frustrated at everything. Most GT players are probably not that competitive. Everyone is complaining about the new rules.

Release an update and bring it back to what it used to be, but keep some new additions such as report button. If someone is receiving tons of reports from different races and different people, that can be an indicator it is a troll or reckless driver and such players can get suspensions.
In the long term I'm sure the player base will grow, or at least a part of those who paused the sport mode will come back, because beeing hit and destroyed was the main sh...t in sport mode.

Almost everybody is fine with starting from 10th place and finishing with10th, by just beeing simply not fast eough.

But the frustration is majoriliy higher when you start 3rd and finish at 8 because somebody ramed you
Well judging by how I avoided incidents last night apart from x1, and you have had multiple issues, I'd say you're either unlucky, or it's on you.

I wrote this earlier in the thread.

I was unlucky. That's the point.
I've never really understood the point of the penalties for colliding with the environment. You're on Blue Moon, 1st turn, leading by 3 seconds, you overcook it and hit the wall, it slows you down dramatically as it should, others swerve to pass you, you steady yourself, picking up speed and a 5 second penalty pops up so you slow down again and some poor soul behind ploughs into the back of you :confused:
Im the same as this. Yesterday i went cross country on the last bend at willow all the way to the wall. Got reset back on the bend then get a 5...surely the excursion i took was penalty enough,
Just run my first race under the new rules at Yamagiwa. People are almost being polite now, especially into the chicane at the bottom of the hill. Very Strange. Started 10th and finished 6th. Finished with a clean race bonus and apart from the Winner and myself, everyone else had a red penalty dot against them in the final timesheet.
Spoke too soon. During the next 6 races or so on Yamagiwa, kept picking up penalties at the chicane. Ended up losing all my original gains and got my SR rating down from S to A.
In the end go so fed up that I rage quite and lost a further 2000 dr points. Funnily enough, my sr rating went back up to S even though I quit.
The worst penalties seem when you go off the track and collide with the walls. Just to rub it in, you get another 5000 points penalty . However if you are stationary off the track, the count down doesn't even start. You have to get back on the track, keeping away from other drivers in order to get your penalty down.
So quite a crap day all in all. Don't like the extra tight track penalties, 2000 dr points down and 20 sr points down in total.
Well there is always tomorrow !!!
Top lobby FIA race at Interlagos descended into a farce. 3rd back all crawling through the middle sector on Lap 2 & 3 to try and get the penalties below 5 seconds. 1st and 2nd finished nearly half a minute ahead of 3rd.
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i dont like that alwyas people complaining, if it‘s a,contact in real life, maybe your Car is damaged, doesnt matter its your fault or not. And i Will Never understanding why People cant overtake without a contact. Even i get yesterday a lot of Strange penalities, i am still Love to Play, because i try to Play without a contact, if i contact someone than its because i do a mistake or i cant read the mind of the other driver.....
SR S? Its a completely different game at the lower SR levels. The SR B & A races I did yesterday on my fresh account had some door touching and small bumper taps with no penalties of note. They were fantastic races actually. Back to the main account, DR A SR 99. Bumped and pushed wide in turn 1 from pole, penalty. Slow to serve penalty, race over. Makes 0 sense that the penalties are so lax on the lower lever and race killing in SR S.
It makes sense if PD is trying to cull the herd at SR S and even S/S and A/S. It may be in further preparation for FIA seasons and preparing for eSports events. I hate that it's so strict, but I think we have all agreed that there are a lot of us who do not know our limits and aren't as clean as we think. There are also issues of people who absolutely do not belong in high rankings, but have gotten away with the 99/99 SR cushion and how easy it is to gain SR.

IF that is their plan, I suppose I can't be upset. If the racing is more fun and back to form in the lower rankings, great! The majority of players are already there, and a whole lot of us at the higher levels will be heading down that way to join them if we can't race in this new no-touch world. The top end will be reserved for respectable racing that will be presentable in front of a larger audience.

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