For me it works to quickly hit aim/fire in a fast 1-2 like motion. I have it like COD controls (alternate 2 scheme) so i quickly hit L1 and then while holding that quickly hit R1. so it's like L1, (still holding L1 quickly hit R1). I have tried it a few times and got easy kills, and also a few headshots.
In the past couple days i jump online for a few games or so. Depending on the maps it's not so bad anymore. It's just those bottle-neck locations that just gets hectic. And then spawning into one of those bottle-neck locations is a whole other story. I think things will die down eventually and hopefully they do remove the auto-aim, or make certain servers/rooms Auto-aim restricted.
For me it works to quickly hit aim/fire in a fast 1-2 like motion. I have it like COD controls (alternate 2 scheme) so i quickly hit L1 and then while holding that quickly hit R1. so it's like L1, (still holding L1 quickly hit R1). I have tried it a few times and got easy kills, and also a few headshots.
In the past couple days i jump online for a few games or so. Depending on the maps it's not so bad anymore. It's just those bottle-neck locations that just gets hectic. And then spawning into one of those bottle-neck locations is a whole other story. I think things will die down eventually and hopefully they do remove the auto-aim, or make certain servers/rooms Auto-aim restricted.
It killed the game for many many people.
Once you unlock the revolver though it kind of looses the point. Two hit-kills with that gun, as opposed to...16? With the basic pistol.
Seb DownieHi All,
I am back, if briefly, is up and seems stable right now, so that is good news. Also I advise you check out the Billinghurst article on the site toda, here. I like it a lot. Also check out the second part of the Killzone Chronicals, where take a look back at the early development time. part 1 is here. There is more content in those links than you can shake a dirty stick at.
Anyway, down to business. Pending any unforseen problems, early next week patch 1.21 will be released. Ill confirm the timings on Monday. The patch includes the following:
-Increase of the standard points settings for Bodycount. Should ensure longer mode on heavily populated games.
-The return of Online Bots. Adding bots to an online game renders it unranked.
-The option to create unranked games. Players will be made aware that a game is unranked upon joining.
-Fix to Game Search functionality so correct maps are displayed.
-Standardization of the Y-Axis controls on the HGH Scout when zoomed with the Sniper Rifle.
-Fix to Sensitivity setting where the weapon animation did not follow the reticule correctly.
-Fix for auto-aim exploit when rapidly tapping zoom/fire.
-Fix to infrequent collision issues with C4 Proximity mines.
-Fix to list of games displayed on search.
-Stability fix relating to disconnect.
-Fix to Clan button functionality in custom game creation settings.
We are also working on the next updates and here are some of the areas we are exploring and investigating for the future patches:
-Controls. Seeing about giving more options.
-Expanding on Join Game searches and options.
-Improving game and network stability.
-Collision exploits on maps.
-Improvements to help play with friends.
-More game creation options.
-More game options for clans.
-Fixes to Clans unexpectadly losing tournament rounds.
-Other minor fixes.
Now the above does not include the DLC updates that we are working on and they wont all come straight away, but I wanted to give you an idea of the areas we are exploring. If anything else pops up we will of course add that too More on future updates soon.
All the best and will be in touch Monday. have a nice weekend.
Seb Downie - Producer - Guerrilla Games
Bots will be back and auto aim fixed really soon! 👍
So, if you are doing it, stop. If you see someone else doing it don't start just to be competitive.Killzone 2 Cheaters Could Lose Their PSN ID
03/26/2009 Written by Anthony Severino
The Helghast are Watching for Cheaters
Cheating, lag switches and glitching have become commonplace in online gaming. A good developer who supports their games online community, will do their best to prevent these forms of cheating.
Guerrilla Games has just announced on their twitter, that cheaters could lose their PSN ID, and online gaming privileges. That alone should be enough to deter anyone who looks to use underhanded techniques to win online.
So if you cheat, be prepared for the ban hammer
Patch 1.21 is released! Bots are back and zoom-aim glitch is fixed!