La sarthe event B- Spec Solved (to all who can´t win this race)

  • Thread starter GONPRIN
I have won this race 3 times now with the Audi R8. Gearing set to 249 mph...I actually reduced the downforce front and rear by 5. 40 min and 6 sec was my average time. Don't know if that is good or bad. I think I had a 3 min 43 or something best lap...hope I am not confusing it with the Spa race...I like the Spa bob race better than this one for some reason...could be because I think Spa is an amazing track compared to Le Mans.
It can be done with this R8, look for post in this thread with set-up and strategy.

Used that already. Must have done it countless times now and still can't do it.
Any tips??
Used that already. Must have done it countless times now and still can't do it.
Any tips??

Keep your Bob's cool, they seem to go faster. I think that is the key.Pace them up occasionally at the top of straights but pace down in corners.
Keep your Bob's cool, they seem to go faster. I think that is the key.Pace them up occasionally at the top of straights but pace down in corners.

Will try that thanks! Just made a Cool Bob so grinding spa to level him up a bit
If you have a level 27 then do the 200 Laguna Seca enduro to level up 4 Bobs. I use the Mobil 1 NSX. You can hit start and leave them be.
@Scottish GT%: How are you grinding such a noob Bob at Spa and managing to win?!

You can win Spa with a Lvl. 0 Bob. Wait in the lobby until the track is 19% wet or less, and make sure you have RI tires. The rest of the field will be on RH's and will all pit on lap 1. Bob'll pass everyone, just keep him at 50% pace and he'll win easily. He'll jump to level 19* or 20*, if I remember correctly.

He soon won't need the dry-track trick, and a mid-30s Bob won't need any orders at all. Just let him do his thing for a quick and easy 4,000,000*. After 5 races, you'll have the maximum 20,000,000 Cr., so go on a shopping spree.

Rinse and repeat.

*Edit:with the 200% bonus.
@Scottish GT%: How are you grinding such a noob Bob at Spa and managing to win?!

Its easy all you got to do is put him in the Mobil 1 NSX and wait till track is at 19% or below. Run sports soft and dont pit. You should be 1st at the end of the 1st lap and you should be able to keep it. However you may need to coach him for lap 1-4 and 8-10 because his strength is completely down by the end of lap 3. Hope this helps you. You should also check out the post titled 8million credits an hour for help on Spa.

aaaaaaaaaah! 8 hours invested and the bspec idiot gets off the gas on the straight every time hes in the lead. never been this frustrated! nobody else has this problem???????????? WHY would i slow down for the competitors to win!!!!
I was so pissed with that random driver slowdown bug. I was winning using the 2004 Judd car and kicking ass. It is staggering how fast the car is and how high the top speed is. But I think my downforce on the rear was a bit too low so coming out of the corners in the wet was a bit of a struggle. But after a titanic struggle and after I am in 1st bob decides to slow the hell down. And there is no way I can get the bob's aggression level down that low to pass that area without a glitch because the 2nd place audi r8 is right up my frustrating.
Sure you're not losing your tires? I have had 1st place locked up a few times only to lose it in the last 30 seconds because I had no tires left. Twice I was nipped at the line because I was only doing 50mph!
OMG this is so upsetting.
I tried 2j with soft tires pit on 7 for RI,RH,SS
Audi R8's theory and im still losing not even getting into first with hardcore coaching
with a Lvl 35 bob

Any sure way out there
My best bob is at lvl 25, should I even bother with this event?

Yes, you can do it with a lot of baby-sitting. Don't let Bob get sucked into racing with cars around it. Keep downpacing before getting to turns, do a lot of maintains to keep the pointer slightly right of center when he's by himself. Basically keep Bob's pace steady. It's really a race of tire attrition and not necessarily speed. Try to find a car that's easy on rear tires. A level 25 Bob is capable of a podium. That's still a lot of credits. You set your car up right and watch your Bob very closely and it shouldn't be too hard. It's easy to win with a level 30 Bob. I have a level 38 and it's too easy to win. An Audi R8 or Toyota Minolta are fine cars. I want to try with the BMW McClaren GT-R since it's a very light car and should do well with a little ballast and lots of rear downforce. As soon as a Chaparral 2J pops up again, I just have to try it.

One other thing. I chose a very aggressive Bob just because he was the first I decided on, but you can pick a more even tempered one and that might also make a difference on certain tracks or cars. I'm not sure since I haven't done much testing on that point. I just know that their personalities do have some difference in racing against opponents.

Start with the Spa-Francorchamps race in the wet and see how your Bob responds to cars around him and how far you can push him before he starts sliding all over the place. Any NSX can win by a mile on one set of intermediates as long as you go easy. Don't race, just drive deliberately. Those rival Bob's have to pit and you don't if you're careful.

Update: I tried the BMW McClaren, but it doesn't have enough power (the PP was about 670 or so) and possibly I didn't find the right tire combo, It finished in 10th place. I also tried the Nissan R390 Race car and finished fourth. The PP came out to 699 (weak on the straights) and it was slightly harder on rear tires than the Audi R8 or the Toyota Minolta. The rear tires gave out near the end of the 10th lap right before the pit entrance. I'm going to do some more experimenting but it's annoying losing on the last lap after 42 minutes or so.

I did another run with the Audi R8 and it did a 40:36.411 with a +19 second lead over the second place car. Not bad using a level 32 Bob.
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Did it on my second try using "fourliter's" suggestions with the Oreca Audi. I could have done it on my first attempt if I had been a little more careful with my Bob(s), pacing them down into the sharp corners and letting them run on the straights. Started the race on hards, and pitted twice - at the end of 2 and at the end of 7. I came out after my second pit in P3 but regained the lead fairly easily before the AI went in for their pits. I thought my tires were in decent shape and then suddenly they went to cr*p and the AI C60 Hybride was tracking me down. As he was reeling me in - for fear of totally going off the track - I paced down until I got to the pit straight and stood on it one final time, taking the checkered flag by 1.938 (C60 Hybride) and 5.715 ahead of the Bentley Speed 8. Best lap was 3.43.150.

A few words of caution - be wary of the final lap tyre degradation and also be prepared for Bob to take a long time to get back up to speed when/if he spins into the gravel. You can almost count on Bob totally losing his mind at some point!

Thanks to those who went before me... especially "fourliter".
Managed to do it last night with the 2J on my first go with it. I tried "fourliter's" r8 setup and couldn't do it. Thanks to FuriousJB I am 6mil richer!
Give it a try.

A member here posted yesterday that he did La Sarthe with a Lvl 12 Bob.

Is it true? I don't know! But at least, it's what he wrote!

My guess is that you'll have a lot more babysitting to do!

I have tried to do it on Level 25 and trust me, I was constantly giving out directions to the driver. Always on the edge to get passed. Even so, I have barely made it on 2nd place.

I will try it again now that I am lv. 31.
Give it a try.

A member here posted yesterday that he did La Sarthe with a Lvl 12 Bob.

Is it true? I don't know! But at least, it's what he wrote!

My guess is that you'll have a lot more babysitting to do!

I have tried to do it on Level 25 and trust me, I was constantly giving out directions to the driver. Always on the edge to get passed. Even so, I have barely made it on 2nd place.

I will try it again now that I am lv. 31.

I have used an L25 Bob in an early attempt; he didn't win, but leveled up quite nicely just by taking third place.

Most recently, I used a team - a Level 40 and a Level 0 Bob. Yes, you read that right. I used a brand new, never-raced Bob in the La Sarthe event and WON. How? Simple - I used him for one lap only, then flogged the other guy to make up the time. I didn't count on winning, but figured just having the Zero in the car would level him up quickly, but we ended up with the win - barely - and he is now a Level 19 Bob with a perfect record - one race run, one race won (try saying that three times, fast!).

If you're not terribly worried about the money or the win, you can really have some fun with this event trying out crazy ideas. I tried the Toyota 7, thinking that its miniscule weight and monstrous power (and that giant wing) might make it a contender, but it was horrible. Even with lower downforce it was lagging badly on the straights, and couldn't catch up in the twisties.
I have used an L25 Bob in an early attempt; he didn't win, but leveled up quite nicely just by taking third place.

Most recently, I used a team - a Level 40 and a Level 0 Bob. Yes, you read that right. I used a brand new, never-raced Bob in the La Sarthe event and WON. How? Simple - I used him for one lap only, then flogged the other guy to make up the time. I didn't count on winning, but figured just having the Zero in the car would level him up quickly, but we ended up with the win - barely - and he is now a Level 19 Bob with a perfect record - one race run, one race won (try saying that three times, fast!).

If you're not terribly worried about the money or the win, you can really have some fun with this event trying out crazy ideas. I tried the Toyota 7, thinking that its miniscule weight and monstrous power (and that giant wing) might make it a contender, but it was horrible. Even with lower downforce it was lagging badly on the straights, and couldn't catch up in the twisties.

Yea I tried the Toyota 7 once and like you mentioned it was sadly disappointing.
A few words of caution - be wary of the final lap tyre degradation .

Big AMEN to that!!. In fact I think it is bizarre how much rubber you can lose in the last lap, like it is built into this race specifically to make it that much tougher. Couple times I have started lap 10 with more than 50% only to find myself struggling to maintain 50mph coming around the pits because I have no more rubber.
Why do some people suggest using Sport Soft tires on the 2J? Isn't it just common sense to use racing hards/Intermediates?
Why do some people suggest using Sport Soft tires on the 2J? Isn't it just common sense to use racing hards/Intermediates?

Sports Softs = no pitting.
Why do some people suggest using Sport Soft tires on the 2J? Isn't it just common sense to use racing hards/Intermediates?

2 reasons.

1) They're treaded tires, so they actually do okay in the rain. Not great, but okay. With the downforce from the suction of the 2J, it will hang with the other cars pretty well on these tires.

2) They last the entire 10 laps without a problem, so you have no need to pit at all. In fact, your Bob shouldn't even get the "Pit In" command like he does with racing tires of any kind.
Just done it in the R8 '05. Started off on sports soft and pitted in once at the end of lap 5 for some intermediates. I was right behind 2nd place at the end of lap 9 and was relieved to see him dart into the pits because my tyres were almost shot. Won by about 27 seconds with a time of

Prize car? R8 '05. Booooo.
Easy win for La Sarthe:

My car: R8 Race Car (Playstation Team ORECA) `05
I tuned it completely and then limited to 700PP
My Bobs: Lv. 36 and 35

Start with Hard Race tyres.
Pit after 2nd lap to continue lap 3 with Intermediates.
Pit stop after lap 8. Catch fresh Intermediates for the last two laps.

Coaching: Keep your Bob 75-80% hot

P1 in lap 4. Lost P1 after 2nd pit stop (most AI stop after lap 9). P1 after lap 9. Finished 1st without any problems.

Enjoy the credits... :)👍

Cheers, did exactly this. Didn't do any tuning though! Keeping bob that hot, and that pit stratagy works perfect. Won a 2J too, woo hoo!
Anyone get a glitch where bob drives at 50mph when he comes out of the last corner of the last section of the Mulsanne Straight for about 500 meters? Really annoying
Cheers, did exactly this. Didn't do any tuning though! Keeping bob that hot, and that pit stratagy works perfect. Won a 2J too, woo hoo!
Anyone get a glitch where bob drives at 50mph when he comes out of the last corner of the last section of the Mulsanne Straight for about 500 meters? Really annoying

Yup. If he goes off into pretty much ANY of the gravel pits he'll do that. The only bright side? The competition does the same thing. Cold comfort, that.
yeah you need to watch your guy entering that corner because if he doesn't come out clean you get punished. I always pace down when entering.
I just won this finally with a 2j that I borrowed from WRECKU .Thank you for adding me and letting me use your fine machine.
I ran it with the 2j on soft tires,no pitting.I kept my level 34 bob at 80% in the red for the first 9 laps as suggested up above,then dropped him down to about 50%,or alittle lower for the final lap and a half.I only won by 8 seconds,but that was enough for me.
Just won with a 2j on softs didn't pit the whole race and pretty much smashed everyone.