Do it the proper way and not bum rush a border that has armed guards watching it.
Seems to be the common acceptance in the thread. They're more than welcome, just as they were in Mexico. Just be patient and wait to be processed. And if you're not granted asylum, take Mexico's offer if available. Yes, Mexico has issues, but problems are much more severe in the area between Mexico & Costa Rica. El Salvador has been notorious for violence for years; my buddy is 30 and came here with his mother from there back when he was 3 to escape the turmoil.
Yea I wouldn't rush the border either. But 6 weeks to accept asylum requests, and over a year to reach a decision is a broken system. I don't condone the behavior of the portion of that mob that tried to cross on their own. But I'm saying that I'd be in that mob, desperate, and waiting indefinitely in northern mexico with nothing. We should hurry up and process their requests, and we should grant to
all peaceful people who are fleeing violence.
Yes you'd take Mexico's offer rather than go back. I would too. But I would hope for better because Mexico is not an answer. If I did take Mexico's offer, my plan would not be to stay, but to find a way to make it to the US.
They're not going to make it 6 weeks. Disease is already spreading through their camp, they're practically sleeping on sewage. Although, some of them say it's better than what they left.
I'm still just wildly disappointed that this was our plan to receive them.
Edit 2:
When there's a massive earthquake in Indonesia that kills many thousands of people we send an aircraft carrier and mobilize our military to give aid to those in need. Americans
take pride in that response because we're a generous nation that wants peace, prosperity, and safety for all.
What do we do in response to a caravan of thousands fleeing violence desperately seeking aid? We man the border with more troops and make sure we have tear gas at the ready. Why did we not mobilize our military to set up some kind of well-thought-out camp. I'm sure mexico would have let us use some space. We drop food on Africa but we can't lift a finger at our own door? It's not like an earthquake, we had forewarning that a humanitarian crisis was slowly mobilizing toward us and would take months to arrive. We knew
damned well that they would sit there for
at least 6 weeks doing nothing and we couldn't be bothered to take the
slightest measure to do something that we can take pride in.
Mexico did their part to the best of their ability, offered blanket asylum to the whole caravan. The US can't even be bothered to
receive the caravan. Unbelievable and shameful.