Lemons to Le Mans Season 3 Tuesday Series: Final Race, Tuesday 11 October 2011

  • Thread starter Vol Jbolaz
My only concern is to not bin it. Considering that I'm not that familiar with Fuji, that may prove to be a challenge. At least there's a lot of runoff room...

In any case, good luck, all.
I ran 2:06 in the practice race...for wednesday

Tonight I will be running 2:10 till I cannot. Then I predict slower laps. :D
I just hope whomever I'm drafting knows the line through turn 4. If they miss the awkward apex, the correct line is washed through the corner. :(

(Smiley faces are too much fun)

:cheers: :gtpflag:

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I just hope whomever I'm drafting knows the line through turn 4. If they miss the awkward apex, the correct line is washed through the corner. :(

You say stuff like that and it makes me nervous about what I'm doing wrong. I don't think it is awkward, just early. Very very early.

Aside from that, I really don't want to wreck. We had a little five lap race last night, and as I expect, someone went to the inside on a corner. For most of these, we enter them very wide, leaving lots of room on the inside. If you take the inside, that is fine. You are taking a slower line, but you are gaining a position.

I, fortunately, saw him and didn't hit him. My fear is someone will pass me on the inside and I won't see them.

The problem last night was, I hit the brakes to avoid hitting him. I was already turned into the corner and on the gas again. The driver behind me wasn't expecting me to hit the brakes like that.

He rear-ended me. The damage to me was tolerable, but he fell of the pace. I'm guessing it was more severe for him.

I'm very nervous for tonight.
Being as early as it is, well, that deems it awkward IMO. I dont think you need to be overly concerened considering the tracks only escalate from here on. Just remember that starting Outside is right side @ Fuji. I cant help but picture a battle for position late in the race. The lead car tries to cover the shortest line (albeit slowest) and pushes out whomever is waiting for the opportunity to pass on the outside. I'm worried about losing the lead pack because of folks racing to carefully early on. I will be starting close to the rear and if I cant work my way up while I have the grip...I'll lose the front runners before the 3rd lap and be stuck racing for 7th.
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Garris, if you're on the race line and someone tries to sneak thru on the inside and you hit them (or vice versa), its called being stuffed, and its not cool... They need to wait for a good time to pass. The inside of a corner that someone is already turning into is not the place.

Just run your race, and let those behind you be accountable for their lines...never worry about who's behind you.
Fuji will certainly be interesting. I just ran a 15 lap GT500 race there last night and since it wasn't for points, I half-throttled the straights to let cars catch up. Some whacky driving was going on for sure and I ended up getting taken out by a divebomber. I battled back after pitting for repairs and made back all but 8 seconds on the leader.

Turn 1, cars think they can outbreak on the inside, but that puts them right in the way of the appropriate turn in when they lock the wheels up and make a b-line for the grass.

Turn 4/5 cars push too hard and run wide, then try to duck inside at a slower speed forcing following cars to check up...which never boads well for cars that are running full throttle with maximum lateral and horizontal grip.

The esses make everyone think the inside line is open...but its not. The fastest line has to be carved out with very wide entries.

The track is just an engineering waste of asphalt. Even when you race side by side, you don't make use of half of the paved surface. The line is difficult to find because you are surrounded by a vast sea of pavement and the game doesn't properly mark tire tracks to help you find it. The worst part is that their remedy for such a wide track was to add even more pavement outside the boundries. LOL. They wouldn't need that if the track was designed with appropriate markers for brake zones and turn-in points.
I ran some high 2:06's... with the line turned on (again, not that familiar with Fuji). Turned it off and got 2:07.
I ran some high 2:08s in my lobby. I think I can get into the mid 2:08s with more consistant laps. My fastest sector times combined would make a mid 2:08.
I'm very effing pissed. I didn't buy the SH tires. All my practice, and I was able to do multiple 2:10s in a row, and very rarely was in the 2:12s any more. I switch over to my race car, buy the parts and during qualifying I couldn't get better than a 2:13, and that was really really pushing it.

Race starts, and my laps are 2:18 with the rare 2:15. My whole race shot because I was still on CS tires.

Apparently lots of others had problems with lap times when the race started.

I think I'm going to edit my signature:

"Polyphony Digital's success underscores the fact that there is no competition in their market."
I've watched the replay of the first corner half a dozen times now.

Again, PD, suck it! You are a bunch of lazy, stupid morons! Kaz! You are a complete idiot!

As to race itself, there was a lot of ugliness in the first corner:

  • Cujo slams into Jedi and totals Jedi.
  • Someone then bumps Cujo from the rear, giving him damage. I have to go watch the replay, yet again, to see who.
  • I'll have to watch the replay again, but Diabolic gets kicked around like a soccer ball in the first corner. I'm surprised he doesn't have more damage than that.

It will take me several several several hours just to police a one hour race all because PD has horrible playback and camera controls.

I could maybe forgive them for making a crap game if the physics were actually realistic, but as everyone noticed, the physics aren't even consistent. Besides, it wouldn't be that hard to fix the crappy bits. No one cares what the inside of the car looks like. No one cares about helmets and racing suits. NASCAR isn't real racing, so drop it and spend the time on something worthwhile. The X1 is just mental masturbation. It will make you go blind. Cut it out!

I'm very effing pissed. I didn't buy the SH tires. All my practice, and I was able to do multiple 2:10s in a row, and very rarely was in the 2:12s any more. I switch over to my race car, buy the parts and during qualifying I couldn't get better than a 2:13, and that was really really pushing it.

Race starts, and my laps are 2:18 with the rare 2:15. My whole race shot because I was still on CS tires.

Apparently lots of others had problems with lap times when the race started.

I think I'm going to edit my signature:

"Polyphony Digital's success underscores the fact that there is no competition in their market."

I'm probably even more pissed than you Garris, based on qualifying, I was very much in contention for the race win, depending on pit strategy, and when the race starts, it's like my car broke. When you go from 1:02-1:03 to 1:08-1:11+, something is very fishy, I didn't have your tire issue Garris, but I may as well have been running on CS tires considering how little grip I seemed to have.

I'm not sure I can continue in this or the wednesday series when the physics change -that- much between qualifying and the race, since I was using qualifying as a warm-up for the race, and did all my practice in a lounge too.

Cujo: sorry for smashing into you during the race, you didn't seem to be able to hear my mic during the race, but it happened because Geezer bumped into me and then all my tires locked and I couldn't stop soon enough to avoid you.
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I was the one who nudged Cujo's rear at the start of the race..but he liked it.
Some seriously dirty stuff happening at the end of that, even with a witness, it's somehow my fault. Somebody better act right, or they WILL be gettin' smacked right.
I've watched the replay of the first corner half a dozen times now.

Again, PD, suck it! You are a bunch of lazy, stupid morons! Kaz! You are a complete idiot!

As to race itself, there was a lot of ugliness in the first corner:

  • Cujo slams into Jedi and totals Jedi.
  • Someone then bumps Cujo from the rear, giving him damage. I have to go watch the replay, yet again, to see who.
  • I'll have to watch the replay again, but Diabolic gets kicked around like a soccer ball in the first corner. I'm surprised he doesn't have more damage than that.

It will take me several several several hours just to police a one hour race all because PD has horrible playback and camera controls.

I could maybe forgive them for making a crap game if the physics were actually realistic, but as everyone noticed, the physics aren't even consistent. Besides, it wouldn't be that hard to fix the crappy bits. No one cares what the inside of the car looks like. No one cares about helmets and racing suits. NASCAR isn't real racing, so drop it and spend the time on something worthwhile. The X1 is just mental masturbation. It will make you go blind. Cut it out!


Cujo slams into jedi.... Are you kidding. Not only did u have comfort softs on, you must be drinking heavily as well. Why am I always pointed out when I am not the cause. What a load. I made multiple attempts ti pass in the faster car!!! And I finally am getting by when I'm shoved up the track. I was clearly the fastest car and should have coasted to victory.

As for all the talk of the physics, they were fine. Could it be that its quite a bit different to race with 15 other people then to race around by yourself and roast tires during qualifying.
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As for all the talk of the physics, they were fine. Could it be that its quite a bit different to race with 15 other people then to race around by yourself and roast tires during qualifying.

That's just the thing, after my early-race issues, I spent the rest of the race mostly alone with no cars near me trying to replicate(or at least come close) to my qualifying times to prove to myself if something was going on or not, and I couldn't come close to them, including after pitting for fresh tries, even with much less fuel weight on board.

I think at this point I'm just going to withdraw from both nights, because it's pointless to try to practice or test parts or anything when the physics are just going to massively change when the race starts(be it by poor programming or lag issues), it's just not worth the hassle.
Wait what?.....I didn't hit you!
dood....you's is nuts.


I wouldn't say you hit him. The two of you rub just before you get to the brake point. There is no damage. It isn't a big deal, but it appears to have distracted Durandal enough for him to miss his brake point.

Cujo slams into jedi.... Are you kidding. Not only did u have comfort softs on, you must be drinking heavily as well. Why am I always pointed out when I am not the cause. What a load. I made multiple attempts ti pass in the faster car!!! And I finally am getting by when I'm shoved up the track. I was clearly the fastest car and should have coasted to victory.

As for all the talk of the physics, they were fine. Could it be that its quite a bit different to race with 15 other people then to race around by yourself and roast tires during qualifying.

Cujo, during qualifying, with 15 other people around, on CS tires, I was able to do a 2:13. During the race, I was only able to do a 2:15. The physics were horked.

That doesn't bother me. They were horked for everyone. The whole field slows down. If I had SH tires, then I think I would've stayed with the cars that I would've stayed with during the race. During practice, I never saw MK put down a lap faster than me. So I like to think I would've been just a pit stop behind where he finished.

I don't mean to call you out, I just looked at the first corner, and there were plenty of wrecks. Yours was the first one in the corner. I'll try to watch the rest of the replay.

Jedi isn't complaining, and he won the race even with the giant red circle you gave him.

I think the highest thing you could've coasted to would be 3rd, behind Jedi and Durandal.

I think at this point I'm just going to withdraw from both nights, because it's pointless to try to practice or test parts or anything when the physics are just going to massively change when the race starts(be it by poor programming or lag issues), it's just not worth the hassle.

Don't do that. At least it appears to have affected everyone.

My money is on poor programming.
Don't do that. At least it appears to have affected everyone.

My money is on poor programming.

Poor programming or not, I really don't see a good reason to stay in either series, considering where I should've finished compared to where I actually finished. Since there's no reason to expect this will stop happening, and I'm clearly not as able to deal with the abrupt change in physics as most people here, I may as well just not bother.
Everyone is dealing with it... I ran 2'07s in practice with garris, and a 2'08 in qualifying, but never broke 2'11.6 during the race... You don't see me taking my ball and going home! Between the BS driving by Junior McJunior-Pants, and complaining about physics, I'm about ready to just go driving with the IKEA ELITE MEMBERS...
There have been times in 450pp racing lobbies where a few drivers suffer from input lag. The game runs in slow-mo for them and cars pass them on rails. Then usually someone gets dropped from the lobby and you are boosted forward like a slingshot. I can't explain what happens but it is usually only for half a lap or so...but it always occurs when the lobby full (14-16 drivers).
There have been times in 450pp racing lobbies where a few drivers suffer from input lag. The game runs in slow-mo for them and cars pass them on rails. Then usually someone gets dropped from the lobby and you are boosted forward like a slingshot. I can't explain what happens but it is usually only for half a lap or so...but it always occurs when the lobby full (14-16 drivers).

We didn't have this problem last week. Maybe in future seasons we limit each series to 13 or 14 people.

Last night, though, it lasted the entire race. Qualifying seemed to be okay, it just hit when the race started.
We didn't have this problem last week. Maybe in future seasons we limit each series to 13 or 14 people.

Last night, though, it lasted the entire race. Qualifying seemed to be okay, it just hit when the race started.

I'm about to flat pack tonights race IKEA style.