Lemons to Le Mans Season 3 Tuesday Series: Final Race, Tuesday 11 October 2011

  • Thread starter Vol Jbolaz
You know what you did Sl3ight you dirty fruit Thief! I'm about to blow your banana smuggling ring wide open! Dont deny it...turn 5 I saw at least 6 peels come from your passenger window....bits of banana everywhere. Nevermind the swedish meatballs shoppers, we've got a sale on tropical banana trees. Get them now before Sl3ight runs off with em.

Oh, and to the race. Definate lag at start. BTK and I were attempting to draft down the straight every lap and you could see our cars next to one another (since I drive 3rd person) just bouncing back and forth. Dikarika's car was the only other one I saw for a period of time and even his engine note was bouncy. BTK and I ran alone for 20 laps so the driving with 15 other people is out. I couldnt break 2:12 after running 2:09.3 in practice.

Blue Team is go! Whoa!!! FTO's seats are folded down and ready for whatever on sale in Turn 4.

Rick Flair1, this is Rick Flair2, do you copy?

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Diabolic, you spelled my name wrong every time in that post, so I don't know who you're talking about. I deny everything.

My fastest time in the race was a mid 2:09 and that was with a draft. In quali I could run mid 2:08s without a draft. Something was weird last night for certain.
Rick Flair 2, to Rick Flair 1. Who cut down the banana tree? Over.

*Takes long drag from cigarette* Bunta watches on BTK's pit box as sleight steals banana's from Diabolic'a trunk.

"Hey!" Bunta said.
"What you old crippled ****?" sleight said.
"You best put those back."
Sleight runs off and jumps in his car and races down the Fuji stretch. Bunta takes another drag of his cigarette. "Stupid kids, will never learn to drift."

The IKEA saga is to be continued.....
I heard Fuji has been covered in a fresh layer of dirt...so tonight's race will look more like this...

Diabolic, you spelled my name wrong every time in that post, so I don't know who you're talking about. I deny everything.

My fastest time in the race was a mid 2:09 and that was with a draft. In quali I could run mid 2:08s without a draft. Something was weird last night for certain.

My editor has been sacked. I have also sacked the person responsible for hiring the editor...myself. Enjoy the bananas while they last Sl3ight. After tonight, the only person making pudding and bread gonna be me!


Later this evening

The Levin, gassed and ready has Iggy prepared for tonights banana delivery. To throw off would be hoods...the precious cargo he's carrying is disguised as embossed clutch pedals reading "Sweden or bust." Not one for thinking on this night he cannot help but wonder where a person would find such unique blue and yellow packaging last minute.

The phone rings and the voice on the other would be familiar. Although he and Takumi were friends, he rarely has the opportunity to speak with Bunta. His senses sharpened, his eyes widened and he jotted down a set of instructions that seemed to open his mind up to a rush of activity.

To be continued--when I have a break :)
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Rick flair 3 to Canadian Bacon 1, Rick flair 3 to Canadian bacon 1 do you copy?? Whoa! I just made the last pickup of redbull and awesomeness. Whoa!
Canadian Bacon 1 to Rick Flair 3! Come back 3... I'm peamealed and ready to roll. Gonna mix me some of that redbull with maple syrup. Over.
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RickFlair1 public address:

Fellow Yellow and Blue,
We may be outmanned. We may be swedish, but we are not anything if not winners! I ask little of you 5 days a week, but come tuesdays and wednesdays, I ask you this. Be Awesome. Whoa!!!! Be awesome because the alternative is to suck at life. Don't do that. Nobody remembers the losers unless they went out with a Whoa!! Our victory shall not be determined by the standings of the race, but our standing with the racers. So, gather yourself...prepare yourself and arrive in good spirits. For tonight is merely the beginning. We may have started this venture as individuals, but we continue as one. We will not surrender till the last drops of blue and yellow sweat fall from our face. Who are we? We R we men. We are IKEA.

L e t s
B e
A W E S O M E.

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The call too Iggy was short, but very simple. He was to deliver the "precious cargo" to Mt. Fuji before nightfall, and without being caught for bootlegging.

"Iggy, if you mess this up, so help you god I will make sure you are fired from the gas station, and have Takumi crash your Levin off of Mt. Akina's lookout." Bunta said.

"I swear I won't mess this up, thank you for the opportunity, Bunta-San."

Iggy walks slowly and quietly to his Levin, and revs up his engine and dumps the clutch. The car blows the right-rear tire off, and Iggy crashes into a lightpole in front of him. Bunta shakes his head and walks into the Tofu shop.

To be Continued
As I just posted in the wednesday thread, I'm done for the season, I'm sick of dealing with PD's inconsistent physics. Have fun next week.
That's too bad Durandal.. have fun offline, since that seems to be the only place left then.
Congratulations on your win o8jedi!

Re: Lap times. Aside from individual lag and such I think the virtual playing field is even. I'm old so I think the fact that online racing works at all is akin to black magic or something.

Question: How come leadbedr raked in 75,000 credits for 5th place? I knew this series was rigged! :)
Question: How come leadbedr raked in 75,000 credits for 5th place? I knew this series was rigged! :)

LOL! Sorry. I fixed that.

If you car is still yellow, I didn't get to inspect it (is it shared?). If it is red, I didn't get parts, and I haven't been able to inspect it.

It appears that we will have two openings. If anyone wants to join, this is the latest in the season that one can join. Contact me for details.
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I've reviewed the race a bit more, and there will be a penalty assessed. I will have to watch it again just to see 1) how big a penalty, and 2) what the final standings where time-wise.

Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have this sorted out. But, if you have anything else you want me to look at, please let me know.
I've reviewed the race a bit more, and there will be a penalty assessed. I will have to watch it again just to see 1) how big a penalty, and 2) what the final standings where time-wise.

Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have this sorted out. But, if you have anything else you want me to look at, please let me know.

Hopefully you're just docking points from drivers and not moving the winnings around. Otherwise, I could be in trouble because I have spent my winnings :scared:
I've reviewed the race a bit more, and there will be a penalty assessed. I will have to watch it again just to see 1) how big a penalty, and 2) what the final standings where time-wise.

Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have this sorted out. But, if you have anything else you want me to look at, please let me know.

I assume you've already contacted the perpetrator?
The perp! Once again I've inspected the footage and I clearly see on lap 16, Yup its bowtie with a hex wrench and a crazy look on his face...... I guess he'd just eaten bc he was sitting on a stack of banana peels. Once again Cujo sheds light on the once unknown!!!
I agree with Diabolic, I've already spent my money, just deduct points on the offender.
why do you assume it's you ?

Garris, I don't want to be a **** disturber, but as you parked it and didn't complete the 30 laps (or however many you could have gotten done on CS tires), why should you be entitled to a large sum of money that will only benefit you more next race? If anything I'd say you should get the DNF/median winnings, and not the 20K.

You should be given the points and cash if you finish...not if you quit halfway.
why do you assume it's you ?

Garris, I don't want to be a **** disturber, but as you parked it and didn't complete the 30 laps (or however many you could have gotten done on CS tires), why should you be entitled to a large sum of money that will only benefit you more next race? If anything I'd say you should get the DNF/median winnings, and not the 20K.

You should be given the points and cash if you finish...not if you quit halfway.

If that were going to be the rule, then I could've just as easily stayed on the track. I pitted so I could just relax and be social and not cause any wrecks as people were lapping me.

I was tempted to back to the lobby and watch the race from there. I thought that was nice last season during the La Sarthe race. But I figured others might not've liked a spotter.

I wish I had've (had of) been in the lobby. I would've told some people to behave. Now I have to figure out an appropriate time penalty.

I will only adjusting points and not cash. And I don't know, yet, if the time penalty will be big enough to even affect positions. We'll see.

I really don't want the money though. If I had the right tires, then I think I could've finished between 7th and 9th. It isn't a lot of points, but I'd much rather have points. Next week is Autumn Ring and then Nurburgring. I don't expect to do well at them, so I wanted something more than five points this week.
If it is involving my case garris, there is no way the offender would've passed Diabolic or myself without cutting.
Unwanted rewards you can't find a use for? Money not burning a hole in your pocket? Looking for an outlet? Then do I have an offer for you. For the low low price of absolutely nothing, IKEA ELITE will take leftover rewards off your hands and out of your life. No questions asked! No purchase neccessary. Send PMs in the next 24 hours to any of our qualified members and you could find yourself inline for the extra added bonus gift! So call now. And dont forget to ask about our current special on Aero parts removal. Operators are standing by!

For the SUPER LOW PRICE of FREE!!!! Any IKEA member will take all excess funds you have earned and apply it to their vehicles, to give you an idea on how well your car could have been. You can PM any IKEA Elite member in the next 12 hours, before this excellent deal runs out!
But wait, there's more!!!!

If you act in the next ten minutes, that right folks, ten minutes!!!!! You can also get the extra deluxe super awesome and totally free slap in the face of Cujo outpacing you at Autumn Ring in a heavy FF! Wow wow wow. We didnt think we could offer this, but yes we can... yes we can... yes we can... yes we can...
But wait, there's more!!!!

If you act in the next ten minutes, that right folks, ten minutes!!!!! You can also get the extra deluxe super awesome and totally free slap in the face of Cujo outpacing you at Autumn Ring in a heavy FF! Wow wow wow. We didnt think we could offer this, but yes we can... yes we can... yes we can... yes we can...

I'll take that offer, the slapping Cujo in the face. That sounds good.
But wait, there's more!!!!

If you act in the next ten minutes, that right folks, ten minutes!!!!! You can also get the extra deluxe super awesome and totally free slap in the face of Cujo outpacing you at Autumn Ring in a heavy FF! Wow wow wow. We didnt think we could offer this, but yes we can... yes we can... yes we can... yes we can...

Care to back that up with a lap time Sir?