Lemons to Le Mans Season 3 Tuesday Series: Final Race, Tuesday 11 October 2011

  • Thread starter Vol Jbolaz
I thought we we're running 24HR cycle? Two laps light, probably 3 laps dark and the 2-3 laps light if I remember from last two seasons

@ Cujo--The races are lasting an hour on average. If we run 8ish minute laps we can run roughly 7 laps without going too far beyond an hour. 7 laps...8 laps, I'll be pitting once either way.

I'm betting my car is quite slow by comparison to most, Geezer. I spent half my budget on the expensive spoiler and mid grade suspension rather than on power. I was able to maintain a higher average top speed because of this. I'm currently running with 190HP and 422PP with the ballast and reduced aerodynamics.

ie- the spoiler on the FTO is 500, but I believe the MGF spoiler as 1500 or 2000. I dont quite remember.

@ Geezer-- Was your time with sports soft tires?

Why a spoiler on the FF FTO?
How? It becomes second nature after a while, nurb is still teaching me new tricks everyday, that's why we love her.
How? It becomes second nature after a while, nurb is still teaching me new tricks everyday, that's why we love her.

You're right....practice area 'ring down to 8:18 after doing a bunch of aborted practice laps. Still not as fast as some, but fast enough to get some points,
I hope.
So that'd be mid 8'20s in a lounge prolly... Gonna jump online sometime soon and give 'er a go..might just do a 7 lap race to see what the avg is.

Oh, and I'm going back to green I think..which if you think about it, is the combination of yellow and blue! IKEA!!!
I was feeling kind of bummed about Autumn Ring, but in all honesty, I had some of my best racing there. And I only lost 9th place on the last two laps. I was the last car driving (the two behind me parked it, and I'm not sure why, I was epically slow), but I finished only a lap down from the leaders. All in all, the field stayed relatively close. And looking at the cars, they seem to be close in PP.

Still, I feel the track selection this season is lacking since I expect the same drivers to finish again on the top at the 'ring. Since a single lap of the Nurburgring is so long, I will be starting qualifying at 9:00.

I've gotten just one request to look at the Autumn Ring replay. I'll try to do that this weekend. I'm reviewing cars and updating the spreadsheet right now.
If anyone is interested (I'm not sure when Pyxen will be running) I'll be running a 3 lap race at roughly 9:30PM EST. You can run cars from either night just so long as you run clean. I am going to put the damage on light this way folks will understand how much damage a simple clipping of the candy stripes can cause, but still have a chance at running at least 1 of the laps clean. I also think 3 laps should be long enough to formulate pit strategy for most cars.
The grid starts just before the pit exit and the first hairpin to the left. I'm going to say now:

Do not pass before the first corner.

When the race starts, we will move, in order, as though it is a parade lap. Do not pass until you are around the first corner. It is an hour long race on a very annoying course. Don't stuff anyone on the first corner.
8.17 with a couple spots I could straighten up (spins a little) so, I'm going to say 8.15's by myself.

I know you all are about 10 seconds faster, but I'm pleased.
I'm only about 5 seconds faster..so its definitely anyone's game. Haven't had that much time to test/practice, so we'll see how it goes! Ran a 8'06 hot lap in Practice, and a 8'14 standing start in my lounge.
I'm hovering around eight and three-quarters, so I'll be getting another 20,000 Cr. this week.

I'd like to think that I'll be fast next week at Suzuka, but I'm actually thinking that the whole field will be fast. I'm feeling like this Silvia is not as fast as my Talon from last season, and there are two FTOs this season that are faster than my Talon. The best I'm expecting over the next two races is mid-pack behind the fleet of crazy-fast FFs, and ofcourse the other Silvia.

Anyway, some notes for tonight:

Last week at Autumn Ring, I spent a few laps chasing Bobkat's Alfa. I was faster than him, but I couldn't find a opportunity to pass. If you watch the replay, you see more than one corner where I'm passing him on the straight but know I can't get by him before the corner, so I brake early and fall in behind him.

Later in the race Bender (miata_1) did the same thing to me. He was faster than me, but I held a clean line and he couldn't get by safely. Finally, on lap 39, I made a mistake entering a corner and he was able to sweep by me. And since he was faster for laps, I couldn't keep up.

It was quite fun racing. I bring it up, though, because tonight I want to stress, don't force a pass. The 'ring is not a purpose built race course. It is narrow and does not have a lot of good passing opportunities. You may have to follow a slower car until he makes a mistake or you can find a clean place to pass.

Just because you are faster does not mean you have any rights to get by. This is racing. Those that are slower through the corners can drive a defensive line to keep you from passing.

Having said that, we do follow the F1 blocking rules, so don't abuse it slower cars.

I've had to review the last two races. The ruling from last week has been challenged and is waiting further review. I do not want to have to review this week. Please, drive cleanly. If you cause an avoidable accident and force another driver off his line, please give back the position immediately.

And again, stay in order and file through the first turn. Do not pass until you are past the first corner.
Straight speed, I'm at 138, but I think my key is higher average speed. This little car, has me at almost full throttle the whole course, which is great for 3 of the 4 sectors.

Also, BOYS. DON'T GET GREEDY THIS FIRST SECTOR. I can't count how many times diabolic and I have had to lock it up and drift through sector one, when you get a guy up front that doesn't know how to handle the first sector on cold tires. Drag race down the uphill stretch, and pray you're outside when you get there. It will be interesting, just keep it in mind.
What speeds are you guys getting down the final straight? I can only get up to 148mph.

Yeah, I can break into the upper 150s by myself on the straight. My crappy lap time comes from not being nearly as aggressive as BTK and Diabolic can be during the rest of the course.

Well, part of it is me not being as aggressive. I imagine that while BTK and Diabolic can be faster than me in my own Silvia, they still won't be as fast in my Silvia as they will be in their own cars.
Yeah, I can break into the upper 150s by myself on the straight. My crappy lap time comes from not being nearly as aggressive as BTK and Diabolic can be during the rest of the course.

Well, part of it is me not being as aggressive. I imagine that while BTK and Diabolic can be faster than me in my own Silvia, they still won't be as fast in my Silvia as they will be in their own cars.

Confused. Is this an insult, or a compliment? I've ran two practice laps, which I ran in your lounge last night, and that was the first time I had touched this car all week. If this is a compliment, well thank you!

EDIt: No new parts this week, time to piggy bank.
Confused. Is this an insult, or a compliment? I've ran two practice laps, which I ran in your lounge last night, and that was the first time I had touched this car all week. If this is a compliment, well thank you!

EDIt: No new parts this week, time to piggy bank.

Well, I guess it is a compliment in that you are better than me.

What I'm really saying that most of my slowness is me and part of it is my car. Even if I were as good a driver as you, your car still has mine beat on this course.

I think my car should have yours beat on the next two courses. The question is: is the difference in cars (mine better than yours) enough to make up for the difference in drivers (you better than me)?
When it comes to the ring, despite its long length, there are very few places one can actually make a pass on a driver that knows the course. Most of the turns alternate so if you get a run on someone it inevitably puts you in the wrong position for the next turn. You WILL have to lift off the throttle continuously if you are following someone and the best tactic is usually to wait them out. They will do one of two things. They will push hard because you are behind them and make a mistake. Or they will slow down too much and give you easy opportunities to quickly slingshot past. Just remember, even if you get around them, you may not be fast enough to pull away...in which case your hard work riding their bumper and trying to pass might be negated by the long straight at the end of the lap.
What speeds are you guys getting down the final straight? I can only get up to 148mph.

Mach one

The fto will be good, not sure ill be able to keep up over the long haul. Key tonight, not being in wrecks. Forget speed, it doesn't matter how fast your car can go if your damaged up to the hilt
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You'd reach mach two if you weren't carrying Casey Anthony's dead baby in your trunk the whole race. Pull over and dump it in the river. There's a great dumping spot on the side of Trial Mountain. Just don't let the fisherman see you. Leave no witnesses!

wtf Huyler??

I can hit ~157 on the small downhill section after the long straight - 152(ish) bridge to bridge..gotta do a bit more testing before tonight tho. I agree the trick will be consistency.
If you see a tow truck on your rearview mirror, don't try to race it. It will probably be on its way to pick up my car.