- 2,600
- Saint Louis
- diabolicwyvern
2'01.xxx was leading last night, but I bet someone with $$ invested from last race break 2'00.. I will be running 2'04s and hoping for no worse then 6th. With only 213HP...speed is not one of my better attributes.
Two laps longer and Cujo and I would have had Miata. I'm still a bit peeved about his strategy. I asked last week about his braking and never got an answer. I was several seconds faster each lap but was never given the opp. to pass. I couldnt go risk two wide in the rain and he knew that so he went 12 mph through the corners and just used his cars speed on the straight to get back ahead. I despise that logic. Had he let me by...
What lap times do we need to run @ Daytona road course to be competitive next tues.? I'm @ 2:02 today.
I wish I could take full credit for your complements concerning my defensive driving.As the OLR's state " A leading driver can drive any line which they feel is the most inconvenient for any following car to try to pass them."
I'm really just driving the way my car dictates. My Altezza is a luxury sedan not a sports car.
the official 24 Hours of LeMons Rules and Regulations verbatim.
3) tires: These cars are painfully slow and racing tires just don't belong on them. Or at least racing mediums and racing softs. I'd rather see the season end on racing hard tires and have multiple races on the other compounds before reaching that.
I just don't see how regulating by liter is going to make a difference, everyone will now be searching every car for the lightest one. I say the PP is the best way to regulate it. But, if we're going to do two classes, one atleast needs to be below 340pp, because by the end of the season, we would have cars in the slow class that are faster than cars in the big class. It will cause a HUGE crash.
Also, for the comment on worst drivers. I would bet you, that all the "good" drivers (kind of wrong to call them that, let's say more experienced) will get in the slower class
I hate to say it, but i'm beginning to lose interest. With the sand bagging and inconsistent driving, there just isn't much action on the track. Either i'm too slow to keep up, or too fast for anyone to chase me. I'd like to see some significant changes next season to improve things and make each race more like the season opener.
Anyway, to comment on Bowtie and diabolic's suggestions...
I'm all for starting on Comfort Mediums, we need two races on Comfort tires, because it just seems that we do one race on a hard compound, and then we step up into a whole new level. I say we drop the rain race, and keep Hards at the end. If we need to we might do the rain race at the very end, to level out all the Super crazy fast cars. This would be very interesting.
If we drop La Sarthe, that means we need to rename the series though, and then we should never repeat tracks season after season. Atleast keep one, or constantly change them, so nobody has an advantage of remembering old shortcuts, etc.
Also, a fun round might be to do a no-pit track like London with damage on light. The focus would be on tire conservation...but instead of an enduro, we could do 4 15 minute races. I'd do an enduro, but it wouldn't be fair for the FF crowd.
It seems to me, that if we come up with a good formula, that just limiting the PP for each race would make the comp alot closer. Say the lowest PP is 400 and the top PP and the top PP is 450 use the average as a limit. The limit for each race would, of course, increase for each race. This would also cut down on the sand bagging because the field would be closer in PP as everyone has at least an easier chance of finishing higher for more points thus tightening the gaps.
It seems to me, that if we come up with a good formula, that just limiting the PP for each race would make the comp alot closer. Say the lowest PP is 400 and the top PP and the top PP is 450 use the average as a limit. The limit for each race would, of course, increase for each race. This would also cut down on the sand bagging because the field would be closer in PP as everyone has at least an easier chance of finishing higher for more points thus tightening the gaps.
I summed everything up last night with bowtie like these:
Next season will be great if before it starts, at least one of us thinks about giving a Kei car a chance. If someone thinks...A kei car might just work If that thinking is mutual among drivers it will mean the starting PP is low enough and the track selection is just right. I dont know precisely what the courses should be or what the power/tires ought be, but I know I'd like to give a kei car a second look before next season. (We would probably need to make transmissions free though since top speed will suffer in the little guys)
Thank you. I say we take a poll on the PP. I also don't think you should stick a more experienced driver in the fast class. I WANT a slow car, lol. The thought of having a 500pp lemons car doesn't register in my mind.
Yes, please, read that again: if we both took Kei cars, you'd win. If you took a Kei car and I didn't (say I take a 1.4-1.6 L roadster, like an old Triumph, or maybe Yaris or something), then you may or may not win. That's all I'm going for, the possibility that I can be competitive.
Why dont you read what I said. I didnt want anyone to be in a Kei car. I wasnt talking about cars at all. If you read, I'm stating that I'd like the starting power/tires/track to make a driver THINK about it. Really, read it. Its all there. I state I would like to give a Kei car a second looks...means I'd be THINKING about it because of how the season was set up...not that I'd abadon chances of winning and hop for one.
I feel like a personal trainer saying this, but I'm starting to get a funny feeling that folks just want to have a fun race week in and week out. Isnt that what clubs and spot races are for. I want to better by decision making, better my strategy, better my ability overall with the game. Does everyone else want to get better? Dont answer, it should be rhetorical.
Maintaining momentum in a car that requires precision will translate to better lap times in ALL cars because it speeds up thought process and reaction. Looking ahead to the following corner while you're approaching the preceding. Its chess on wheels with improvement the ultimate goal. If we keep the gap between available cars the way it is and slower drivers hop for quicker cars, they wont gain much if anything. Meanwhile the rich get richer as faster drivers gain experience honing skills like maintaining momentun, theres that word again, to keep up with the lead cars.
Perhaps next season, tuesday can be the experimental night. Try whatever you wish and if something positive comes about, we could keep it for future use.
Driver ability is the most important thing no matter what cars are used or what track is selected.
Driver ability is the most important thing no matter what cars are used or what track is selected.
I really don't think we can find a system that will allow drivers to win who cannot keep the car on the track for 60 minutes. Any attempts to make things easier, such as picking easier tracks or reordering things, just make it easier for everyone. If we pick slow tracks thinking speed is the issue, precision drivers run circles around beginners. If we pick fast tracks thinking some room to stretch the engine will help the novice drivers, they just miss their braking points and fly off the track.
I'll start with the first idea, closing up the points. I think it is a good idea, but I think everyone will have more fun if we split the field into two classes, and I think that will accomplish the same thing.
The pp level we are at, I dont think you can make a big enough gap for bad driving.
You would have to be close to 150pp higher than the leaders are at IMHO.
Another note. I dont know how many of the bottom drivers do any other races online. I do some, maybe 20-25 a week outside of the 450pp room. I win about 90% of the time. Im not saying im a great driver, but Diabolic, BTK, Huyler, and Cujo are by far the fastest people I race with online.